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With the development of Internet and the acquisition technology of multimedia, the amount of digital images is increasing tremendously. How to retrieve the target images quickly and correctly from large scale image database for users is the key problem to be solved exigently in the domain of information. Under the circumstance, image retrieval has been developed and studied widely. Text-based image retrieval is popular in the web search engine, which is based on textual labels by human annotating. The disadvantages are time-consuming, subjectivity and ambiguity. And it is hard to meet the requirements of retrieval on large web database. To handle this problem, content-based image retrieval is proposed which aims to find the similar images with the query based on the inherent property of images. This techonolgy analyzes the images directly justlike the human visual system. Feature representation of image is the key process, and it plays a direct role on retrieval.
     This paper studied feature representations of image from two aspects of local and global. The main work including:
     1. Image retrieval based on color and texture features.
     Single feature-based image retrieval can not achieve higher precision and recall on complex image database because of its limitation. This paper exploits color histogram and LBP texture feature for image retrieval. The experiments show that internal and external normalizations' of features are efficient for retrieval based on single feature, and multi-features can bring higher precision and recall than single feature.
     2. A novel keypoint detector based on the dual tree complex wavelet transform is proposed. Based on this detector, local and global fetures are combined for image retrieval.
     This algorithm is performed in complex wavelet pyramid space of an image. It uses the intra-scale coefficients'product to obtain the energy map. And then extracts the local extrema of the map as the salient keypoints. Based on this detector, the image is divided into several concentric circles according to the distribution of salient points. And then, the annular color histogram is exploited to describe the local color information, the divergence is computed as the geometry feature of an image, and magnitude and phase features at different scales of the complex wavelet transform decomposition of image are extracted for image retrieval. The comparison of complexity among Harris detector, DoG-based detector and the detector proposed in this paper is analyzed. And the experiments on Oxford affine database are performed with the evaluation of repeatability. The results of image retrieval show the effectiveness of our proposed algorithm.
     3. Theory and empirical Comparisons between two local textural features on CBIR.
     In this paper, the differences between CENTRIST and LBP are analyzed on theory. And they are integrated with the spatial information by multi scale spatial pyramid for content-based image retrieval. The experimental results firstly show that the similarity of two images computed by histogram intersection can achieve better result than computed by Euclidean distance for CENTRIST descriptor. For analyzing the impact of the differences, reverse LBP is performed, which is more similar with CENTRIST. The results demonstrate the most important of differences between CENTRIST and LBP is that whether the constraints and the transitivity among neighbored pixels exist.
     4. A dynamically weighting scheme for Bag-of-features based image retrieval.
     Bag-of-Features (BoF) representation of image, which is a middle-level semantic feature, is consisted of an orderless collection of visual words, and successfully used in retrieval and classification of large scale image repository. Several extensions have been proposed that involve feature description, dictionary building, feature encoding and post-query process, etc. This paper proposes a dynamically weighting scheme for BoF-based image retrieval based on feedback. We quantitatively evaluate the proposed method on two different databases. Experiments confirm that the proposed weighting scheme has better performance than the baseline of BoF-based image retrieval systems. Meanwhile, the results demonstrate the effectiveness of the weighting scheme in terms of the precision of top-N returned images.
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