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The specialized accreditation of engineering (SAE), which orients the development of engineering profession, is the fundamental issue of the engineering education research. The U.S. system of SAE has been the major reference of its Chinese counterpart. However, current research of American SAE overemphasizes the problem-solution approach and the introduction of the system, neglects the philosophy analysis of the SAE research and the logical origin of the system, which poses a vacuum in the research of American SAE. Thus, from a professionalism perspective, this dissertation starts with the inherent association from the SAE and engineering profession development in the United States, probing for the ideology and intrinsic logic of evolution of the American system in SAE, therefore, analyze the American SAE from perspectives of values and culture, has a great theoretical innovative and practical value.
     The dissertation introduces the theoretical perspective of professionalism, which is an ideology in the arena of knowledge and a realistic social system. It indicates the entire historical process of U.S. SAE from concept to system and actions. As a concept of the system growing in the western society in the development of professionalization and in the process of forming a profession system, the ideology of professionalism recognition of a highly specialized knowledge and the scientific basis of a profession, recognition of formal education and training mechanism, recognition of professional autonomy determine the goals, methods and content of their work,recognition of through the collective manner and organizational approches, the profession obtains the "privilege" protection from government. In short, because firmly believing that the professional system is benefit to the social civilization process and meet the public's best interests, professionalism ideology final recognition of professional system of legitimacy and whereby the lead to social division and inequality of the social structure. In support of the professionalism ideology, professionalization of a profession needs to follow the development of profession social project, through the projecct of continuous and progressive society, showing the growth of the six major dimensions. They are: the establishment of a professional organization(society, or association), to establish a scientific system of knowledge and education and training mechanisms, to development a code of ethics, to provided a social-orientation services, to obtain the market shelter from the government, and to form the system of collegiality. Through this process, the profession system end of two mutually independent system of mutual support and the process, that is , to obtain the the market control and have a high reputation,the ideology of professionalism and social system to build.
     U.S. SAE ideals and system building, is a specific kind of historical and cultural process. Engineer’s Council for Development (ECPD) was born in the engineering profession flourish but a crisis of legitimacy of the era, it marks the emergence of professional development has entered a new stage of a turning point. To it as a carrier of education established a professional autonomy SAE organization, issued a professional accreditation standards, unity of the professional quality of education and ultimately promote the development of the engineering profession. Engineering accreditation standards, to establish the scientific basis of knowledge and responsibility, by establishing the authority of engineering knowledge and control of market direction and realize the project to expand the borders of knowledge, subdivide the discipline of knowledge and build the scientific model of engineering knowledge. Colleges and universities is to achieve SAE of the reality of places. Through professional system of systematic, structural, and the legalization of heritage education, college and university contribution to make a high preparation of engineering professionals. More importantly, colleges and universities is also a cultural venues of idea of middle class and professionalism. SAE is a major force promoting ethical development engineer. Construction engineers through the reunification of the code of ethics, the development of ethical standards accreditation, SAE for the establishment of a unified ethics and morality has made important contributions. The long road to professionalism, the U.S. SAE contact with the government. In the state level, to the Engineers Registration Act as the basis, SAE by the government's privilege, In the federal level, the U.S. SAE has received market shelter from the recognition system, to in the end to withdraw from the recognition of USDE. Show that with the cooperation of the government relations, ABET not only serve the paramount public interest and maintenance organization to improve the academic quality of the traditional objectives and autonomy. In the 21st century, the U.S. SAE in the event of crises and challenges, constantly breaking the occupation's consistent protection of style, with the stakeholders of the interaction, the efforts of the new system.
     The dissertation shows that the intrinsic logic of the U.S. system of SAE is professionalism. As an ideology, professionalism goes throughout the origin, the growth, and the reform of the system. As a social system, the professionalism has sufficiently elaborate the development process and system features. The SAE, engineering education and the engineering profession co-exist and co-develop. The U.S. SAE system construction is simultaneously implemented with professional education in universities and colleges and the establishment of engineering profession. With the interpretation of professionalism, the U.S. engineering profession has established the unification of quality of professional education, the unification of ethics, and organizational integration. At the same time, the dilemma of engineering as a legal profession changes. The social status and professional reputation of engineers is improved. Moreover, based on the professionalism ideal, linked with professional culture, SAE connects higher education and the profession, therefore, the SAE system comes into being.
     The U.S. SAE system offers a breakthrough for the development of the theories of classical professionalism. While stressing the scientific basis, the closure of field, and the market monopoly, the U.S. engineering professionalism and also displays some of the inherent requirements. Namely: through the collective actions conquest of statues and continuous quality improvement of education quality to meet objectives of the external environment, the U.S. SAE obtains the harmonious unity of professional and social control. At the same time, the infiltration of subjects with open borders creates a unique case, which enriches the classical model of sociology, "sub-homogeneous" discipline constructs the institution of the engineering profession.
