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Developing urban rail transits is a significant way to release the metropolitan traffic pressure and promote the sustainable development of a city. With the continuing development of urban rail transit in China, some urban rail transit networks have preliminarily formed. At the same time, the traditional operation modes for single line gradually shows disadvantages in meeting the requirements of the passenger transport organization and transportation resource utilization with network operation condition, and this leads to more and more focuses on optimal allocation of resources for urban rail transit network in order to promote more social benefits. As an important part of the transportation resource of urban rail transit, the train stocks can be used in a reasonable and effective way or not is becoming a crucial indictor for evaluating the benefits of urban rail transit operation. Based on the above points, the optimal utilization of urban rail transit train stocks with network operation condition is investigated in this dissertation, and the main efforts are summarized as follows:
     (1) The urban rail transit network operation and its overall architecture for optimal utilization of train stocks are presented. The definition of the urban rail transit network operation is introduced, and the characteristics of different types of network operation modes are analyzed. Then, a concept of optimal utilization of train stocks of urban rail transit with network operation condition is defined, and it is elaborated from aspects of basic types, overall architecture, and goals for optimization, respectively. And all these are to establish the foundation of train stocks scheduling and maintenance scheduling researches.
     (2) The method of optimization for train stocks scheduling of urban rail transit with network operation condition is studied. In consideration of train stock, trip and depot properties, a basic model of optimization for train stocks scheduling of urban rail transit with network operation condition is established according to the constraint of depots volume, the constraint of starting from and sending back to the same depot for the train stocks, et al. And several additional constraints are introduced by combining with the time-space operation characteristics of train stocks, such as continuous operation time constraint, et al. Moreover, the accurate solution algorithm and the parallel tabu search algorithm are generated basing on the characteristics of the basic model. The validity of the optimization method is verified by numerical examples.
     (3) The method of adjustment optimization of train stocks scheduling for urban rail transit under network operation with different dynamic conditions is structured. Combining with several possible dynamic conditions in the actual operational process, such as trip delay, train stocks failure, et al., the types and characteristics of adjustment for train stocks scheduling are analyzed. And the concepts of disturbance, train stocks on lines and rescue strategy are defined as well. Based on the interference management theory, the quantitative method for disturbance is given. Models for scheduling adjustment optimization in the condition of trip delay and train stocks failure are established, and an accurate solution algorithm is proposed. Moreover, an improved parallel tabu search algorithm is also designed combining with the characteristics of model solving process. The validity of the method for adjustment optimization is verified by numerical examples.
     (4) The method of maintenance scheduling optimization for train stocks utilization of urban rail transit with network operation condition is generated. By analyzing the maintenance modes of urban rail transit, the monthly maintenance is proposed as researching objective. Rotation of public transit crew scheduling is referenced and the basic model of maintenance scheduling optimization is established. Furthermore, taking the property of the depot into account, a model which is adapted to the characteristics of network operation, is established for the maintenance scheduling optimization. The method is proved practicably through the cases analysis.
     (5) A real example of case for scheduling optimization and adjustment optimization is analyzed. The large-scale problem of operation network of three rail lines in the subway of BJ city is investigated and analyzed, and the results prove the practical value of this research.
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