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China is the largest rice produce country in the world. China's rice export trade has developed rapidly since the middle of 1990s. In the beginning of 21th century China's entry into WTO has provided golden opportunity to the expansion of rice export. Researchers and government officials are trying to find the way to seize the opportunity and maintain the impetus of rice export so as to make the conversion from large rice produce country to the large rice export country.
    The study, using the statistic and comparative method as a tool, analyzes characteristics of rice import and export countries in the world, China's rice export situation and rice export competitiveness, and prospects of expanding China's rice export. Strategy and measures are suggested for China's export-oriented rice development.
    The study indicates: that world rice trade has been developing greatly since 1990s and rice trade has been playing more and more important role in the balance of rice supply and demand. World rice market is becoming bigger and competition is becoming stronger. There is a great potential for the expansion of China's rice exportation. China has a strong rice supply for export after ending the time of grain shortage and shows a stronger competitiveness compared with other export countries in cost, price, quality and research ability. The study also indicates that advantage in long-term is better than that in the near future, the export prospects for indica rice is better than japonica rice, the markets in Asian and African countries for China's rice are better than that in other countries. Especially China keeps ahead in rice research and has strong research manpowers and good research sources. China's hybrid rice seeds have a bright future for export.
    The study also indicates that some problems obstacle China's rice export. For example, rice is not particularly produced for export and can not meet the need of international market for high quality rice, rice standards in China do not meet the standards in international markets, the development of different quality rice for diversified market has not been done well, the policy for rice export is not good.
    The study shows that expansion of China's rice export needs to take the following strategy and measures. First, it is necessary to take the export-oriented rice development strategy and rice for export will be produced purposely. Second, taking positive measures to promote export of high quality rice, rice processing products and hybrid rice seeds while further consolidating medium and low quality rice export. Third, forming export rice produce bases and producing high quality rice or rice seeds for export. Forth, improving rice mill machine and producing series of rice for diverse market need so as to enhance the competitiveness. Fifth, strengthening rice research and developing rice varieties which meet the target market need and also developing rice-based products for export. Sixth, improving support service for rice export and establishing new rice standard which comply with the globe rice standard and strengthening the management of examination for export rice. Seventh, establishing policies which are in favor of rice export and strengthening government support for market development.
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