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When the university produced, the discussion about the university government has never cut off. In the history, the church or the government took charge of the school at the beginning, then university made some autonomy through improving itself. After that, the board of directors were in charge of university. And now most of universities rely on charter for academic governance to achieve autonomy. It comes to be consensus that university should self-government, and the charter has been the charter of academic governance. The charter has been adopted by most of universities in the advanced countries and areas. But our university has adopted the administrative management for a long time due to some specific historical reasons. The pattern of administrative management has been criticized. Today, most of our countries'universities didn't draft their own charter. The universities who did has many problems in the formulating and content of charter. It's a serious problem that the universities' administrative power controlled the draft of the charter. Our government set out the 《The Interim Measures of The Draft About The University Bylaw》 to expect the university can achieve self-government by drafting their own charter.But at the same time, we should recognize that university is no longer one place that only pursue and spread the truth. The academic is getting open variety and specialization. And education is global now. Thus, we can't guarantee that academic can work efficiently only by one side, such as, government-society or the school itself. We need all the parties participate and support the operation of the university. Only in this way can the academic work efficiently. When more and more subjects joined the operation of the academic governance, it will relate to their interest. Previous scholars who explore the university management generally focus on the model used to manage the university but not the interest.In this context, we find that we should balance all the parties'interest when we hope our academic can come to self-government through the charter. And it can solve the problems of the administrative management. The participants can do their best to support and help to manage the academic when their interest can be balanced. And only in this way, the bylaw can be drafted in a reasonable procedure and form. So the bylaw can be the roof of the management of academic, and it's our main idea of this article.
     The study of the problem in the introduction section first comprehensive analysis of the scholars at home and abroad for university governance, university charter, and stakeholders and their protection. Should be autonomous in the University has become the premise of consensus, and the combination of China promulgated the "Interim measures to develop higher school charter", through the development of the University Charter school autonomy background, select the Articles of Association to develop a process of stakeholder rights balanced protection for entry point.The first chapter of the fit between the national selection and universities autonomy. Mainly introduced since the University has been the major countries in the world, regional university management mode. University management model and analyze the evolution of the process, to discuss the process and the possibility of administrative conjunction with the University of autonomy, the need for autonomy and universities should.The second chapter of cooperation of government management of university autonomy separation theory logic. Mainly introduced under the specific conditions of the country, the Government of the University of Management and the University of the game between school autonomy. The government the Almighty theory, the theory of negative liberty, limited government theory and cooperative governance theory, stakeholder theory and theoretical analysis of the game between the two. The third Chapter of alienation of University autonomy and control anomie. Comparative analysis of our University makers in the Articles of Association to develop and develop procedures, Articles of Incorporation and stakeholder participation. And by the Charter of the University with foreign representative contrast to the Constitution of our executive-led universities in the Articles of Association to develop content exists, there are inadequate and partial interests of stakeholders unable to participate in the Articles of Association to develop, and the presence of university autonomy alienation and control anomie.The fourth Chapter of fusion of university autonomy and administrative rights in the charter. For the efficient management of the actual situation of our country, of the government to the management of the University of reason, as well as the conditions of university autonomy can be run in the administrative system of the government. Introduces the contents of the stakeholder theory, and combined with the charter of the University makers in the development process, and procedures, the Articles of content as well as stakeholder Prospectus developed to analyze the extent to which the stakeholders involved in the formulation of the Articles of Association of the University. Based on the theory of positive liberty, analyzing both the possibility of integration in the charter of the University.Then combined before analysis, determine the stakeholders formulated in the charter of the University the right to participate in the process, to try to resolve the existing problems of China's colleges and universities in the Articles of Association to develop the process and to make some suggestions on the charter of the University of stakeholders'rights distribution system.
     The formulation of the charter of the university is an important way for the University to achieve self-management, impacting of a new direction for the future development of our university, also affect the establishment of modern university system. The development of the modern university involves more and more the interests of the stakeholders, which body is essential for the development of the university. Protect the rights of these stakeholders, undoubtedly can provide a very good environment for the development of the university. At the same time, a charter protecting the rights of the articles of association of the various stakeholders was able to become the true basis of university autonomy. Through the stakeholder theory, the best structure to explore the distribution of rights and obligations of stakeholders in the formulation process of the charter of the university equalization of rights protection not only for the university of interests between stakeholders has an important significance, more positive significance in the formulation of the articles of association of the modern university. For the management of the university, most researchers focus on the mode of management of the university. But this paper is the introduction of the stakeholder theory, stakeholder theory is applied to the formulation process of the charter of the University, and the theory as the main analytical tool,analysis as the basis of the charter of the university with foreign university prospectus contrast,to find out the problems of our universities in the process of formulation prospectus. How to balance the university in the process of development of the articles of association to protect the rights of the various stakeholders as a research perspective, trying to solve the problems existing in China's existing charter of the university, rational allocation of rights of various stakeholders, and to make some suggestions to improve the formulation of our university charter.
