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Chinese as well as global machinery and electric appliance products are reaching the summit of scrapping. Under such circumstances, remanufacturing is the optimum way of terminal resource reutilization. It can both reserve natural resources and reduce environmental pollution by increasing the added value of Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment to its maximum. Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM), motivated by extended producers' responsibility (EPR) as well as interest, has gradually being the center of remanufacturing. However, the current disintegrated forward and reverse supply chains has caused the separation of economic and environmental efficiency and thus hampered the circulation of remanufactured products and the process of environmental protection. In regard to this, the logistics network design of ecological remanufacturing closed-loop supply chain aiming at cost optimization and energy conservation & emission reduction has been the pressing task.
     This paper applies theories and methods about remanufacturing, closed loop supply chain, design of product life cycle, eco-efficiency and logistics network design. It provides an integration of forward and reverse supply chain using basic structure of logistics network of ecological closed-loop supply chain and quantitative modeling. Such integration can give overall consideration to both economic and environmental efficiencies by adapting to the characteristics of remanufacturing projects.
     Main achievements of this paper are as below:
     1. It introduces the concept of'eco-efficiency' into the logistics network design of ecological remanufacturing closed-loop supply chain and defines'ecological closed supply chain' from the view of eco-efficiency. At the same time, it emphasizes the integration of both economic and environmental efficiency and logistics network between forward and reverse supply chain.
     2. It brings forward principles and models in design of ecological closed-loop supply chain. In addition, it provides the functional design, characteristic description and knot and route design of the network. In order to highlight the eco-characteristics, this paper bring up the idea of integrating logistics network with product design and analyzed their structures based on different standards in categorizing the green modules.
     3. It designs a model of logistics network of ecological closed-loop supply chain that integrating manufacturing and remanufacturing. It considers the integration of both facilities and transportation in forward and reverse supply chain in a logistic network approach. In terms of decision variable, it takes both the location-allocation and the product design into consideration. From the perspective of target optimizing, it combines factors such as cost optimization, waste and resource consumption minimization in order to realize the strategic target of the cost decreasing, resource reservation and environmental improving. The critical parameter under random circumstance is another factor of consideration. By applying Chance Constrained Programming model, and solved by mixed genetic algorithm, this paper studies the robustness of logistic network under different confidence level.
     4. It provides several feasible plans for enterprises to realize the logistics network of ecological closed-loop supply chain. And by comparing the eco-efficiency of three product designs, one optimized project is been chosen. It also analyzes the paradox of balancing economic and ecological efficiency and finds an optimal solution with the help of Pareto Solution. An optimized model of network design has thus been chosen by comparing the ecological efficiency of integrated and disintegrated ones.
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