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Objective: To discuss the endometria’s peeling and recovery mechanism concerning control of the side reaction of bleeding after IUD placement by Gongning granula.
     Method: In the clinical experimental investigation, Gongning granula and Indometacin are used for the patients suffered by side reaction of bleeding, and it is assumed that without IUD blank group is placed; while observing herapeutic effect,uterine cavity is also adopted to observe pressure area,transition area and distant area, and sample is taken at a certain point. changes of different parts prior to and after the treatment are compared, those parts and the blank control groups are also compared in terms of conventional organization morphology, and the empress of ER and PR are examined.
     Results: The clinical curative effect and the improvement rate of traditional Chinese medicine of Gongning granula obviously better than Indometacin group(P<0.05)。The observation of morphology indicate that, the endometria’s of the patients that the adverse reaction of bleeding after IUD placement exist obviously patho-damagement in histological anatomy, it’s degree of the patho-damagement inverse proported with the distance to IUD, the farther distance the slighter pain, as well it appears the obviously derangement of endometria’s and the disturbance of stripping or recovery. Compare to normal control. After the patients that the adverse reaction of bleeding after IUD placement healing well or improved, the patho-damagement of the endometria’s obviously relieved, the disturbance of stripping or recovery endometria’s vanished or lightened; although the empress of ER and PR appears the tendency of height or degrade,but out of synchronia vanished or improved. In the directions to the improvement endometria’s patho-damagement and the empress of ER, PR Gongning granula obviously better than Indometacin(P<0.05).
     Conclusion: The patients who have IUD bleeding side reaction have an obvious hindrance of endometria peeling and recovery periodically, Gongning granula adjusts and recovers the delivery of endometrium ER and PR the abnormal construction of uterus vessels, by relieving the impair of endometrium tectology, so as to adjust peeling and recovery endometrium foul-up of IUD bleeding side reaction. Gongning granula's clinical effect、effect on traditional medical syndrome and improvement of relative indexes of endometrium exfoliating/repairing foul-up excels to Indometacin obviously.
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