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Cross-cultural news coverage is a blend which is increasingly interacted by cross-cultural communication and international communication. Compared to the latter two discipline which possesses relatively clearer disciplinary boundaries and longer course of its development, cross-cultural news coverage seems to be a "fashionable" reference. We could also deem cross-cultural news coverage as a branch of cross-cultural communication studies.
     In fact, we have led cross-cultural news coverage into our vision long long ago. In the wave of globalization, we have become accustomed to the international communication of the mass media from different cultures. Cross-cultural news coverage, which is differ from international communication, emphasis on cultural diversity and the freedom of Journalism and Communication based on the equality of sovereignty and the order of information and communication. It is a news coverage on the basis of consultation, communication and understanding between different cultures as well as different countries. In the process of cross-cultural news coverage, it is very common that a variety of cultural and ideological differences have led to cognitive conflict and different reports framework. With these cognitive differences and different frameworks regards to Diaoyu Island incident presented by traditional media reports and differences of interpretation which based on the former one, I believe, it is still far from achieving the ideal state of cross-cultural news coverage. So many obstacles in cross-cultural news coverage have led to the fact that the exchange between countries from different cultures is exceptionally difficult. This means that it is high time that we need to reflect on this very issue.
     Generally speaking, cross-cultural news coverage we have proposed here refers to the traditional media which includes print media, electronic media while at the same time does not include online media and other new media. So, what would happen in the frontier of cross-cultural news coverage when we have entered into the era of new media? With the rapid development of media technology, media community is already taking shape. In the context of technology and social transformation, news products and content creation and distribution has long been out of the situation and now operate through a single but comprehensive medium. Convergence media is further accelerating its pace and thus have provided the possibility of the integration of traditional media and new media, the construction of the public space of the network coming from the theory of Habermas and the formation of the platform on which public opinion could be discussed freely and in a more diversified way. Ergo, Ordinary citizens in civil society not only could focus on the domestic events through such a network platform, which is a process of self-empowerment, but also understand and participate in the discussion of international cross-cultural news events through this new platform. It seems that it has brought a ray of hope to the cross-cultural news coverage. However, with the analysis and research that have been done, I hold the view that in the era of new media, the sudden emergence of the cyber-nationalism is now a new phaenomenon. we need to be alert to the narrow chauvinism though network nationalism could evoke a sense of national identity and the imagination of the national community. In a sense, it hinders the cross-cultural exchange of news dissemination.
     At the same time, I found that the cross-cultural news coverage process in various countries only exerts a weak transformation on the power of discourse regarding to the international cultural output of the hot events. And if we take the report of hot international incidents from various countries as examples, it is easy to say that the subject is still committed to the praise to the mainstream discourse.
     With the development of market economy and the concept of the rule of law, China has begun to enter the era of neo-authoritarianism since it has initiated the policy of reform and opening up. The remarks of media has shifted from the previous one of "the words belonged to one "to the direction of "distilled from diversified angle". Also, the power of discourse has shifted from the previous "official voice" to the "public opinion". And the power of discourse also inadvertently changed from top to bottom to the combination of the upper and lower. However, it is a pity that, especially when it comes to political events of the party, the national ideology still plays a role in shaping the fact that the official discourse of the national level is still above the civil discourse from the civil society. Therefore, we believe that the trend of discourse changing and eliminating imbalances of the previous cross-cultural news coverage is still ambiguous.
     In fact, the fundamental way of the coverage of international hot events from both the new media or traditional media is still based on the old fashion that the media of course should serve the state power, and explicitly or implicitly express the voice of the state or the ruling party. Hong Kong scholar Jack Qiu once used a word "expanded media ecosystem" to describe this situation. It means that the two media forms in practice is not strictly mutually isolated, but mutually penetrated. Cross-cultural news dissemination of traditional media is not necessarily pessimistic, and new media in the cross-cultural journalism and communication may not necessarily be able to bring hope. We can not repeat the mistakes of the media of technological determinism. The media is just merely a reproduction set, which tells us that the operational logic behind the media will not change even if the media forms changed. We then could have the conclusion that the media from Japan, and the U.S. is basically on the same routine with China in the performance of reporting international events. The media as a subsystem of society of the whole organic system is bound to service for the entire system. As can be seen, this is a typical Parsons structural functionalism. Based on both cultural values and the structural pressure from the system, the media and its main editorial staff lost its due subjectivity when covering the incident reports, which is the very reason that why cross-cultural communication is nothing but in helplessness.
     However, in the face of such a helpless reality, we are not in vain, not just wait to die. After completing the analysis of traditional media coverage and its framework in the event of the Diaoyu Islands issue, and using of the the face theory of intercultural communication, social and cultural factors, and ideological factors in political communication on the above issues as well as text analysis to describe the result of these differences, and exploring the pros and cons of cross-cultural news coverage in the era of new media, the author summed up the path of the possibility of the coverage of news about cross-cultural from the more specific practical level. That is, the so-called cross-cultural news coverage concept formed in the context of cross-cultural dissemination. Then, we know that, Not just reporters and editors are the people who should achieve journalistic professionalism in worldwide, we, ourselves, as a part of human culture, also has a responsibility to understand the cross-cultural dynamics and the intersubjectivity of cultural diversity in order to better services in cross-cultural journalism and communication.
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