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Since the raise of the strategic goal to establish an innovative nation and the advancement of building nationally technological innovation system, technological innovation plays an increasingly more significant role in universities and government-industry-academic technological innovation system which includes universities as a part. It has brought marked changes to universities’inner structure, means of organization, and management mode. Meanwhile, it has become to be strategic necessity of universities which is essential to their development. Nonetheless, for universities’technological innovation in our nation, there is not healthy environment of technological market. There are series of problems in the process of universities’transformation of scientific and technological achievement, including low efficiency, even failures, which results in the phenomenon, the low transformation rate of scientific and technological achievement, considered as“dead valley”. The issue of how to resolve problems in the process of achievement transformation and in turn, to achieve sustainably strategic match between universities’technological innovation and the transformation of its achievement, and that between universities’innovation and transformation system and national innovation system connected with government-industry-academic, is necessary to be concerned in the strategy of building an innovative nation. According to this issue, this paper makes a research on construction, revolution, and appraisement of universities’management capability of technology (UMCOT) from the perspective of strategy and capability, aiming to provide theoretical reference and practical experience for universities’technological innovation and the building of transformation system.
     Focusing on the content concerning construction and management control, this paper makes a review of relative research about UMCOT. First of all, UMCOT, the core of this paper, is defined, analyzing its characteristics, roles, functions, and comparing it with other relative definitions. Subsequently, relative theories about UMCOT are studied, including endogen capability, exogenesis capability, strategic structure and their impacts on construction of this capability. Based on the achievement of studying these materials, the research content and system frame of this capability is further analyzed, and a four-factor, tri-dimension structure model of UMCOT system is established. This is followed by the analysis of dynamic formation process of UMCOT. According to the control relationship of“input-transformation-output-feedback”, a control model related to dynamic process of UMCOT is built, and a theoretically analytical model of UMCOT management control is further established.
     Since the definition of UMCOT is introduced from the perspective of strategic configuration in strategic management, this paper analyzes the relativity between UMCOT and sustainably strategic match, along with the role of strategy match UMCOT playing in integration process of government, industry, and academic. In order to explore the means by which to raise UMCOT, research on revolution mechanism of UMCOT is carried out, analyzing theory base, self-organization of its revolution, and demonstrating four factors which give rise to capability revolution of technological elites and the revolution process. Having built revolution-promotion model of UMCOT, route and strategy of UMCOT revolution-promotion is analyzed further. Subsequently, with concern about international practice of building and developing research universities, UMCOT revolution mode during the development of research universities is analyzed, which provides references for universities to build research universities by construction and promotion of UMCOT.
     An assessment model of UMCOT adaption is built. Having analyzed its theoretical base, framework and means of operation, an index system for evaluation of UMCOT is established, appraising UMCOT by extension fuzzy AHP (analytic hierarchy process) method. Appraisement of UMCOT adaption provides the opportunities to management the adaption of various behaviors and measures during the process of technology management, thereby promoting its level and efficiency.
     In the end, this paper makes an empirical case study about impacts of strategic adaption on UMCOT of Harbin Institute of Technology. This study aims to objectively explore the problems existing in constructing and promoting system of UMCOT. It also empirically tests evaluation of UMCOT adaption, the process of assessing UMCOT maturity, route selection and strategy of revolution and promotion, thereby providing references for construction of UMCOT to other universities.
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