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    研究热点 问题及我国木麻黄人工林存在的主要问题,充分利用在华南地区10余年科研工作
    E873中Llizhou 种源,试验E883中13128)、滨海木麻黄(13986)、森林木麻黄(13992),鸡冠
    单株材积是最差的鸡冠木麻黄的 80.15倍,50月时(E883)为 60.16倍。
    忽视的因素,在育种策略中应采用不同类型的育种群体。本文中利用 6个国家、10个地点、43
    种源为18086(Ha hinh,VTM)、18118(AdinmpanaPura,India)、18355(CCffonouBenin,BEN)、
    ledl3peempur KUaug,Indial、18244(BakoBormeo Sar。e,Malaslyed、18119(Rameswaramlsland,
    Indis)、18288(Mambsfl:Ot Sri Lank、18348opan-tanPehang,Malasiyal、18015(Ch ndndipu riBrlBalasore,
    Indial和 18008(Danvin Casuarina B,NT,Australied种源;试验 E944(广东阳西)中优良种源有
    1815耳(*Man,Pan叫互s,*m)、18355(*Mou,BenZn)、1吕128(Non NuNuoc,川ham)、18143
     (Gene For.Res.Static几际)、18153(ElaBeach,PNG)、18127(hachLienVietnam)、
Two Casuarina species, C. equisetifolia and C. junghniana, were subjected to a
    series of studies which aimed to improve the planing and use of these species in China.
    The studies encompassed phenology, propagation, genetic variation, disease resistance,
    nutrition, and symbiotic relationship with microofganisms. Data were collected from 27
    experiments on species, provenance and progeny trials, clonal tests and glasshouse
    experiments in China over the past 10 ten years. In addition, growth data from eight
    international provenance trials of C. equisetghlta provided by Mr KHongsak
    Pinyopusperk (the second supervisor of this thesis and leader of the IPTC proect) were
    included in the studies on provenance variation. The overall results are sununarized
    1. Phenology and propagaion of C. equisetifolia and C. junghuhnboa in southern
    Trees startd flowering about 2-3 years ther planting. Provenanes varied in the
    age of first flowering and theting with those from Southeast Asia found to start
    flowering and fruiting earlier than those from other countries.The two species can be
    propagated by seed and vegetathe propagation. Viability of seeds can be maintalned
    by storing the seeds at 4℃ temperatur for both species. Successful vegetative
    propagaion methods include cutting, grafting and tissus culture. Water culture is one
    of the most effective methds for cutting propagation of the two species. C.
    equisetghlia can be propagated successfully by tissue culture, which is also an
    effective method to preserve better genetic resources from plantations and
    introduction trials in southern China. Grafting yielded less than 30% for both species
    suggesting that more research is needed for this method.
    2. Results of species/provenance trials in Hainan
    Based on survival, growth, tree form and twon resistance, the order of the best
    to the worst species was C. junghuhniana C. cunninghamiana, C. equisetifolia, C.
    glauca, Allocasuarina littoralis, A. torulosa and C. cristata. The tree voliume of C.
    junguhnbiana was 80 times greater tban that of C. cristata. There wer 2-8 times in
    the difference in tree volume betwen C cunninghamiana, C. equisetifolia and C.
    gleuca provenans.
    3.Quanitati、raits,ree heights,DBH nd vol。es of C equlsetifOlia and C
     八叩咖励n0na、re all屯dfie出扛ly dilibrellt bew叱en silos andp叮yen。es.here
     were evlden of provenance x site(G x E) interachons.Some qualhatlye rits,tem
     and b-h fealllres,Of 43 ptovenances of C equisetghlla wer also signficanly
     differelltbCtW6CtW6en sit6it6a provenances or P x S in柏f8C’-xons.刀叱 Inieration effeCts
     ndicated site effect m he selection of suitable provnances nd tha It Is necessny to
     5ave srparatb既4u旧m则aions o!c equ心epe.
    4.Based on ree heigh,DBH,silrvlval percemp,tem。is persistene nd sl:elll
     叭d咖咖铭 n wo ntemantema咖 ptOVOllBllCO ials O5C OqO眺伽加O S仰咖M
     China,he good Penonlling PoVellallCes were:seedlot 8086 (Ha inh,Vietnam,
     18if8 ein-Puram,ii勾,18355(Cotonou, Benn,18013 pe-Kulaug,
     M叭18244 p咖,8删叭灿刚,18119阳es-,b峋,18288
     (Mambartota,Sri M,18348 (KUanta Pehang,Malasiya,18015
     (Chandipur$alasore,ndi刃 andl 8008 paha Casuanna Beach,Northern Tetritory,
     Astralial in he E946 tial at DOllgshan,Fulian;nd seedlot 8154 pan,Pmp Is,
     PHI,18355(Cotonou,Bent叭 18128won Nuoc,Vieinaln,18143(Gede,Kellya),
     18153 ila Beach,P叩ua New Oun勾,18127(hach Lien,Vi一,18134
     (Kenyatt,Beach Kenya),14233 (R.--ty--n,hailand and 18288 (Madagama Sri
     Lankal in the E944 ial at Yrpi,o凹叩山叩.hese provenances wer better hn
     thebest local land races Mm幻m血emc址阳.刀脏 sc卜以edprovenances were 25.0%
     nd 20.93%of the total ptovenanes,respectively n he wo ials,eqti切dM to
     SdSCdOO WOllS沏I“1.2耳2 Sd=1.343.砌Mpo VCll8llCVS,18355alld 1828吕,
     were al
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