     In summary, from 1932 to now, orientated and completed by professionalism, the SAE develops into full-blown with evolution of the profession and social changes. The model of U.S. may inspire the development of the Chinese engineering specialized accreditation system. Although as "the exogenous"-countries, China and the United States of different social and historical and cultural background, but in the reality of globalization and knowledge-based economy under the conditions, "profession" is now become the core and the "pushing hand" of engineering accreditation system. Construct the SAE system of China, which according to the intrinsic logic of profession and development by the movement of professionalization, will be our important tasks and inevitable choice in the futrure.
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    ④从1970年以后,弗雷德逊发表了大量的关于专业研究的成果,代表著作有: Freidson , Eliot. Professional Dominance:The Social Structure of Medical Care. New York: Atherton Press, 1970; Dorctoring Together: A Study of Professsional Scocial Control. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1980. Freidson, Professionalism Reborn. : Theory, Prophecy, and Policy. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. 1994. and Freidson, Professionalism: The Third Logic. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers Ltd. 2001.
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    ①Freidson, Eliot. Professionalism Reborn: Theory, Prophecy, and Policy. Chicago:The University of Chicago Press. 1994 . 173-175.
    ②Freidson, Eliot. Professionalism: The Third Logic. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers Ltd. 2001, 12.
    ③Freidson, Eliot. Professionalism Reborn: Theory, Prophecy, and Policy. Chicago:The University of Chicago Press. 1994. 3.
    ④Magali Sarfatti Larson. The Rise of Professionalism: A Sociological Analysis. California, Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press. 1977. 6.
    ⑤Evetts, Julia.“The Construction of Professionalism in New and Existing Occupational Context: Promoting and facilitating the Occupation Change”, International Journal of Sociology and social Policy, 2003, 23(April/May): 28.
    ①Fournier, V.“The appeal to‘Professionalism’as a disciplinary mechanism”, Social Review, 1999, 47, (2), 280-307.
    ②Miller , P and Rose, N.“Governing economic life”, Economy and Society, 1990, 19, (1), pp. 1-31.
    ③Evetts, Julia.“The Construction of Professionalism in New and Existing Occupational Context: Promoting and facilitating the Occupation Change”, International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, 2003, 23(April/May): 29.
    ④Mirko Noordegraaf.“From‘Pure’to‘Hybrid’Professionalism: Present- Day Professionalism in Ambiguous Public Domains”, Administration & Societ, 2007, (39), 762.
    ①Wilensky, Harold L. The Professionalization of Everyone?”, American Journal of Sociology, 1964 . Elliott, P. The Sociology of Pression. London: McMillan. 1972. Freidson, Eliot. Professionalism Reborn. : Theory, Prophecy, and Policy. Chicago:The University of Chicago Press. 1994. Flyvbjerg, B. Making Social Science Matter. Cambridge: Cambridge Universtity Press. 2001. Fournier, V. The appeal to“Professionalism”as a disciplinary Mechanism. Socialogical Review, 1999, (47), 280-307. Mirko Noordegraaf.“From‘Pure’to‘Hybrid’Professionalism: Present- Day Professionalism in Ambiguous Public Domains”, Administration & Societ, 2007, (39), 765-766. Abbott , Andrew. The System of Professions: An Essay on the Division of Expert Labor. Chicago , London: Chicago University Press. 1988. Larson, Magali Sarfatti. The Rise of Professionalism: A Sociological Analysis. California, Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press. 1977. Fournier, V.“The appeal to‘Professionalism’as a disciplinary mechanism”, Social Review, 1999, 47, (2), 280-307. Evetts, Julia.“The Construction of Professionalism in New and Existing Occupational Context: Promoting and facilitating the Occupation Change”, International Journal of Sociology and social Policy, 2003, 23(April/May): 28.②Fournier, V.“The appeal to‘Professionalism’as a disciplinary mechanism”, Social Review, 1999, 47, (2), 280-307. Mirko Noordegraaf.“From‘Pure’to‘Hybrid’Professionalism: Present- Day Professionalism in Ambiguous Public Domains”, Administration & Societ, 2007, (39), 765-766.
    ①Mirko Noordegraaf.“From‘Pure’to‘Hybrid’Professionalism: Present- Day Professionalism in Ambiguous Public Domains”, Administration & Societ, 2007, (39), 772-773.
    ②Evetts, Julia.“The Sociology Analysis of Professionalism, International Sociology, 2003, 18, 407.
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    ①Freidson , Eliot. Professionalism Reborn. : Theory, Prophecy, and Policy. Chicago:The University of Chicago Press, 1994. 3.
    ①Bledstein, Burton J . The Culture of Professionalism: The Middle Class and the Development of Higher Education in America. New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 1976. 87-88.
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    ②Schott, Richard L. Professionals in Public Service: The Characteristics and Education of Engineer Federal Executive . Berverly Hills: Sage Publications, 1973, 16-24.
