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With the economic globalization, integration acceleration , and the implementation of sustained development view, the rapid development of science technology promotes the growth of the world economy since the twenty-first century. The economic competition among a nation or the districts has gradually turned into the competition among the regions. The regional innovation system and the high-tech industry cluster have become two important factors that are the key to the regional economy development. The organization model and the management method only to the cluster create the environment promoting the high-tech achievement industrialization, which has become the focus of regional economy development on active production factors, remarkable technique innovation, and outstanding talented person effect. Therefore, studying the interactive relations between regional innovation system and high-tech industry cluster has become the hot topic among the field of theory and business.
     The target of this paper is to reveal the interactive process and effect between regional innovation system and high-tech industry cluster, allocating the system resources to make them coordinated development and attaining win to win.
     Based on regional economic theory, high-tech theory, technique innovation theory, and industry cluster theory for guide, taking the connotation and the features of regional innovation system and high-tech industry cluster as the point of departure, starting with the relationship between them, and taking the interactive relationship of them as main line, the function and harmony mechanism for core, and the interactive mechanism evaluation for guarantee, the interactive mechanism is deeply and systematically studied between regional innovation system and high-tech industry cluster.
     On basis of studying and assimilating the latest achievements in scientific research, the connotation, the function, and the operation mechanism of regional innovation system and high-tech industry cluster are analyzed respectively, the frame of regional innovation system is constructed based on high-tech industry cluster which is regarded as the important carrier of implementation innovation and as the valid channel of raising innovation performance, meanwhile, the external supports are provided for implementation innovation through ability to organize resources, thus, the whole frame of interactive mechanism between regional innovation system and high-tech industry cluster is set up. By analyzing the mechanism of high-tech industry cluster effect on regional innovation system. The reasons of the mechanism formation are analyzed from the perspective of theories, and the operation process is revealed from the perspective of structural factors. On basis of theory of coordination and organization, with the aid of the data from high-tech regions, the models of inference and error correction which are the high-tech industry cluster contribution rate to the output of innovation are builded, the relationship between them is expounded, and the relationship of cause and effect is further tested through analysis of Granger cause and effect. The mechanism of the system on the cluster is analyzed from the perspectives of the social capital, the regional economy, and the other factors that influence regional economy; the Brusselator model of interactive evolution is established with the help of theory of dissipative structure, and the dynamic relationship is further analyzed. The coordination mechanism between regional innovation system and high-tech industry cluster is analyzed in depth, the model of coordinative development is established, the model of the five flows linkage is built on basis of coordinative theory between regional innovation system and high-tech industry cluster, and the sequent relevance and the coordinative mechanism are described between them by making use of sequence parameter. The ways of promoting both coordinated development are to be analyzed from the policy, finance, technique, and system coordination. The comprehensive evaluation system of the interactive mechanism is established, the evaluation index system of the operation performance is designed, the comprehensive evaluation model of the interactive mechanism operation performance is built based on fuzzy integral, and the operation performance is analyzed in this thesis. Finally, the counter measures promoting interactive development between regional innovation system and high-tech industry cluster are put forward from macro regulation and control and micro infrastructure.
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