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     本文首先分析了星敏感器在国际、国内的发展趋势,并从星敏感器光学系统的特点出发,根据课题要求着重对摄远系统进行了研究。由于谱段较宽,色差难以校正,因此重点分析了光学系统的复消色差、玻璃材料的选择以及像差校正等特点,并初步选定了有利于消色差的光学材料。根据技术指标要求,使用CODE V软件确定了光学系统的结构型式。
Star sensor is a high precision instrument used for orientation measurement. Wide field, high precision, small volume and mass, less power consumption are distinct characters of new generation star sensor, which has self-navigation capability. Smaller F# and wider spectral coverage of optics of star sensor are the trends of development. Based on the background of new generation star sensor and research subject of wide spectral band, narrow field of view and small F#, we studied the optical system of star sensor.
     Firstly, trend in development of star sensor was analyzed. In order to fulfill the task, characters of optical system in star sensor, especially telephoto system is discussed according to qualification. Characters of apochromatism, glass materials and correction of aberrations are analyzed. Primary materials of optical elements are chose in favor of correcting chromatic aberration. According to specifications requirements, optical system structure is selected.
     Secondly, after designing of optical system scheme, a lot of aberrations coming from the front and rear parts of system are analyzed according to the method of apochromatism. Image quality of telephoto system is evaluated by several kinds of merits figure. For the sake of supplying technical measurement, system tolerance is allocated. To make tolerance more rational, using through focus we compensated tolerance and analyzed errors.
     Finally, different kinds of baffles are designed using LightTools for restraining stray light and effectively avoiding non-objective effect on image quality of optical system. The possibility of light weight is argumented by changing structures of baffles whose requirement of extinction is satisfied. Furthermore, cylinders of lenses are designed to reduce the influence of space environment and perfect the total structure.
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