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     由于私募股权投资行业不同于其他的金融投资,具有较强的数据私密性、回报的非正态分布特性、较长的存续期和以IRR(Internal Rate of Return)为基础的绩效衡量标准等特征,使已有的理论在应用于该行业的研究时,具有一定的局限性。同时,作为一个复杂的系统工程,私募股权基金的评价和考量是多因素协同效应作用的结果,因此要求所考虑的因素也趋于多元化。笔者在深入研究现代投资组合理论和投资私募股权基金的交易成本、风险敞口、委托代理等问题的基础上,结合中国的投资实践,提出了系统完整的私募股权投资组合策略和私募股权基金评价模型,并佐以大量的实证研究,试图为国内投资人提供可资借鉴的理论和实践工具,以此提高投资私募股权基金的效率,有效规避风险。
     本研究的拟创新性主要体现在以下三个方面:第一,国内从投资人角度对私募股权基金的研究甚少,仅有的少量研究也只是对私募股权基金评价的某一方面进行探讨,没有系统的研究成果,也没有关于私募股权基金投资组合策略方面的研究。本文首次从投资人角度对中国私募股权基金的投资组合策略和投资评价标准进行系统地分析,提出全面的解决方案。第二,在国外,Pierre-YvesMathonet与Thomas Meyer是第一次从投资人角度对私募股权基金的投资组合策略和评价方法进行系统完整研究的学者,他们主要基于欧美私募股权投资行业的数据基础,提出了投资组合的方法和基金评级系统,笔者在他们研究的基础上加以改进和完善,考虑更多关键的影响要素,提出新的投资组合策略和基金评价体系,创新性地构建了多维动态驱动模型和六因子评价模型,使该研究更为系统完整,并且首次以中国为研究基础,对私募股权投资组合策略和私募股权基金的评价基准加以分析。第三,国内外对于私募股权基金的绩效预测研究很少,尤其没有相关的定量研究,少量研究都处于定性研究的层面,笔者在充分考虑私募股权基金业绩主要影响因素的前提下,首次通过定性与定量结合的分析方法,构建了私募股权基金的绩效收益预测模型。
Beginning with1998, China’s private equity investment industry has gaineddramatically development within a decade----PE investment entities establishedfrom scratch, currently the number of PE investment entities has increased to couplethousands; capital structure has switched from foreign currency only to both foreigncurrency and RMB; Major PE funds structure changed from LLC to LLP; Majorinvestors switched from government entities to private entities; exit strategieschanged from overseas IPO only to the combinations of overseas and domestic IPOsalong with buyouts; portfolio companies increased from tens to hundreds annually;exit portfolio companies increased from less than ten to couple hundreds. China hasbecome one of the most active PE investment markets in the world. But, under thesurface of prosperity, due to the short period of time, regulation and legislation arestill in the process of completion and perfection, there happened lot of regulationviolations and conducts not conformed to common industry standards, the risk ofindustry level increased noticeably. With the probability increase of failure risk,more and more investors are eager to obtain some relevant theories and practiceguidance, but the reality is that there are very few researches focusing on PEinvestment based on investor’s point of view especially lacking of authoritativepractice research focusing on PE investment allocation, management, selection andevaluation.
     With lot of differences from other financial investment industry, PE industryhas its own unique characteristics. There will be lot of obvious shortages if we applytraditional established theories with PE industry. This is caused by several reasonssuch as PE Industry features of data confidentiality, abnormal distribution ofrisk-adjusted return, problems with IRR (Internal Rate of Return) based performanceevaluation and fund life issues etc. In the same time, as a complicated systematicengineering, PE fund evaluation and consideration are the results of collaboration ofmulti-factor. Therefore, multi-factor and multi-dimension are required to be considered. Based on intensive research on PE fund transaction cost, risk exposure,principal agent and so on, combining with investment practice in China, the authorproposed scientific and practical model of “PE fund investment strategies andintegrated PE fund evaluation” evidenced by many real case researches for thepurposes of providing theoretical and practical guidance for Chinese domesticinvestors in order to improve the efficiency of PE fund selection and reducepotential future risks.
     The thesis expanded its analysis from three dimensions:1. Based on investor’sperspective, PE investment selection tool was provided to help investors to build upPE investment fund portfolio strategy. The author analyzed the restriction ofapplying modern portfolio theory (MPT) with PE industry, also considered theunique characteristics of PE industry, constructed multi-dimension strategy selectionfor building up PE investment portfolio, first time built up “DynamicMulti-Dimension Driven PE Fund Investment Portfolio Model”, provided boththeory and practical model of PE portfolio construction for investors.2.Comprehensively expound PE fund evaluation methods and its investment decisionmaking mechanism, explicitly provided PE fund evaluation tools and standards tohelp investors to build up portfolio funds based on scientific evaluation.. The authoranalyzed the restriction of general PE fund evaluation methods, also considered thekey elements of a PE fund; constructed “Six-Factor Based PE Fund EvaluationModel”, also detailed PE fund investment negotiation strategy and key clausesselection were presented.3. Built up “PE fund performance projection model”.Proposed post investment managing elements and methods by the researches andanalysis of agency by agreement and LP-GP game playing to enable investors toreach their investment goal and reduce their adverse selection and moral riskscaused by asymmetric information obtained.
     Innovativeness of the thesis was showed by the following four aspects:1.Firsttime analyzed China’s PE fund portfolio strategy and evaluation mechanism fromthe investor’s point of view and solution was provided.2. First time proposed “PEfund multi-dimension strategy election” and built up “Dynamic Multi-DimensionDriven PE Fund Investment Portfolio Model”.3. First time proposed “Six-Factor Based PE Fund Evaluation Model”.4. Fully considered the PE fund performancefactors, first time built up “PE fund performance projection model”.
     This thesis built up a complete and systematic China’s PE fund investment andmanagement system based on investor’s perspective especially the above-mentionedfour researches are first of its kinds in China. They have strong theoreticalInnovativeness. Meantime, these investment management models also have practicalvalue due to their abundant real case analysis. These theories and models havepractical value and will be benefit for improving investor’s investment decisionmaking process and risk management skills, promoting China’s healthy and stablePE investment market.
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