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The urban heritage preservation has been facing big obstacles since the transition era. Based on the analysis of the successful experiences in western countries after the World War Ⅱ, through assorting the "stakeholders", this paper discussed the social institution and body construction in order to push forward the preservation movement in the view of "Collective Choice". Changing from a coercive institution towards an induced institution is the suggestion made by the author according to the situation of our nation.The first piece of the paper made a study on the parties in the collective choice during the urban heritage preservation, drew an institutional conclusion and made further suggestion on the power and obligation they should be embodied and the method of how they make the choice. To elect a "core administrator", empower the civilian preservation force, through "public participation" and "community management" is the main issue of the part.In virtue of the three standards of pushing the public policy in the "collective choice theory", which is "efficiency", "justice" and "incentives", the last piece of the paper made an thorough study and summary on the property stewardship, ensure private rights and incentive mechanism in the urban heritage of the western countries and then set the direction for our current reformation.
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