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图的交叉数问题是在近代图论中发展起来的一个重要概念,是表征一个图的非平面性的一个重要参数.是拓扑图论中的前沿难题.它起源于上世纪五十年代Turan在砖厂碰到的一个实际应用问题(Tu-rairs Brickyard Problem).逐渐发展成为图论学科中非常活跃的一个分支.其理论在电路板设计.草图识别与重画以及生物工程DNA的图示等领域有广阔的应用.因而吸引着国内外许多学者的关注.它研究的主要是如何把一个图画在平面上或曲面上.使其产生的交叉数目最少.通常采用的是纯数学方法的证明.一般地,确定图的交叉数是十分困难的.事实上.Garey和Johnson已经证明了确定一般图的交叉数是一个NP-完全问题.目前.能确定交叉数的图类很少.确定图类的交叉数主要集中在一些特殊图类上,如完全图Kn,完全2-部图Km,n完全3-部图Kl,m,n,简单的图之间的笛卡尔积,循环图等.本文尝试应用并创新某些新的方法.主要研究了如广义Petersen图.联图.笛卡尔积图等
The crossing number of graphs is a vital concept in modern graph theory and a characterization of a graph of non-plane of an important parameter. It is difficulty in the forefront, of topological graph theory. The crossing number of graphs comes from the Pual Turdn's brick factory problem during in the fifties of the J9th century, and it becomes a very active branch in Graph Theory, whose theory has widespread applications in many fields, such as the design of electronic circuits, and the identification and repaint of sketch, and the graphical representation of DMA in biology engineer and so on. Many authors at home and aborad have engaged in the investigation on this area. It mainly studied how to take a. graph in the plane or curved surface, to make its crossing number at least, usually used the pure mathematical method to proof it. Generally, it is difficultly to determine the crossing number of graph. In fact. Garev and Johnson have proved that in general the problem of determining the crossing number of a graphs is NP-complete.At present. the classes of graphs whose crossing number have been determined are very scarce, and there are only some special graphs whose crossing numbers are known. For example, these included the complete graph Kn. the complete bipartite graph Km,n. the complete tripartite graph Kl.m.n, Some Cartesian product between some simply graphs, certain Petersen graph and so on. In this paper, we study the crossing number of some special graphs, such as the generalized Petersen graph, the join product, the Cartesian product, etc,with some new methods. The details are as follows:
     One. We introduce the origins and backgrounds of the crossing number. its theorical and practical meanings, its development around the world.
     Two. Introduce some basic concepts as well as some lemma and proper-ties,which associated with the graph.
     Three. Focusing on the crossing number of join product, determines that the crossing number of the join product of a typical six vertices graphs with two hangs edges with Path and Cycle.
     Four. Proof the crossing number of the join product of a special graphs with six vertices with Path and Cycle.
     Five. Studies the crossing number of the Wheel, determines the crossing numbers of wheel-W3join with path Pn and Cartesian products of wheel-W6with Sn.provided that Zarankiewiez's conjecture holds for the ease m-7.
     Six. Studies the crossing number of a type of Petensen graph. determined the upper and lower bounds of the generalized Petersen graph P (3k1k) for arbitrary k>3.
     Seven. We make some conclusions of our research work and put forward one relative problems which we will go ahead.
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