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With China's economic development, tense situation of mineral resources supply and demand is worsening, serious shortage of domestic mineral resources supply will have a significant impact on China's national economic construction and sustainable development. Large-scale transnational operations of mineral resources are imperative, there into China takes on arounds role, this paper researches how Chinese enterprises realize its adaptability mechanism in transnational operations under extremely complex external environment. The main work of this paper includes:
     First of all, it builds the adaptability mechanism frame for transnational operations in mineral resources enterprises. based on prescribing enterprises adaptability, it classifies impact factors of enterprises adaptability. Based on these environment analyses, it provides the basic analysis logic for transnational operations in mineral resources enterprise, and reveals structure relations between the main, procedures and methods of adaptability mechanism.
     Secondly, on both the hiberarchy environment and tasks environment, this paper researches the associations of mineral resources enterprises and the environment. General impact factors of transnational operation environment which limits Chinese mineral resources enterprises to participate in the international operation are mainly about nature, resources, technology, economic, regulation, culture and political impact factors. The tasks environmental factors of transnational operations is a set of forces and conditions which directly impact on enterprises’access to get inputs and provide outputs, mainly involving market capacity and structure, market rules, market participants and so on. These factors are the starting points to analyze transnational operation environment of Chinese mineral resources enterprises.
     Thirdly, it researches the parties interested in transnational operations of mineral resources enterprises. In a dual-direction and multi-level analysis logic system of international atmosphere and national benefits, it defines interested parties faced by transnational operations in China’s mineral resources enterprise, and describes the positions and attitudes of host country and international indirect interested parties, based on which, it reveals adaptive drive factors for adaptability mechanism of transnational operations in mineral resources enterprises.
     Fourthly, it researches the strategic conversion of adaptibility for transnational operation in mineral resources enterprises. For internationalization issues of transnational operation in mineral resources enterprise, it researches the timing of adaptation and change of adaptive strategies, and researches reflection of strategic adaptability mechanism to features of OLI (ownership, Location, Internalization).
     Finally, it researches adaptability understanding and basic knowledge and experience. This paper provides knowledge system for decision makers in transnational operations of mineral resources enterprise, and it provides the realization methods of understanding based on converting recessive knowledge to dominant knowledge, experience learning, organization learning, knowledge range extension, network obtaining and diversity theory and so on.
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