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In the era of knowledge economy, knowledge’s role and function have been boosted over time as the most valuable strategic resource and core production factor. Accordingly, more and more enterprises enhance their competitiveness through the promotion of knowledge management. Thus, knowledge sharing management has become the indispensable part of enterprise knowledge management. According to literature review, the research of knowledge share by far has gone along two paths: inner-organizational and inter-organizational knowledge sharing, with the inter-organizational knowledge sharing as the favorite research focus by researchers for a long time. Nowadays, more and more researches shift their focus to inner-organizational knowledge share, because they come to recognize that the efficient exploitation and usage of valuable intangible knowledge assets and the sharing and transfer of knowledge between staffs and departments in the organization is the key in the survival, development and domination of enterprise in the increasingly intensified competition. Inner-organizational knowledge share not only builds up competitive advantage, but also maintains the sustainable development of enterprise. R&D team is the typical platform of endogenous knowledge and knowledge share. Every member of the team must fulfill their task through communication and knowledge sharing. Meanwhile, every member has the responsibility to provide information, impart experience, and exchange skills by this way or another, to transform R&D team into an efficient learning organization. As a result, the research on the inner mechanism and its influential factors of knowledge sharing has considerable theoretical and practical significance.
     The paper takes R&D team in the enterprise as the research object, studies the inner mechanism and influential factors’impact on the level of knowledge sharing within the R&D team. With theory of knowledge management and organization learning as theoretical foundation, the study delves into the process and features of R&D team, explores the inner mechanism of the team’s knowledge share, constructs and testifies the model of factors influencing inner R&D team knowledge sharing level.
     The paper first defines related concepts of R&D team including team, research team, knowledge and technological knowledge, knowledge sharing and so on. Then, its inner-mechanism is probed from the perspectives of incentives and process of knowledge share, game theory relations within the team and network theory, which are the theoretical foundation of building the inner R&D team knowledge share theory and the construction of the model of influential factors of its knowledge sharing level.
     With theory analysis as the foundation, and according to the deep study on the process, obstacles of knowledge sharing and sticky information theory, the conceptual model of inner R&D team knowledge share influential factors is constructed, and the hypothesis is formed as follows: knowledge indirectly affects knowledge sharing level via knowledge provider, knowledge acceptor, knowledge sharing means, knowledge sharing environment; knowledge provider, knowledge acceptor, knowledge sharing means and knowledge sharing environment play the role of knowledge carrier and function as media. These influential factors directly or indirectly affect knowledge sharing process and finally determine the performance of knowledge sharing. Knowledge sharing process is analyzed from the angle of knowledge sharing subject involving such factors as context, content and media. In the interactive process of knowledge sharing, factors may block or slow down it, and even omit, distort or damage knowledge in the process of knowledge transfer, resulting in the failure of knowledge share. By empirical and literature research, it is discovered that all the barriers come from knowledge provider, knowledge acceptor, organizational environment, and other factors. Thus, these two models provide solid theoretical foundation for the conceptual model and corresponding hypothesis.
     After the construction of conceptual model and proposition of research hypothesis, the empirical research scheme is designed with the following factors taken into consideration: selection of research target, questionnaire design, data collection, variable measurement and analysis method. Structural equation model’s theorem and basic process are analyzed. Then, the measurement table of variables is constructed. With the help of SPSS13.0 as the tool of data analysis, the descriptive statistical analysis is conducted on the collected data, and the reliability and credibility of the measurement tables are testified. Descriptive statistical analysis indicates that the collected data sample tallies with the real situation fundamentally. The result of credibility and validity test demonstrates that the study is highly reliable and valid on the whole.
     In order to testify the conceptual model and research hypothesis, structural equation model is adopted to empirically verify the theoretical model constructed. With AMOS7.0, the hypothesized theoretical model is assessed, with the focus on the analysis of measurement model and structural model, and suitable indicators of different categories are evaluated and computed. On the basis of analysis, two competitive models with theoretical basis are put forward, and by comparison with the original hypothesis model’s related parameters, the optimal theoretical model is defined. According to the comparison of different models, the related contents of the models are further analyzed. Then, hypothesis of functioning conditions and paths of knowledge sharing level within R&D team is verified. Finally, measures that should be taken to improve the knowledge sharing level within R&D team are introduced based on influential factors.
     In the process of research, the research findings and literatures are fully and referred to, knowledge sharing theories are explored in depth, and the scientific factors of structural equation model are drawn on, and on the basis of these research, conceptual model of influential factors on knowledge sharing level within R&D team are systematically built and hypothesis are proposed. Research scheme is designed and data are analyzed. With the application of structural equation model, the conceptual model is analyzed and the hypothesized conditions are tested. As a result, the paper is theoretically innovative, while it is of significance in the guidance of practice.
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