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Tobacco agriculture is a main component of agriculture in China. Tobacco agriculture plays a very important basic role in tobacco industry. Under the background that tobacco ecological security may well be of greater concern, the traditional mode of agriculture production restricts farmer return and has a negative impact on the environment, we must construct new tobacco production paradigms. Modern tobacco circular agriculture is a kind of development paradigm suitable for the modern tobacco agriculture that favors tobacco leaf quality improvement, increases farmers'income and protect the ecological environment by recycling organic waste of tobacco production, adjusting and optimizing industrial structure of tobacco agricultural. As a traditional tobacco planting region, there is large of tobacco planting in Xiushui unit of Bijie area. Tobacco planting is the main source of income of the local farmers. To some extent Xiushui unit represents tobacco planting regions in China. This article establishes a new pattern named of "Integration of Animal-Methane-Tobacco" as well as a set of operational mechanism in modern tobacco circular agriculture. It also establishes a set of comprehensive evaluation index system to improve the theory and guiding the practice of modern tobacco circular agriculture.
     In this model, modern tobacco agriculture is regarded as a system that includes three level subsystems:small circulatory system composed of modern tobacco circular agriculture park, middling circulatory system composed of modern tobacco circular agriculture demonstration plot and large circulatory system that contains subsystems of tobacco agriculture production, processing industry, consumption and living of resident. Under the limitation of ecological threshold, material and energy of subsystem should be matched in accordance with the conversion rule of material and energy for achieving desirable ecological effect. Resources should be allocated reasonably for improving economic benefit.
     Participation of behavioral actors is the basis of the system running. This article analyses the motivation of farmers by using logistic regression. The result shows that farmers' educational level, income structure, information quantity and quality of professional services are the important factors which influence farmers' willingness. Comparative income function shows that profit, technical and institutional are the influence factors of enterprise' behavior. A three party game model between government, enterprise and farmer is structured. Nash mixed strategy equilibrium solution of the model got the following enlightenment:the government should subsidize tobacco circulation agriculture park, establish insurance supply system as well as provide authentication and information assistance to guide farmer and enterprise participating in modern tobacco circulation agriculture. Cooperative can link farmer, enterprise and government effectively. Service cooperative which farmer joins it by "a specific agreement constraints of land use right" is suitable in traditional tobacco painting area.
     Operational mechanism can ensure effective running of the system. This article designs a set of operational mechanism include of organizational structure, fund raising mechanism, incentive mechanism, allocation mechanism and risk-control mechanism. Organizational structure includes decision-making department management and administration department. Incentive mechanism is designed by using the principal-agent theory. Three-grade-profit distribution mechanism is established on the basis of property right. Allocation model of cooperation and management team shows that sharecropping is suitable.
     Evaluation index system is used to measure the running effect of the system. The evaluation index system is established by the Delphi method and weight coefficient is determined using AHP. The index data is standardized by using traditional tobacco agriculture data as the standard. Evaluation result shows that the modern tobacco agricultural circulating system is superior to the traditional tobacco agriculture system.
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