    ③Schott, Richard L.“The Professions and Government: Engineering as a Case in Point”, Pbulic Administration Review, 1978, 38, (2), 131.
    ④Grayson, Lawrence P.“A Brief History of Engineering Education in the United States”, Engineering Education, Dec1977, 246-264.
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    ②From letter of Stephen Van Rensselaer School of November 5, 1824, and passed by New York State Legislature, March 21, 1826.参见Grayson, Lawrence P.“A Brief History of Engineering Education In the United States”, Engineering Education, Dec1977, 248.
    ①Rezneck, Samuel. Education for a Technological Society . Troy: Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 1968. 3.
    ②Grayson, Lawrence P.“A Brief History of Engineering Education In the United States”, Engineering Education, Dec1977, 249-250.
    ①Grayson , Lawrence P.“A Brief of Engineering Education in the United States”, Engineering Education, Dec1977, (67), 251.
    ①Historical Statistics of the United States, part 2 , op. cit. , Series W99, p959, Seris P110, p. 683, Series P 228, p689, series P 232, p. 691; and series P 65, p. 694.参见Grayson , Lawrence P.“A Brief of Engineering Education In the United State s”, Engineering Education, Dec1977, (67), 251.
    ②Calvert, Monte A. Mechanical Engineers in American: 1830-1910 . Baltimore: John Hopkins Press. 1967. 281.
    ①Hammond, H. P.“Promotion of Engineering Education in the Past Forty Years”. Proceedings of the SPEE, 1933, (41), 44-66 at 57.
    ①“Entrance Requirements for Engineering College”, in Report of the Special Committee, Proceeding of the SPEE, 1896, (4), 103-173 at 103-104. See Grayson, Lawrence P.“A Brief History of Engineering Education in the United States”, Engineering Education, Dec1977, (67), 256.
    ②McGivern, James G. . First Hundred Years of Engineering Education in the United States (1807-1907). Spokane: Gonzaga University Press, 1960, 147.
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    ①1904年起源于布鲁克林综合学校的非全日制计划特别受上班一族的欢迎, 1975年,工程非全日制学生约占7%。还有一种起源于辛辛那提大学的合作教育,学生一半时间学习,一半时间在工厂充当全日制学徒。1970年,有104所工程学校采用了这种教学方式。参见Grayson , Lawrence P.“A Brief of Engineering Education in the United State s”, Engineering Education, Dec1977, (67), 256.
    ②McGivern, James G. First Hundred Years of Engineering Education in the United States (1807-1907). Spokane: Gonzaga University Press, 1960, 159-160.
    ①Mann , Charles R. A Study of Engineering Education. Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. 1918, Bulletin no, 11.
    ②Wickenden W. E. Report of the Investigation of Engineering Education 1923-1929 . Society for the Promotion of the Engineering Education. New York, 1923-1929.
    ③“Forty-forth Annual Report”1967, Engineers’Council for Professional Development , 1976, 10. table 1.
    ④Grayson , Lawrence P.“A Brief of Engineering Education In the United State s”, Engineering Education, Dec1977, (67), 259.
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    ①韦伯认为,①目的合乎理性的,即通过对外界事物的情况和其他人的举止的期待,并利用这种期待作为“条件”或“手段”,以期实现自己的合乎理性所争取和考虑的作为成果的目的;②价值合乎理性的,即通过有意识的对一个特定的举止——伦理的,美学的和宗教的,或任何其它阐释的——无条件的固有价值的纯粹信仰,不管是否取得成就;③情绪的,尤其是感情的,即由现实的情绪或状况;④传统的,由约定成俗的习惯。参见[德]马克斯·韦伯著经济与社会(上卷)[M].约翰内斯·温克尔曼整理林荣远译.北京:商务印书馆, 2006. 56.
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    ①Larson, Magali Sarfatti. The Rise of Professionalism: A Sociological Analysis. California, Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1977. 6.
    ②Larson, Magali Sarfatti. The Rise of Professionalism: A Sociological Analysis. California, Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1977. 6.
    ③Watkins, J. W., Drury, L. , and Preddy, D. From the Evolution to Revolution: The Pressures on Professional Life in the 1990s. Bristol: University of Bristol. 1992.参见董秀华.市场准入与高校专业认证制度[D].上海:研究华东师范大学博士学位论文2004. 28.
    ④卡尔·桑德斯(Carr-Sanders)曾研究了专业学会的急剧出现趋势,将其形容为“学会旋风”.参见Larson, Magali Sarfatti. The Rise of Professionalism: A Sociological Analysis. California, Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1977. 5.
    ①Larson, Magali Sarfatti. The Rise of Professionalism: A Sociological Analysis. California, Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1977. 5.
