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     第四,以公共物品理论为理论依据,利用Binary logistic回归分析方法和交叉列联分析法等计量经济学方法以及博弈论方法对河北省林权制度变迁的未来政策取向进行实证分析。形成的研究要点如下:以经营林地的规模和林业收入占家庭收入的比重为标准,运用快速聚类分析法将样本农户进行大户和小户的分类,分别对其进行Binary logistic回归分析,得出结论认为,各因素对大户与小户产生影响的方向和程度有所不同;运用交叉列联分析法对农户进行林种选择的影响因素进行分析,并对政府与农户选择公益林和商品林的博弈过程分别构建博弈模型,得出结论认为,增强农户对获得收益的预期、提高非农收入的比重、降低采伐限额标准以及增加对速生林生态效益补偿有助于激励农户选择经营速生林,在更大程度上推动林业经济效益和生态效益的协调。
The purpose of the study is to analyze the change process of forest property rights institution after 1949, and to find out the important factor which influencing the policy effect of forest property rights institution arrange, as well as to summarize the discipline of the change of forest property rights institution on the bases of defending the notions of forest property rights and forest property rights institution clearly and from the perspective of the industrialization process, and then give the advice about the future of the change of forest property rights institution. In order to achieve this purpose, the study revolved around the contents as follow and came to corresponding conclusions:
     Firstly, it is to define the notion of forest property rights and forest property rights institution clearly on the bases of pro perty rights theory and institutional change theory. The conclusions as following:Defined the notion of forest property rights as a band of rights including the rights of ownership, use, usufruct and disposition for forest resource; the forest property rights institution is a ge neral form of a series of conduct code that configuring the ownership, use, usufruct and disposition which forest property rights including, and defining the responsibilities, rights and interests among different forest property body, and then recognizing and protecting the configuration structure of forest property rights by the form of institution, bases of defining the boundary of the every septic rights which forest property rights including clearly.
     Secondly, on the bases of dividing the stage of industrialization process in Hebei Province, the paper analyzed the motive, characteristics, configuration structure of the forest property rights and the policy effects of the change of forest property rights institution at different stage of industrialization process in Hebei Province, and summarized the discipline of the change of forest property rights institution. The conclusions are as follows:On the bases of the stages of economic development theory, the paper selected six indicators including per GDP, industrial structure, employment structure, Hoffman's index, the Engel coefficient and population urbanization rate, and divided the stages of industrialization process using the method of periodic threshold; at different stages of industrialization, the motivations which promoting the change of forest property rights institution were various, but it is fundamental decided by the industrialization process. The ultimate purpose of the change of forest property rights institution is to meet the different needs for forest resources at different stage of industrialization; the forest property rights institution arrangements at different stages of industrialization are determinate by economic development level, forest resource endowment, historical customs and habits, as well as the game among the relevant stakeholders, and so on. evaluate the policy effects of the forest property rights institution arrangements at different stages of industrialization through comparing the quantitative of forestry investment, afforestation area, forest cover, forest area, timber production, forestry production and other indicators, as well as analyzing the game process between farmers and collective organizations, and among farmers; the development process of industrialization which from low-level to high-level decided the discipline of the change of forest property rights institution, the forest property rights institution arrangement transform gradually from on the purpose of ensuring meeting the single need for forest resource to on the purpose of ensuring meeting the multiple needs for forest resource.
     Thirdly, the paper analyzed the main factors which affect the police effect of forest property rights institution arrangement on the bases of agent theory and institutional change theory, and then compared the police effect of different type of forest property rights at different stage of industrialization using the method of comparison. The conclusions are as follows:The police effect of forest property rights institution arrangement are not only affected by the reasonable of forest property rights institution arrangement, but also affected by the suitability between forest property rights institution arrangement and supporting measures, the effectiveness of forest property rights institution arrangement and supporting measures, and the protection level of forest property rights institution arrangements as well as the stability, each factor interacted, and determined the police effect of forest property rights institution arrangement; generally specking, the private forest property rights institution arrangement is suitable for the forest resource with economic function mainly, at the same time, it should satisfy the condition of higher marketable extent of forest product and blameless supporting measures; the collective forest property rights institution arrangement should be endowed to forest resource with economic function or ecological function, in order to remedy the drawback of scatter management and lack of stretch; the state-owned forest property rights institution arrangement is suitable for the forest resource with ecological function mainly, or a large area forest resource, or the forest resource which is difficult for other bodies to management. But, it is not correspondence strictly between the type of forest property rights and the stage of industrialization.
     Fourthly, on the bases of public goods theory, the paper analyzed the police of the change of forest property rights institution in the future using the methods of econometrics such as Binary logistic regression analysis and cross-column joint analysis methods. The main study points are as follows:Selecting the scale of forest land and the proportion of forestry income in total income as the standard, the paper divided the farm holders to with rapid cluster analysis method, and analyzed by Binary logistic regression method. It is concluded that the direction and extent are different for bigger farmer and smaller farmer; the paper analyzed the influence factors for farm holders to the select the type of forest with the cross-listed method, and built the game model reflecting the game process between government and farm holders for operating the public forest and commercial forest. It is concluded that it is important for motivating the coordination to larger extent to enhance the farmers'expectance of abstaining benefits, reduce the standards of cutting quotas and increase the speed of forest ecological benefits compensation.
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