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With the development of focal plane array technology, performance evaluation and prediction technology of infrared imaging system have made great progress, the models of field performance prediction of infrared imaging system have also been evolved. The effects of spatial under-sampling, digital filtering, electronic zoom and background clutter have been taken into performance prediction of the imaging system and the performance prediction models have been gradually improved, and they play an important role in target performance prediction. For this reason, more and more counter-measures and equipments are used to disturb the normal working of imaging system, laser interference is one of the most common and effective counter-measures, the research of laser jamming thermal imager was focused on a variety of laser destructive effects, the effects of laser interference on performance prediction were hardly analyzed. Therefore, the research of laser jamming infrared imaging system and its effects on performance prediction of infrared imaging system is needed.
     To solve this problem, NVThermIP performance prediction model based upon the targeting tasks performance (TTP) criteria is described first, and laser interference has been taken into performance prediction in this paper. Further, considering from the laser energy's point of view, the relationship between laser energy absorbed by infrared imaging system and target contrast enhancement is modeled, and the quantitative relation between laser energy and contrast enhancement is analyzed, then contrast threshold function of the infrared imaging system is got at different energy of laser interference, the effects of laser interference on capability of performance prediction is compared and analyzed by NVThermIP model. Finally, considering from the glare's point of view, the effects of glare illumination on contrast threshold function are analyzed, and the expression of system contrast threshold function is modified, then the effects of different glare illumination on capability of performance prediction are compared and analyzed by NVThermIP model too.
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