    ②Prados , John W. (eds.) A Proud Legacy of Quality Assurance in the Preparation of Technical Professionals: ABET 75th Anniversary Retrospective. Baltimore: Accreditation Board of Applied Science, Computing, Engineering and Technology(ABET, Inc.), 2007. 3
    ①参见[美].约翰·S·布鲁贝克著.高等教育哲学[M].王承绪等译.杭州:浙江教育出版社, 1987. 93;Lawrence P. Grayson.“A Brief History of Engineering Education In the United States”, Engineering Education, Dec1977, (67), 259. Bledstein, Burton J. The Culture of Professionalism: the Middle Class and the Development of Higher Education. New York, W. W. Norton & Company, 1976, 87-90.
    ③William, K. LeBold.“A Half Century of Frontiers of Engineering Education Research”, ASEE, Centennial Issue. Celebrating One Hundred Years 1893-1993, 1993, Engineering Education, Jan1994, 83,(1), 4.
    ①Layton, Edwint. JR. The Revolt of the Engineers: Social Responsibility and the American Engineering Profession . Cleveland: Case Western Reserve University Press (Originally published), 1971. Baltimore and London: John Hopkins Paperbacks edition, 1986. 79.
    ②“A Chronology of ECPD Accreditation Policies”, 1985, Engineers’s Council for Professional Development, New York, 1985. 19.
    ③“Charter and Rules of Procedure”, First Annual Report of E.C.P.D. , Engineers’s Council for Professional Development, New York, 1933. 20-21.
    ④“Participating Bodies and Their Representatives”, First Annual Report of E.C.P.D., Engineering Council for Professional Development, New York, 1933. 22.
    ①ECPD.“First Annual Report”, 1933, Engineering Council for Professional Development, New York, 1933. 1.
    ①Prados , John W. (eds.) A Proud Legacy of Quality Assurance in the Preparation of Technical Professionals: ABET 75th Anniversary Retrospective. Baltimore: Accreditation Board of Applied Science, Computing, Engineering and Technology(ABET, Inc.), 2007. 15.
    ②Guerra, David R. Reyes.“ECPD Becomes the Accreditation Board of Engineering and Technology”, Openning of the ABET’s Forty-Eighth Annual Report, Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology, New York, 1980.
    ③History [EB/OL]. Http//www. abet. org/history. shtml. 2008-4-9.
    ④Structure [EB/OL]. Http//www. abet. org/structure. shtml, 2008-4-9.
    ①Hill, W. Scott.“An Executive Secretary’s View of the Engineering Council for Professional Development”, Thirty-Eighth Annual Report, 1968, Engineering Council for Professional Development, New York, 1968, 5.
    ②1933年的第一份《ECPD章程和行动纲领》规定,该文件的任何变更均需在正式会议上由三分之二的代表投票决定。参见“Charter and Rules of Procedure”. In First Annual Report of E.C.P.D. 1933. 21.
    ③Board of Directors[EB/OL]. Http//www. abet. org/bod. shtml. 2008-4-9.
    ①“Charter and Rules of Procedure”, First Annual Report of E.C.P.D. , Engineers’s Council for Professional Development, New York, 1933. 21.
    ②这些公共理事与其所在的专业学会没有附属关系,仅作为理事会的投票会员出现的,服务期一般为2-3个学期。例如, 2005年ABET理事会包括了公共理事5人。ABET Elects Two Public Members to Board of Directors. March 19, 2005[EB/OL]. http://www. abet. org/news_elections. shtml, 2008-2-3.
    ③Board of Directors[EB/OL]. Http//www. abet. org/bod. shtml. 2008-4-9.
    ④I. E. Historical Perspective. Accreditation Policy and Procedure Manual: Effective for Evaluations during the 2008-2009 Accreditation Cycle [EB/OL]. http// www. abet. org. , 2008-2-2.
    ①I. B. Responsibilities. Accreditation Policy and Procedure Manual: Effective for Evaluations during the 2008-2009 Accreditation Cycle[EB/OL]. http://www. abet. org/, 2008-2-2.
    ②刘盛纲.美国加拿大高等教育评估.第一份册[M].浙江大学出版社, 1987, 160.
    ③Prados , John W. (eds.) A Proud Legacy of Quality Assurance in the Preparation of Technical Professionals: ABET75th Anniversary Retrospective. Baltimore: Accreditation Board of Applied Science, Computing, Engineering and Technology(ABET, Inc.), 2007 . 321-330.
    ①“Report of the Committee on Engineering Schools”, First Annual Report, Engineering Council for Professional Development, New York , 1933. 8, Appendix B.
    ②Plasker, Jim.“ABET and ACSM—A Symbiotic Relationship”, Surveying and Land Information Science, 2004, 64 (4), 267.
    ③“2007 Marks ABET 75th Anniversary”In Prados , John W. (eds.) A Proud Legacy of Quality Assurance in the Preparation of Technical Professionals: ABET 75th Anniversary Retrospective. Baltimore: Accreditation Board of Applied Science, Computing, Engineering and Technology(ABET, Inc.), 2007. flap.
    ①ABET网站[EB/OL]. http// www. abet. org/2007-3-5.
