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随着信息技术的快速发展,移动通信技术已从最初的1G(模拟技术,主要业务为语音通信)发展到2G(数字技术,业务包括语音通信与数据业务),并正向3G过渡。伴随着WAP(Wireless Application Protocol)的应用,手机银行、手机炒股等互联网上的服务(网上银行、网上证券)被移植到手机终端上。移动服务的种类繁多,理解用户为什么会接受移动服务则是移动商务企业关注的焦点。目前国内外研究者对移动商务用户采纳的影响因素进行过大量研究,但对我国移动服务的用户采纳的系统研究并不多见。结合有关移动商务研究课题,本论文将结合用户采纳研究理论,在对企业用户和个人用户分别采集数据的基础上,对我国社会环境和商务环境下的移动商务用户采纳模型进行实证研究。
     本文绪论部分首先回顾了移动商务研究的动态,对移动商务的定义和用户采纳研究现状进行了描述,也对用户采纳理论进行了归纳,包括理性行为理论(Theory ofReasoned Action,TRA)、计划行为理论(Theory of Planned Behavior,TPB)、技术接受模型(Technology Acceptance Model,TAM)、创新扩散理论(Innovation DiffusionTheory,IDT)、技术任务匹配理论(Task Technology Fit,TTF)、网络外部性理论(NetworkExternality Theory)、服务质量模型(SERVQUAL Model)等。
With the rapid development of information technology, mobile communication technology has transformed from the 1~(st) generation to 2~(nd) generation, and is in the transition to the 3~(rd) generation. In the same time, various Internet business applications have transferred to mobile terminal, such as mobile banking and mobile stock. There are various mobile services. Understanding why people accept mobile services is always the focus of enterprise in mobile environment. Existing literature provides a helpful foundation to understand user adoption of mobile commerce, but few researchers have conducted from the systemic perspective of China's social context and business context. Supported by several research projects of mobile business, this dissertation conducts empirical studies on the factors affecting individual and enterprise users' adoption of mobile services.
     The operation of mobile business involves capital security, information security, trade secrets, and many other factors. Meanwhile, mobile commerce also involves the usefulness and ease of use issues, and these factors and issues will affect business and customer acceptance of mobile commerce, thereby affect the development of mobile commerce. Thus, studying what factors affect the acceptance of mobile commerce can provide basis for countermeasures give for the positive, healthy and orderly development of China's mobile business in the country's social environment and business environment. Wireless network products are mobile business customers around the lifestyle created by the experience, so customers are mobile business centre. Since homogenization of products is the increasingly serious problem today, providing comprehensive and unique business services is becoming an important means for enterprises to win the market competition and retain customers, while it is very important for enterprises to have a stable customer base. Furthermore, trust has positive significant impact on user adoption. Often because of the lack of trust, users are unwilling to buy online or mobile services. Thus, for mobile transactions, trust is an important factor.
     In the part of introduction, this study first reviewed mobile commerce research status, including the definition of mobile commerce, user adoption of mobile commerce research status, and customer trust in mobile commerce. Then we described the theories of user adoption, including Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA), Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB), Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), Innovation Diffusion Theory, Task Technology Fit Model (TTF), Network Externality, and Service Quality Model (SERVQUAL). In the second chapter, we analyzed the characteristics of mobile commerce, and studied the classification of mobile commerce. Since trust is an important influence for the services involving transactions. Whether in e-commerce or mobile commerce, trust is always the focus of research. Based on Value Focused Thinking (VFT), thus this dissertation constructed a framework of customer trust in mobile commerce. Then this chapter built a total user adoption of mobile commerce research model, studied each issue one by one in the other chapters.
     This study focused on the following aspects:
     With the wide range of mobile services, we categorize them into individual services and enterprise services based on objects. Personal service is targeted at individual consumers, and technology acceptance model is a typical theory for individual user, also service cost is one of the main factors for a consumer adoption or using services. Accordingly, perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and the perceived service cost are basic structural variables to establish the research model. In addition, one of the basic functions of communications services is to allow users more convenient means of communication, thus external network, communication effectiveness and perceived enjoyment will impact users usage behaviors.
     Business-oriented service consumers are organizations, and innovation diffusion theory (IDT) is suitable for organizations adoption research. In addition, using mobile services, enterprises must consider the match of characteristics of technology and the characteristics of business tasks. Thus, this dissertation integrated innovation diffusion theory and technology task fit (TTF) model to study enterprise adoption of mobile service. The results showed that relative advantage, complexity, compatibility and the fit of technology and business tasks significantly affect the enterprise adoption of mobile service, and the integration of IDT/TTF model explains more variance than IDT or TTF alone.
     Using micro-payment service as research object, we empirically tested the impact of trust on user adoption. The results demonstrated that perceived usefulness, trust and service costs significantly affect user's adoption of Micro-payment services.
     Structural equation model (SEM) is the main approach for empirical studies, the PLS and Lisrel structural equation model are the two main types of parameter estimation methods. Taking mobile banking services as research object, we built a model including perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, perceived credibility and service costs, attitude, and behavior intention. And then we uses empirical data to compare the differences of these two methods of parameter estimation.
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