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The 21st century is a city century of the society of human beings. City is the battlefront between one nation and the other nation. If you want to have some status in the allotting of economic work, you must have some cities grow up in the network of global economy. The scale of city has some effect on economic benefits, social benefits and environmental benefits of the city, and it is the condition to the sustainable development of the city. So, it is very important to have some research on the scale of city. This article includes the later four parts:
    The first part is the analysis of the city's development environment. From the point of view of development environment, it analyses the effect of the trend of society and economy development on the scale of city. And point out that it is the first mission for china cities that urbanization and modernization of city should be pushed synchronized. The enlargement of city should stick to the fundamental that quantity increase is under the precondition of quality upgrade. Also, it analyses the rationality of the scale of city. Last, from the point of view of effect of expand of city to the development of city, point out that the speed of city's expand should assort with the economic, social, environmental development.
    The second part is the analyses of the scale of city. First, it introduces some basic concepts of the scale of city, the factors that decides the scale of city, and the form mechanism of the scale of city. Second, it researches the optimization problem in the scale of city, and point out that the enlargement of city is need of urbanization, and impersonal need of thing development. It can't be contrived controlled.
    The third part is the management of city and the development of scale of city. It first introduces the some basic concepts of the management of city, and then analyses the problem of the scale of city during the management of city. From the point of view of he management of city, it researches the rational speed of the city's enlargement, and
    point out the important factors that restrict the speed of the city's enlargement. Last, it analyses the problems in the management of city.
    The fourth part is the research on city management of Wuhan. First, it analyses the developmental environment and the comparative predominance of Wuhan, and then point out the actuality of the scale of Wuhan and the existent problems, educes the emphases on development of the scale of Wuhan. Last, it table some proposals for the management of Wuhan.
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