    ②“2007 Marks ABET 75th Anniversary.”In Prados , John W. (eds.) A Proud Legacy of Quality Assurance in the Preparation of Technical Professionals: ABET 75th Anniversary Retrospective. Baltimore: Accreditation Board of Applied Science, Computing, Engineering and Technology(ABET, Inc.), 2007. back flap.
    ①Do you Know?[J] ABET Community Matters, January2007.
    ②ECPD’s Forty-Secongd Annual Report, 1974. In Prados , John W. (eds.) A Proud Legacy of Quality Assurance in the Preparation of Technical Professionals: ABET 75th Anniversary Retrospective. Baltimore: Accreditation Board of Applied Science, Computing, Engineering and Technology(ABET, Inc.), 2007 . 93. 125
    ③News Archives– Awards[EB/OL]. http://www. abet. org/news_awards. shtml, 2008-2-3. Prados , John W. (eds.) A Proud Legacy of Quality Assurance in the Preparation of Technical Professionals: ABET 75th Anniversary Retrospective. Baltimore: Accreditation Board of Applied Science, Computing, Engineering and Technology(ABET, Inc.), 2007 . 331-334.
    ①Publications [EB/OL]. http://www. abet. org/order. shtml, 2008-2-3
    ②What is Accreditation? [EB/OL]. http://www. abet. org/the_basics. shtml. 2008-2-2
    ③Accreditation Policy and Procedure Manual: Effective for Evaluations During the 2008-2009 Accreditation Cycle[EB/OL]. http://www. abet. org/, 2008-2-2.
    ①此处引用ABET的EC2000的评估过程手册(Manual Evaluation Process, EC2000)的相关内容为例,因此,只涉及工程认证委员会EAC的规定。参见“Engineering Criteria 2000: Manual Evaluation Process”, New York: Engineering Accreditation Commission of the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology. 1997. 1-2.
    ①刘盛纲.美国加拿大高等教育评估.第一份册[M].浙江大学出版社, 1987. 174. History [EB/OL]. http://www. abet. org/history. shtml, 2008-2-2.
    ①“Report of the Committee on Engineering Schools”, First Annual Report, Engineering Council for Professional Development, New York, 1933. 1.
    ②.“Basis for Accrediting Engineering Colleges”. Fifth Annual Report Engineering Council for Professional Development, New York, 1937, Appendix B1.
    ③Prados , John W. (eds.) A Proud Legacy of Quality Assurance in the Preparation of Technical Professionals: ABET 75th Anniversary Retrospective. Baltimore: Accreditation Board of Applied Science, Computing, Engineering and Technology(ABET, Inc.), 2007. 14-15.
    ①Wolf , Lawrence J.“Closer Look: The Genesis of Engineering Technology”Prados , John W. (eds.) A Proud Legacy of Quality Assurance in the Preparation of Technical Professionals: ABET 75th Anniversary Retrospective. Baltimore: Accreditation Board of Applied Science, Computing, Engineering and Technology(ABET, Inc.), 2007.. 52.
    ②Prados , John W. (eds.) A Proud Legacy of Quality Assurance in the Preparation of Technical Professionals: ABET 75th Anniversary Retrospective. Baltimore: Accreditation Board of Applied Science, Computing, Engineering and Technology(ABET, Inc.), 2007. 44.
    ③“Report of the Committee on Principals of Engineering Ethics”, Fifteen Annual Report, Engineers’Council for Professional Development, New York, 1947, 21.
    ④Prados , John W. (eds.) A Proud Legacy of Quality Assurance in the Preparation of Technical Professionals: ABET 75th Anniversary Retrospective. Baltimore: Accreditation Board of Applied Science, Computing, Engineering and Technology(ABET, Inc.), 2007. 44-46.
    ①“Closer Look: Early Discussions of International Accreditation.”In Prados , John W. (eds. ) A Proud Legacy of Quality Assurance in the Preparation of Technical Professionals: ABET 75th Anniversary Retrospective. Baltimore: Accreditation Board of Engineering and Technology(ABET, Inc. ), 2007, 63.
    ②ECPD.“Eighth Annual Report”, 1940, New York: Engineering Council for Professional Development, 1940. 12.
    ①“A Challenge: As an Audit of Accomplishments, 1932-1947”, Published for the the ECPD’s Fifteenth Anniversary, Engineering Council for Professional Development, New York , Jun1947, 1-14. 10.
    ②“A Challenge: As an Audit of Accomplishments, 1932-1947”, Published for the the ECPD’s Fifteenth Anniversary, Engineering Council for Professional Development, New York , Jun1947, 12-13.
    ①“A Challenge: As an Audit of Accomplishments, 1932-1947”, Published for the the ECPD’s Fifteenth Anniversary, Engineering Council for Professional Development, New York , Jun1947, 14-15. .
    ②“A Challenge: As an Audit of Accomplishments, 1932-1947”, Published for the the ECPD’s Fifteenth Anniversary, Engineering Council for Professional Development, New York , Jun1947, 16.
