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     (3)提出了基于可信度的AttributeBagging文本分类算法。针对Bagging算法中弱分类器具有相同权重的不合理问题,设计改进的Bagging算法,通过对训练样本的属性进行重取样获得多个训练样本集合,以kNN为弱分类器,计算各个弱分类器的可信度得到其投票权重,最终根据投票规则获得集成分类结果。实验证明该算法构建的文本分类器比Attribute Bagging算法具有更好的分类效果。
With rapid development of Internet technology and the exponential growth of electronic text information, how to find the useful knowledge from large amount of data becomes an important topic of data mining. This thesis is based on the National Science and Technology Planning Project of "11th Five-year" Plan which is named "Key technology research and demonstration of Integrated Risk Guardians (No.2006BAD20B02)". According to complete intelligent acquisition and classification of Integrated Risk Information, some key technologies of text mining, such as representation model, feature selection, text classification and text association have been studied. Based on that, some exploratory researches are carried out considering the features of Integrated Risk Information. The main contributions are summarized as follows:
     1. The representation model of integrated risk information is proposed. The tf~*idf weighted method based on the space vector model is analyzed first, and then, by ignoring the shortage of distribution information among classes, considering the Integrated Risk Information as web information, a weighted method of the integrated risk information is proposed, which comprehensively considers the feature items frequency, inverse document frequency, category weight of feature items and HTML tags. Experiments show that this method can improve the performance of text categorzation.
     2. A text feature selection based on ReliefF algorithm and RMI evaluation function is proposed. Aiming at the problem that those traditional feature selection methods of text mining neglect the relevance between features, which leads to massive problems of redundant features in the feature subsets, a combined method of text feature selection is designed. First, irrelevant features are removed by ReliefF algorithm, and then redundant features are filtered by RMI evaluation function. Experiments show that this method can remove the redundant features of text more effectively compared with the traditional ones.
     3. A text classifier based on confidence attribute bagging is is proposed. Aiming at the problem that weaker classifiers of Bagging have the same weights, an improved Bagging algorithm is developed. This algorithm gains more training sets by re-sampling the attributes of the samples. The classified weights can be calculated from each weaker classifier which is based on kNN. The ensemble classification results can be achieved based on voting rules. The classifiers ensemble results which is based on voting rules. The algorithm is used to design a text classifier, which is better than Attribute Bagging algorithm.
     4. A key-phrase extraction method based on gray associate analysis is proposed. Gray associate between given key-phrase and feature words is worked out by which key-phrase is extraction. The main advantage of this method is that it can be equally applicable for large and small quantity of samples and ignore whether the sample is regular. So it can sovle the problem that the key-phrase extraction methods using mathematical statistics ignore the contribution of low-frequency professional words.
     5. The proposed algorithms are adopted to Integrated Risk Information Network. Based on the technology of focused crawler, the intelligent collection and classification of Integrated Risk Information is implemented and achieves better performance.
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