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     本文的主要研究工作及创新之处体现在:根据GPS/GIS/GPRS浮动车系统的技术特点,对城市路网中不同等级道路的划分规则与联通关系进行了深入细致的研究,并从GIS矢量地图数据库组织的角度,设计了合理的路网数据组织与查找结构;根据GPS/GIS浮动车组合定位的特点,结合前人优秀的科研成果,设计了沿道路方向纵向地图匹配(Map Matching)的算法模型,为GPS/GIS组合定位环境下,沿道路方向的定位数据修正提供了新的思路;根据路段划分中所提出的特征点标定方法,设计了基于动态实节点查找的路段行程时间提取技术,并对其中一些关键的技术环节,如实节点时刻提取算法、浮动车运行方向判别技术、下游实节点查找技术等底层技术细节进行了详细的说明与讨论,同时,还根据GPS定位数据的特性,说明了数据中断的情况与处理方法;最后,本文结合GPS定位数据的采样周期,GPRS通信网络的数据传输周期,以及行程时间数据的分析周期,从数据精度需求、数据发送与存储成本与数据质量保证等方面,分析了行程时间数据采集时各个相关数据周期的确定原则。
Travel-time of sections, as one of the most important traffic parameter data, has been highly valued by traffic management and control departments. So, how to dynamic, cheapness and efficient get the travel-time of every section using GPS/GIS/GPRS(3GS for short) integrated probe vehicle becomes a very important concern in modern urban city of traffic crowed management.
     In order to get travel-time using concept, first, we need clearly know the exactly borderline positions of section which would be reserarched, after that, could collect travel-time parameter data bases vehicle’s in-time from the entrance and out-time after the exit. In area of urban city, it is a complex work to fix on borderline positions for sections of all kinds of roads. So, founding an abstractive sections-of model is the foundation and gurantee in Large-scale travel-time collection. Further, it also need use the longitiude, latitude coordinates and UTC information which got by the GPS receiver and combining 3GS probe vehicle’s system functions, and development effective travel-time collection methodology, to make sure travel-time collection’s success in large area urban road network.
     This paper describes a new and systemic method for sections travel-time collection by using 3GS probe vehicle. It solves sections-of for urban road network using virtual-node and real-node firstly, including related data organizing rules in GIS vector map which making sure the frame could be operated easily. With the demand of travel-time collection, also including GPS data quality and GIS map characters, this paper researches and improves map matching algorithm to improve GPS data accuracy. Based on the virtual-nodes and real-nodes, and improved GPS data(MMGPS), according to the concept of travel-time which defined by Traffic Engineering, the author devises time calculating method in real-nodes for GPS points, further more, also devises direction distinguishing method and real-node selecting method, to make sure travel-time dynamic and continous collection by 3GS probe vehicle in urban road networks. Sample periods of GPS, transmit periods of GPRS, and analysis periods for travel-time composes the last research concerns of this paper.
     By using real GPS data and GIS vector map, verifying the technology based on 3GS probe vehicle for sections travel-time collection is right. Because the 3GS probe vehicle could work individually, if one vehicle could make true travel-time collection, it also make all of them do as itself.
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