    ①Prados, J. W. , and Proctor , S. I.“What Will It Take to Reform Enginering Education”Chemical Engineering Progress, Mar2000, 96, (3), 99-96.
    ②“Closer Look:The Grinter Report and Goal Reports: Their Impact on ECPD.”In Prados , John W. (eds.) A Proud Legacy of Quality Assurance in the Preparation of Technical Professionals: ABET 75th Anniversary Retrospective. Baltimore: Accreditation Board of Applied Science, Computing, Engineering and Technology(ABET, Inc.), 2007. 112.
    ③ASEE.“Report on Evaluation of Engineering Education, 1952-1955”(Commonly Referred to As“The Grinter Report”), Ameircan Society for Engineering Education, New York, 1955. 14.
    ④ASEE.“Report on Evaluation of Engineering Education, 1952-1955”(Commonly Referred to As“The Grinter Report”), Ameircan Society for Engineering Education, New York, 1955. 14.
    ①“On the Record: The Engineering Technology Committee Issues Its First Report.”In Prados , John W. (eds.) A Proud Legacy of Quality Assurance in the Preparation of Technical Professionals: ABET 75th Anniversary Retrospective. Baltimore: Accreditation Board of Applied Science, Computing, Engineering and Technology(ABET, Inc.), 2007. 121.“First Annual Report of the Engineering Technology Committee.”, Thirty-Third Annual Report, Engineering Council for Professional Development, New York, 1965. 13.
    ②ECPD.“Thirty-Third Annual Report”, 1933, New York: Engineering Council for Professional Development, 1967.
    ③Morgen, Ralph A.“Engineering, A Profession?”,“President Report”, Thirty-First Annual Report, Engineers’Council for Professional Development, New York, 1962. 4.
    ④Hill, W. Scott.“Engineers’Council in Transiton”,“President Report”, Thirty-Second Annual Report, Engineers’Council for Professional Development, New York, 1963. 4.
    ①“Distinguished Service Award”, Fortieth Annual Report, Engineers’Council for Professional Development, New York, 1972. 48.
    ②赵康.管理咨询在中国:现状、专业水准、存在问题和发展战略[M].北京:中国社会科学出版社, 2008. (待出版)
    ③“Message from the Chair”, Academy of Fellows Newsletter, American Society of Engineering Education. New York, January2006
    ④Morgen, Ralph A.“Engineering, A Profession?”,“President Report”, Thirty-First Annual Report, Engineers’Council for Professional Development, New York, 1962. 3.
    ①Alden, John D.“Engineering Technology Education: Why and How”, Journal of Tau Alpha Pi, 1986, 10, 7-13.
    ②Prados , John W. (eds.) A Proud Legacy of Quality Assurance in the Preparation of Technical Professionals: ABET 75th Anniversary Retrospective. Baltimore: Accreditation Board of Applied Science, Computing, Engineering and Technology(ABET, Inc.), 2007. 168-170.
    ①Prados , John W. (eds.) A Proud Legacy of Quality Assurance in the Preparation of Technical Professionals: ABET 75th Anniversary Retrospective. Baltimore: Accreditation Board of Applied Science, Computing, Engineering and Technology(ABET, Inc.), 2007. 170-171.
    ②Guerra , David R. Reyes.“ECPD Becomes the Accreditation Board of Engineering and Technology”, Openning of the ABET’s Forty-Eighth Annual Report, New York: Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology, 1980.
    ③Prados , John W. (eds.) A Proud Legacy of Quality Assurance in the Preparation of Technical Professionals: ABET 75th Anniversary Retrospective. Baltimore: Accreditation Board of Applied Science, Computing, Engineering and Technology(ABET, Inc.), 2007. 171
    ①“Canadian Non-ECPD Accredited Programs, 1978”,Forty–Six Annual Report, Engineers’Council forProfessional Development, New York, 1978, 60.“Canadian Non-ECPD Accredited Programs, 1979”,Forty–Seventh Annual Report, Engineers’Council forProfessional Development, New York , 1979 , 75.
    ②Gibson, Dave.“The Histoy of Surveying Accreditation in ABET and the Formation of RAC (ASAC).”In Prados , John W. (eds.) A Proud Legacy of Quality Assurance in the Preparation of Technical Professionals: ABET 75th Anniversary Retrospective. Baltimore: Accreditation Board of Applied Science, Computing, Engineering and Technology(ABET, Inc.), 2007.188;
    ③在1992年6月的美国工程教育学会(ASEE)年会的演讲中,麻省理工学院院长维斯特(Vest)提出,工程教育的改革有必要满足增长的国际主义的挑战,减少对军事领域的关注,增加全球范围内对经济竞争、剧烈变化的格局、以及教育质量所有方面的关注。他认为工程教育应教会学生领导力和团队合作能力,他还谴责ABET阻碍了学生的创新和实验能力。参见. Blum Debra R.“MIT Heads Calls for”transformation”of Engineering Education, Hit Accreditors”, The Chrinicle of Higher Education, J ul1, 1993, 38, 43, A13.