1 中华人民共和国教育部:《高等学校章程制定暂行办法》,2012年1月]日起实施。
    2 根据新闻报道,我国只有吉林大学、中国政法大学、上海交通大学等少数高校拥有本校章程,大部分公办高校还没有章程这个“立校之本”,包括北大、清华等名校在内的诸多高校至今“无章运行”资料来源:http://guangdong.eol.cn/guangdongnews_5112/20120203/t20120203_736288.shtml2013年3月1日访问
    3 Jurgen Habermas, Theory of Communicative Action(2vols.) [M], T. Me Carthy(trans.), Boston:Beacon Press,1984,1987
    1 Freeman, R.E., Strategic management:A stakeholder approach [M]. Boston:Pitman,1984.
    1 唐清利:《社会信用体系建设中的自律异化与合作治理》,《中国法学》2012年第5期
    2 祁占勇:《现代大学制度基本特征的法律透视》, 《国家教育行政学院学报》,2011年4月
    1 See MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY BYLAWS FOR ACDEMIC GOVERANCE, published by the office of the Secretary for Academic Governance,2007
    1 同9
    2 See article II of BYLAWS OF THE CORNELL UNIVERSITY, Effective 2006.As provided in the university's charter, the Board of Trustees is composed of sixty-four members,as follows:(1)four ex officio trustees;(2)one life trustees(3)three appointed trustees;(4)fifty board trustees
    3 Susan.Whealler.Johnsta,Faculty govermance and effective academic administrative leadership[J],.New Direction for Higher Education,2003
    4 湛中乐、高俊杰:《大学章程——现代大学法人治理的制度保障》,《国家教育行政学院学报》,2011年]1月25日
    1 See University of Oxford Statutes[EB/OL]. (2003-06-16)
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    17 陈立荣、严俊俊:《大学章程:落实高校办学自主权的制度保障——对大学章程制定主体的思考》,《现代教育科学》,2009年第3期
    18 湛中乐、高俊杰:《大学章程——现代大学法人治理的制度保障》,《国家教育行政学院学报》,2011年11月25日
    19 洪源渤:《共同治理——论大学法人治理结构》,科学出版社,2010年7月
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    2 参见《中华人民共和国教育法》第二十八条,《中华人民共和网高等教育法)第三十只至三十八条
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    1 参见《事业单位登记暂行管理条例》第二条、第三条。
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    2 《中华人民共和国教育法》第二十八条,《中华人民共和网高等教育法)第三十只至三十八条第四十一条、第四十二条,这里我们将“我国大陆大学自主权”等同于“我国大学自主权”。
    3 (1)招生:制订招生方案,调节招生比例。(2)教育教学:设置学科、专业,制订教学计划、选编教材、实施教学。(3)科学研究:科学研究、技术开发、社会服务,科技交流合作,决定授予学位。(4)机构设置:配备人员。(5)教师管理:聘任教师,评聘职务,调整工资津贴,实施奖励或处分。(6)学生管理:学籍管理,实施奖励或处分,颁发证书。(7)经费使用:管理、使用各种财产和经费。
    4 关于大学办学自主权主休的表述,在《中华人民共和国教育法》是“大学及其他教育机构”,在《中华人民共和国高等教育法》有关条文中是“高等学校”和“学校校长”。可见,这些自主权并没有斌予教授和学生。
    5 湛中乐、韩春晖:《论大陆公立大学自治权的内在结构——结合北京大学的历史变迁分析》,《中国教育法制评论》,2006年第4期。
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    1 Freeman, R.E., Strategic management:A stakeholder approach [M], Boston:Pitman,1984.
    2 张维迎:《大学的逻辑》,北京大学出版社2004年版,第19页.
    3 [美]亨利·罗索夫斯基著,谢宗仙等译:《美国校园文化——学生·教授·管理》,山东人民出版社1996年版,第5页。
    1 马陆亭:《制定高等学校章程的意义、内容和原则》,《高校教育管理》,2011年第5期。
    1 参见本文第二章表2部分
    2 参见《中国科学报》就大学章程制定问题的调查采访,2012.3.14。
    1 参见湛甲乐:《大学章程精选》.中国法制出版社2010年4月第一版,第3页-第109页。本表数据主要根据在此书排版下各高校大学章程所占篇幅的情况统计得出
    1 参见《吉林大学章程》
    1 同82
    2 参见《河南大学章程》
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    2 [英]以赛亚·伯林著,《自由论》,胡传胜译,江苏:译林出版社,2003年版,第173页。
    3 胡婧:《消极自由与积极自由——解读伯林的两种自由概念》,《南京理工大学学报》(社会科学版)2011年12月,第24卷第6期。
    1 [英]以赛亚·伯林著,《自由论》,胡传胜译,江苏:译林出版社,2003年版,第59页。
    1 陈立荣、严俊俊:《大学章程:落实高校办学自主权的制度保障——对大学章程制定主体的思考》,《现代教育科学》,2009年第3期。
    1 潘海生、张宇:《利益相关者与现代大学治理结构的构建》,《教育评论》,2007年第1期。
    ② Freeman, R.E., Strategic management:A stakeholder approach [M], Boston:Pitman,1984.
    1 张维迎:《大学的逻辑》,北京大学出版社2004年版,第19页
    1 洪源渤:《共同治理——论大学法人治理结构》,科学出版社2010年7月第1版,第45页。
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    12、See article II of BYLAWS OF THE CORNELL UNIVERSITY, Effective 2006.As provided in the university's charter.the Board of Trustees is composed of sixty-four members.as follows:(1)four ex officio trustees;(2)one life rrustees(3)three appointed trustees;(4)fifty board trustees
    13、See MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY BYLAWS FOR ACDEMIC GOVERNANCE,published by the office of the Secretary for Academic Governance.2007 See University of Oxford Statutes [EB/OL]. (2003-06-16)
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