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Carelessness in exams is very popular and even hard to overcome for students in primary school and high school, characterized in avoidable mistakes and sometimes even some questions unnoticed and unanswered, despite their well mastery of the relevant knowledge and skills. Carelessness in exams is not inborn, but developed with bad study habits. The irrational distribution of psychological capacity in the course of an examination, caused by bad study habits, restrains the sense perceptivity of reading and the productivity of mind, hence negligence and carelessness in exams. The researcher hypothesizes that by developing good study habits, students can balance the irrational distribution of psychological energy in the course of the operation of intelligence and skill, strengthen the sense perceptivity of reading and the productivity of mind, and minimize and gradually avoid negligence and carelessness. Writing exercise is an effective way to good study habits. Adequate typography exercise is helpful for students to develop good study habits, and to overcome carelessness in exams. The study reveals the researcher is justified in his hypothesis: typography exercise helps to overcome carelessness in exams, especially in mathematic exams.
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