    ①Prados , John W. (eds.) A Proud Legacy of Quality Assurance in the Preparation of Technical Professionals: ABET 75th Anniversary Retrospective. Baltimore: Accreditation Board of Applied Science, Computing, Engineering and Technology(ABET, Inc.), 2007. 224.
    ②Furgason , Robert R.“Feflecting Back: The Progress and Development of ABET.”In Prados , John W. (eds.) A Proud Legacy of Quality Assurance in the Preparation of Technical Professionals: ABET 75th Anniversary Retrospective. Baltimore: Accreditation Board of Applied Science, Computing, Engineering and Technology(ABET, Inc.), 2007. 240.
    ①Prados , John W. (eds.) A Proud Legacy of Quality Assurance in the Preparation of Technical Professionals: ABET 75th Anniversary Retrospective. Baltimore: Accreditation Board of Applied Science, Computing, Engineering and Technology(ABET, Inc.), 2007. 285-286.
    ②王亚杰.质量致胜:学位质量集成创新的思考与实践[M].杭州:浙江大学出版社, 2005. 91. 96.
    ③王亚杰.质量致胜:学位质量集成创新的思考与实践[M].杭州:浙江大学出版社, 2005. 82.
    ①Rogers, Gloria M.“Reflecting Back: Continuous Quality Improvement.”In Prados , John W. (eds.) A Proud Legacy of Quality Assurance in the Preparation of Technical Professionals: ABET 75th Anniversary Retrospective. Baltimore: Accreditation Board of Applied Science, Computing, Engineering and Technology(ABET, Inc.), 2007. 300.
    ②Pagano, Mark.“Reflecting Back: TEI Provides National Engineering Technology Community the Tools to”Transform Program Assessment.”In Prados , John W. (eds.) A Proud Legacy of Quality Assurance in the Preparation of Technical Professionals: ABET 75th Anniversary Retrospective. Baltimore: Accreditation Board of Applied Science, Computing, Engineering and Technology(ABET, Inc.), 2007. 302-305.
    ①Fournier, V.“The appeal to‘Professionalism’as a disciplinary mechanism”, Social Review, 1999, 47, (2), 280.
    ②Freidson, Eliot. Professionalism Reborn. : Theory, Prophecy, and Policy. Chicago:The University of Chicago Press. 1994. 62.
    ③Larson, Magali Sarfatti. The Rise of Professionalism: A Sociological Analysis. California, Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press. 1977. 40.
    ④Larson, Magali Sarfatti. The Rise of Professionalism: A Sociological Analysis. California, Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press. 1977. 40.
    ⑤赵康.管理咨询在中国:现状、专业水准、存在问题和发展战略[M].北京:中国社会科学出版社, 2008. 100. (待出版)
    ①王致和.高等学校教育评估[M].北京:北京师范大学出版社, 1995. 97.
    ①Prados , John W. (eds.) A Proud Legacy of Quality Assurance in the Preparation of Technical Professionals: ABET 75th Anniversary Retrospective. Baltimore: Accreditation Board of Applied Science, Computing, Engineering and Technology(ABET, Inc.), 2007.“A Chronology of ECPD Accreditation Policies.”In A Synopsis of Current Procedures for Accreditaation and a Chronology of ECPD Accreditation Policies, Engineering Council for Professional Development, New York, 1977. ABET’s 2008-2009 Criteria for Accrediting [EB/OL]. http//. www. abet. org, 2007-11-18.
    ②1980年以前,各认证委员会只负责专业教学计划标准的审核和建议,并开展认证活动。但需要得到ABET理事会的批准。1980年ECPD更名为ABET以后,组织机构和职能进行了重大调整,各认证委员会被授权对专业教学计划标准和活动负有最终责任, ABET理事会只行使处理评估引起的上诉及协调组织外部事物。参见171 Prados , John W. (eds.) A Proud Legacy of Quality Assurance in the Preparation of Technical Professionals: ABET 75th Anniversary Retrospective. Baltimore: Accreditation Board of Applied Science, Computing, Engineering and Technology(ABET, Inc.), 2007.
    ①“A Chronology of ECPD Accreditation Policies.”In A Synopsis of Current Procedures for Accreditaation and a Chronology of ECPD Accreditation Policies, Engineering Council for Professional Development, New York, 1977. 22-25.
    ①Program criteria. 2008-2009 Criteria for Accrediting Engineering Programs [EB/OL]. http//. www. abet. org, 2008-2-18.
    ②“A Chronology of ECPD Accreditation Policies.”In A Synopsis of Current Procedures for Accreditaation and a Chronology of ECPD Accreditation Policies, Engineering Council for Professional Development, New York, 1977, 25.
    ③“Accredited Programs of Technological Institute Type in the United States-1946”, Fourteenth Annual Report, Engineering Council for Professional Development, New York, 1946. 27.
