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After the completion of its 300,000 t/a ethylene plants, yearly production capacity of ethylene of Jihua (Jilin Chemical) Group Corporation is 450,000 tons. The most important challenge that Jihua is now facing is how to increase the economic efficiency of ethylene further processing and how to make ethylene further processing products competitive in markets.
    The article thoroughly analyzes the international and domestic environment of ethylene industry and the internal environment of Jihua as well as the market situation of every ethylene downstream products. It aslo makes an analysis of product mix, scale structure, technological scale of downstream products produced in Jihua based on ethylene, which leads to adjustment opinion finalizing in adjustment scheme from the perspective of maximum total efficiency. By using the principle and method of Technology Economics, it estimates the economic efficiency of the adjustment Scheme and at the same time put forward a preliminary opinion of how to implement it.
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