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Parol education which lies in the basal period of language and lecture education in school, is an organic component of the education of language and lecture subject, and lays the cornerstone of life.
    To develop manpower in harmony, we confirm the object of parol education in kindergarten: the object of solid-state strength development should make the physiological quality, the knowledge reserve and the cultivation accumulation develop unitedly; the object of active strength development includes the development of physical strength, intellect and mental strength of children; based on the solid-state strength and active strength ,we should develop the parol creative power of children.
    According to the rationality, the validity of the content of children's parol study and the correlation with the object, we divide the content of parol education into such three fundamental parts as the accumulation of pronunciation and vocabulary, the drilling of listening and speaking, the training of reading and writing. The main information that children absorb and study in parol education is parol material. According to the object of parol education, the content and the growing special feature of children, the material of parol education can be separated into two sorts. One is the special material of parol education, the other is the infiltrative. Redacting the special material, we should have regard for the poetical logic of children. In order to find and make full use of the parol education opportunities in
    daily life, we should adopt the infiltrative materials and offer children a abundant colorful systematic parol experience.
    The operation of parol education mainly involves the adoption of teaching method and the appliance of teaching medium. The establishment of the object of manpower development and the use of two sorts of material make it necessary to apply new teaching method, such as, combining action with static study, integrating liberty with restriction and relating teachers to children. The exploitation of teaching medium in kindergarten is plentiful, we should flexibly choose and combine various teaching media in the in sake of the best effect of parol education. The cartoon which attracts children deeply is worthy of our particular attention.
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