    ④1946-1965年, ECPD只评估了两年制的工程技术课程, 1967年开始第一个四年制工程技术课程的评估。
    ①Program criteria. 2008-2009 Criteria for Accrediting Engineering Technology Programs [EB/OL]. http//. www. abet. org, 2008-2-18.
    ②Prados , John W. (eds.) A Proud Legacy of Quality Assurance in the Preparation of Technical Professionals: ABET 75th Anniversary Retrospective. Baltimore: Accreditation Board of Applied Science, Computing, Engineering and Technology(ABET, Inc.), 2007. 171.
    ③Program criteria. 2008-2009 Criteria for Accrediting Applied Science Programs[EB/OL]. http//. www. abet. org, 2007-11-18.
    ④Program criteria. 2008-2009 Criteria for Accrediting Computer Programs[EB/OL]. http//. www. abet. org, 2007-11-18.
    ⑤Grayson , Lawrence P.“A Brief of Engineering Education in the United State s”, Engineering Education, Dec1977, (67), 251-253.
    ①ASEE.“Report on Evaluation of Engineering Education, 1952-1955”(Commonly Referred to As“The Grinter Report”), American Society for Engineering Education, New York, 1955, Table of Contents.
    ②“Final Committee Report on Objectives and Procedures for Accredited Programs in Engineering in the United States”Thirty-Ninth Annual Report, Engineering Council for Professional Development, New York:1971, 14-16.
    ③“Criteria for Accrediting Engineering Programs in the United States”, Fifty-Sixth Annual Report, Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology, Baltimore, 1988, 103-129.
    ①Curriculum . Program Criteria for Aerospace and Similarly Named Engineering Program. ABET: 2008-2009 Criteria for Accrediting Engineering Programs. [EB/OL]. http//www. abet. org, 2007-12-31.
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    ③拉森在“专业主义的兴起”一书中,将专业人员的教育和培训过程解释为“专业生产者的生产”(production of professional producer),参见Larson, Magali Sarfatti. The Rise of Professionalism: A Sociological Analysis. California, Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press. 1977. 34.
    ④本大维(Ben-David)提出了“类学科”(quasi-disciplines)的概念,指那些不能达到赋予科学社会的主要特征——“隔绝”(insulation)状态的学科。参见Larson, Magali Sarfatti. The Rise of Professionalism: A Sociological Analysis. California, Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press. 1977. 25-31.
    ⑤Larson, Magali Sarfatti. The Rise of Professionalism: A Sociological Analysis. California, Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press. 1977. 34.
    ①“A Chronology of ECPD Accreditation Policies.”In ECPD A Synopsis of Current Procedures for Accreditaation and a Chronology of ECPD Accreditation Policies, Engineering Council for Professional Development, New York, 1977. , 20-21.
    ②Grinter L. E.“Report on Report on Evaluation of Engineering Education(1952-1955)”, Journal of Engineering and Technology, 1955, 44, (1), 25-63.
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    ④“Additional Criteria for Accreditation of Engineering Education”, Twenty-Fourth Annual Report, Engineering Council for Professional Development , New York, 1956, 10.
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    ①该标准的通用标准分为两个级别,对大学本科的(for Baccalaureate level),和研究生(for advanced level)的。本论文引用的是内容是针对大学本科层次的标准。
    ②Engineering Accreditation Commition.“2008-2009 Criteria for Accrediting Engineering Programs”, ABET,Inc.Baltimore, 2008, Criteria 3. [EB/OL]. http// www. abet. org, 2007-12-31.
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    ①弗雷德逊认为,专业人员在大学专业教学中,可以将实践中的经验很好地与学校教育结合起来,从而产生专业知识的创造和发现,参见Freidson, Eliot. Professionalism Reborn. : Theory, Prophecy, and Policy. Chicago:The University of Chicago Press. 1994. 177-178.
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    ②沃特金斯(Watkins)将英国的专业划分为五类:前工业专业(1500):神学、医学、法学;工业化专业(1880):工程师、化学家、会计师;福利政府专业(1900-1948):教师、社会工作者;企业性专业(1980年代):商务及管理人员,及知识工人(1990年代)信息、通讯和媒体专业人员。参见董秀华.市场准入与高校专业认证制度研究[D].华东师范大学博士学位论文, 2004. 28.
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    ①EC2000通用标准之三列出的11个领域是: a、具有应用数学、科学和工程知识的能力;b具有设计和完成实验、分析和解释数据的能力;c具有设计一个系统、组建和过程以满足需求的能力;d具有多学科团队的合作能力; e具有鉴别、形成和解决工程问题的能力; f.具有理解专业和道德责任的能力;g具有有效沟通的能力;h接受在全球和社会的背景下理解工程的后果和影响的广泛的教育;i终身学习的能力; j理解当代事务的能力k在工程实践中使用技术、技能和工程工具的能力。
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