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     城市生态系统是一个复杂的大系统,内部各种条件因素相互联系,相互作用,为了尽可能理清各因素之间的关系,论文采用DPSIRM模型框架研究城市生态安全状况。DPSIRM模型(Driving force-Pressure-State-Impact-Response-Management,驱动力-压力-状态-影响-响应-管理)是一种因果网络模型,是论文研究的重要部分。
     (5)多约束性地理元胞自动机(Cellular Automata,CA)与城市化、城市生态安全
To greatly promote urbanization is a preferred strategy in many developing countries, but the ecological problems caused by rapid urbanization concern the society. Ecological security has drawn high attention of the international community. There is a coupling and coercive relationship between urbanization and urban ecological environment. This kind of cross-coupling relation can be regarded as an on-limits and non-equilibrium dynamic fluctuating system with non-linear interaction and self-organization capability. How to coordinate the relationship between urbanization and the ecological environment has become a major concern for academic communities and government decision-making departments.
     At present, scholars of different professional backgrounds, from both home and aboard, tend to focus their studies in this field from the following aspects like applied research of urban development, internal city ecological environment, urban ecological system and evaluation of urban ecological security vulnerability. Few of them combine and couple spatially and temporally the process of urbanization and the corresponding process of ecological security together, from the aspect of multi-constraints to eco-environmental safety, and do elementary studies in this field. And few do analyses from the internal of the city the spatial and temporal differences of urban quality, urban ecological security, and coupling between urbanization and urban ecological security.
     Dalian City, which is located at the southern tip of Northeast China, neighboring the Yellow Sea to the east and Bohai Sea to the west, facing Shandong Peninsula across the sea, connected to Northeast China, is a peninsula city surrounded on three sides by the sea. Along with the revival of northeast old industrial base and the development of the coastal economic belt in Liaoning Province, the city is enjoying a fast urbanization, which has brought greater stress to the original ecological environment. Taking the mutual effects of urbanization and ecological environment as main thread, correlative theories of geography, environmental science, geographic information science, ecology and sociology, etc as support, this thesis adopts a combination method of theoretical research and empirical analysis, and on the basis of studying the mutual effects of urbanization of Dalian City and its ecological security, studies empirically space-time mutual coupling mechanism between urbanization and ecological security as well as its regularity. And on this basis, the thesis attempts to propose solutions to the conflicts between urbanization and ecological security, and realize the corresponding measures of Dalian for a sustainable development of both the city and its ecological security. This thesis mainly discusses:
     (1) Research of Urbanization and Urbanization Measurement
     The narrow understanding of urbanization lead to the fact that the research of urbanization and urbanization measurement is much behind the development of urbanization. It can be seen from the following aspects: urban surface process camp strength - the misunderstandings in the concept of urbanization; lack of a unified and comprehensive indicator system for urbanization measurement; lack of a systematic quantitative research of the three-dimensional growth of the city; the systematic, quantitative research of urbanization of central urban area should be strengthened. Search on theories of urbanization and its measurement is the focus of this thesis.
     (2)Urban ecological security and urban ecological evaluation
     Urban ecosystem is a complex and large-scale system, inside witch the factors and conditions are connected with and affect each other. In order to make the relationship between various factors as clear as it could be, the thesis adopts the DPSIRM model to study the urban ecological security situation. DPSIRM model that is Driving force-Pressure-State-Impact-Response-Management, the driving force - pressure - state - impact - response - Management, is a causal network model, and is an important part in the thesis.
     (3) Spatial Information Vector Gird System
     Spatial information vector gird, combined with spatial and temporal coupling evaluation model, is the basis of the research of urbanization, urban ecological security, and spatial-temporal coupling research of urbanization and urban ecological security. It is also an important part of this thesis.
     (4) Urbanization and urban ecological security coupled model
     The degree of coupling between urbanization and ecological environment is to measure the coupling degree of the two sub-systems: the city and the ecological environment in the large system of the city's development in its different stages, which is the core of the thesis.
     (5) Cellular Automata and urbanization, urban ecological security
     To take advantage of the combination of CA and GIS to imitate the spatial evolution of urbanization and urban ecological security, and to control and optimize the city's development through certain constraints and conditions is feasible technically and of great practical significance. This is also the core content of the thesis.
     (6)Research of coupling between urbanization and urban ecological security, the sustainable development of the city
     Based on the coupling features of urbanization and ecological security of Dalian City, to provide decision-making and intellectual support for the city's sustainable development is an important part of this thesis.
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