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The studies on the mechanism of heterosis will greatly influence to the selection and application of breeding in hybrid cotton. However, the genetic mechanism of heterosis in seed cotton yield has not yet been able to achieve breakthroughs in progress because of its complexity, therefore, will embark the studies on the physiological mechanism from the phenotype analysis of yield and corrective physiological process will be the effective way to finally reveal the heterosis heredity mechanism.
     Emphasized on studying the heterosis in output of seed cotton and the physiological basis of heterosis for yield by using three transgenic Bt pest-resistant cotton hybrids Nankang3, Lumianyan15 and Xiangzamian3 and their parents. The heterosis for yield and the actions which factors of yields played in the yield heterosis under three different environments have been investigated systematically, and the relationship between the heterosis in physiological process and the yield heterosis was introduced also respectively from anatomy, the photosynthesis physiology, and the physiology suffer from high temperature adverse circumstance. The objective of the present study was to evaluated the physiological basis and accumulate data for the heterosis heredity mechanism studies and to provide guidelines for hybrid selective breeding. Results are summarized as follows:
     1. The yield was significantly influenced by the ecological condition.However, the tendency of F_1 heterosis performance had small environmental effect. The seed cotton output was signicantantly positively related to number of bolls per plant(0.745**) at 1% level of probability and boll weight(0.706*) at 5% level probability. The source of heterosis of yield in three hybrids rooted in over better-parent heterosis for the number of boll per plant and also in boll weight or based on the combination of mid-parent heterosis in number of boll per plant and boll weight. There was obvious difference in rate of five-cabins boll between different genotypes, but also was influenced by the environmental effect. The rate of five-cabins boll had signifcantant positively related to boll weight(0.610*) at 5% level of probability. The average boll weight of the five-canbins boll was higher than four -cabins boll for 17.43%. The hybrids and the parents had the remarkable difference in the constitution of the befor hot-boll、hot-boll and autum-boll. The heterosis in number of boll per plant exhibited before hot-boll > hot-boll > autum-boll with consistent in three hybrids. The heterosis in number of boll per plant of befor hot-boll and hot-boll constituted the main source of heterosis in number of boll per plant, specially for proportion of before hot-boll, but the little heterosis in autum-boll number of boll per plant. The heterosis of number of boll per plant maybe associate with the heterosis in boll retention of before hot-boll.
     2. There were significant differences between hybrid and its parents of Nankang3、Lumianyan15 and Xiangzamian3 in distribution of vascular bundles in the leaf nervures of the functional leaf(the fourth from top)in main stem during flowering stage. Three types of vascular bundles, three-offshoot, two-offshoot and no-offshoot were observed in leaf nervures of all tested materials. These were three-offshoot type in three hybrids and one of their parents, implying that the three-offshoot type was inherited dominantly., suggesting that there existed transgressive or mid-parent heterosis in all hybrids. The toal area of stomata per unit leaf area was a useful index for characteristic of stoma. The heterosis for the ratio of palisade tissue to spongy tissue which was 1.12~1.15 and the transgressive heterosis in toal area of stomata per unit leaf area on down leaf surface maybe the basis of heterosis for photosynthesis. There was significant positive correlation between leaf stalk of fruit branch and boll stalk in the number of vessel and area of a vessel, demonstrated that the leaves on fruit branch have more contribution to the boll development than functional leaves in stem(R~2_1=0.4791*, R~2_2=0.4702*).
     3 Two photosynthesis diurnal patterns were observed among Xiangzamian3 hybrids and their parents during flowering stage, of which Xiangzamian3 hybrids and male belonged to one-peak pattern and female showed a bimodal diurnal pattern. Hybrids showed significant over better-parents heterosis on photosynthesis. The biggest heterosis for photosynthetic rate in reciprocal hybrids was respectively 27.34% and 43.13% which were observed during 13:00-17:00. The over better-parent heterosis in photosynthesis was positively related to light intensity(0.861**), and secondly to humidity(-0.717**) and thirdly air temperature(0.667*) at 1% or 5% level of probability. The source of heterosis for photosynthesis was not from the heterosis for the max photosynthesis but for ability of keeping the max photosynthesis under high temperature and light conditions. It was probable that there was affinity between heterosis on photosynthesis and heterosis in ability of leaf temperature depressing. It was concluded that the over better-parent heterosis for photosynthesis under high temperatures and light.was physiological basis of yield.
     4 The general heritability in the broad sense of the total pigment content (the SPAD value) was respectively 10.71% and 30.14%, of which the functional leaf(the fourth from top)in main stem and the first fruit branch leaveses during flowering stage. The general heritability in the broad sense of boll weight、lint percentage and seed index respectively was 93.33%、91.63% and 87.60%. The boll weight was usefull traits as a potential selective for breeding in early stage because of its biggest genetic variance coefficient and highest general heritability in the broad sense. The SPAD value of fruit branch leaves had significant relativity with seed cotton output(0.163*)、lint cotton yield(0.139**)、boll weight(0.148**) and the number of bolls per plant(0.167*), which was considered as a referenced target for photosynthetic physiology breeding. Mid-parent heterosis of Nankang3 obverse F_1 in photosynthetic rate under saturated light was observed in three different environments. The photosynthesis characteristic of hybrid maybe belong to cytoplasmic inheritance, and should pay great attention to the selection of female parent with high photosynthesis characteristic. Owing the low light compensation point(LCP) and high light saturation point(LSP) possibly was the basis of heterosis in photosynthesis characteristic under different environment. The relationship of the chlorophyll b content and the chlorophyll a/b ratio were possibly affinity with the photosynthesis.
     5 The upper critical temperature of pollen germination on the stigma of Nankang3 male was distributed during 35℃~40℃, and of which Nankang3 reciprocal hybrids and their parents were during 40℃~45℃. The upper critical temperature of pollen tube grow in pistil for Nankang3 reciprocal hybrids and their parents were during 30℃~35℃. The mid-parent heterosis in pollen germination on the stigma of Nankang3 and mid-parent heterosis of obverse F1 and inverse F1 in speed of pollen tube grow in pistil was obversed. The heat tolerance of hybrids in reproduction had cytoplasmic effect of female. The 40℃temperature played most promoted action on the pistil growth, and secondly for 35℃and thirdly for 45℃. High-temperature treatment of 37/27℃which was treated 16 days before flowering affected development of stamen of little buts of which brachs area size were during 1.3×1.3~1.8*2.1cm in Nankang3 male and induced its male sterility, but not for hybrid and female parent.
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