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Africa is the continent concentrated with most developing countries, and it’s also a region with abundant resources and ability of potential development and it is a rich and enormous potential areas. Although China and Africa are far away from each other, the friendship between the Chinese people and the people of Africa has a long history. After the Cold War, China pays more attention to the relationship with African countries, and it’s an important component of China‘s External Relations to develop friendly relations with African countries. As one of five permanent members of the United Nations, China is the backbone of actively protecting world peace. Especially after the Cold War, with the trend of world multi-polarization continuing develops, China pays more attention to establish his image of a responsible big country in the world and big country status. In the post-Cold War, African countries also began to pay attention to the development problems of developing countries, and they are working to make their own to play a more important role in the international community. They increasingly become an important force of safeguarding world peace and promoting the common development. After the Cold War ended, China proceed from its own actual conditions of political, economic, cultural, scientific and technological aspects , and actively adjust its own global strategy, proposed a political ideas of building a harmonious world, stressed that taking the road of peaceful development, actively develop good relations with other countries in the world, emphasis on developing the broad masses of the Third World countries in particular, so that to further strengthen the power of safeguarding world peace and achieve common development. This paper mainly starts from China's relations with African countries and analyze the practice innovation and international influence of Sino-African relations in the post-Cold War.
     Paper is divided into four parts:
     Part I: mainly expound the history development of Sino-African relations during the Cold War, and pointed out that before the end of the Cold War, relations between China and Africa has experienced the opening period in 50-70 and the transition period in the 1980s, summed up the development characteristics of each different periods. This provides the basis look back for in-depth development of Sino-African relations in the post-Cold War in the future; explain the objective necessity of Sino-Africa relations development in the post-Cold War.
     Part II: After the Cold War, both of China and the African countries have relatively rapid development in the political, economic, cultural and other areas. The development of economic globalization made mutual dependence between the countries further deepen. Both of African countries and China have expressed the aspirations to develop a good relationship with each other. China and Africa find favorable conditions from themselves and the other side to development relations between the two sides, and actively promote Sino-African relations to a new level in the post-Cold War. This part analyzes many favorable factors for developing relations between China and Africa in the post-Cold War from the angle of the favorable international environment created by the development of international political and economic situation, the development of Sino-African relations have a good political, economic and cultural conditions. This makes a reasonable explanation for the booming development of relations between China and African countries in the post-Cold war.
     Part III: Based on the favorable conditions for developing relations of Sino-African in post-Cold War, the Chinese government adjusts African policy timely. This part analysis a series of new strategies, new mechanisms, new policies, new initiatives, and new areas of development put forward by the government. And this part focuses on historical inevitability of establishing new type China-Africa relations of strategic cooperation partnership and its characteristics and significance. It also focuses on the establishment process, characteristics and significance of the new mechanism of China-Africa Cooperation Forum, and the basic content and characteristics of the new African policy. It points out that the rapid development of Sino-African relations in the new period and practice innovations in all fields have been made.
     Although the Sino-Africa relations War have been relatively rapid development in the post-Cold, we need to see the unfavorable factors behind smooth development of Sino-African relations still exist and constraints the development of Sino-African relations. In this part the article also analysis that China's relations with Africa influenced by the factors of imbalance and instability development of internal Africa, the Economic and trade frictions between China and Africa, the Taiwan issue, and also influenced by external factors of contending with Western countries for the African market and distorted reports by Western media in the post-Cold War. It points out that we can see smooth development of Sino-African relations, but at the same time we must keep a cool head and see the series of unfavorable factors restricted the development of relations between China and Africa.
     Part IV: This part comprehensive analysis the international impact brought about by the development of Sino-African relations after the Cold War, including the promotion of the process of multi-polarization of the international situation ,deepening South-South cooperation, promoting the establishment of a fair and reasonable new international political and economic order, safeguarding world energy security, improving the unfavorable international environment of Africa, promotion of Africa and China's economic development and the improvement of China's international status. It further points out that the Sino-African relations are of stable development good along the track.
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