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Quality is a key to higher education and teaching quality is the soul and lifeline of the institutions of higher education. As the means of management, assessing is the important guarantee of improving educational teaching quality. With the promotional reforms of higher education structure in China and the implementation of two levels of university-school management model, the teaching assessment of the school level becomes important means for proceeding with macro-management, checking the teaching quality and efficiency in university management, weighing the quality of talented person training. Therefore, regarding the school-level teaching assessment of university as the quality guarantee means, this thesis has carried out on the discussion from the both sides of theory and practice by paying attention to teaching quality.
    Theoretical research of school-level teaching assessment in the university; As the omni-directional assessment of strengthening macro-control and promoting self-improvement, it should introduce the management idea of people first, fully arouse three pieces of enthusiasm and make the school into positive cycle of self-development. In the process of implementing the second level teaching assessment, must follow such basic principles as the idea going ahead of the rest, catching the key, stressing characteristic, operating easily, unifying of responsibility, right and benefit so as to ensure the smooth development of the assessment. The assessing scheme is the basis of implementing the teaching assessment of the school and the assessing system is the core of assessing scheme. It should investigate the thoughts and ideas of running a school, accurately grasp the key assessing norm, reflect the requirement of educational teaching law so as to simplify the operation of assessment practice, help to form the main po
    ints which weigh the optimum norm system according to the characteristic of running a school and pay attention to the reform construction after assessing.
    Practice research of school-level teaching assessment in university. Through the analysis of documents, relevant comparison, questionnaire investigation and considering the insufficient place of the norm system of institution-level
    teaching assessment in university, this thesis put forward the suggestion of revising the current assessing norm system: adding the assessing norms which reflect the difference of different branching of learning, adding the assessing norms which reflect students' satisfaction, strengthening the content and weight of social assessment. Countering the problems existing in the work of the teaching assessment of the second level schools, it has proposed such steps as guiding to different types and stressing the characteristic, improving the university and the school appraisal agency, proposing the assessing requests to teaching, learning and administering, fully making use of the Internet to collect assessment information, setting up perfect feedback etc, so that does good to the perfecting of teaching assessment work in the second level schools.
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