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Social skill is an important component of individual's social capability, and social skill training is to enhance ill-social skill individuals' social adaptness by grasping the knowledge and skills, which is necessary for one's social intercourse.
    The literature of social skill training indicate that "emotion shortage" is a main reason to one's ill-social skill. So, we choose an emotional social skill training model to train children between 3 and 5 years of age, and wish this training can change the condition of present social skill training which is not has long-time effect; we also wish it can provides some useful datum for kindergartens' lesson and teaching reform.
    Social skill's emotional training model is based on mental-cognition theory and borrowed the theory construction of social skill molecular model, emphasis on the emotional supervise and control process of social skill, take emotional cognition as its central element in order to train individual's social skill form three aspects, which are emotion express, emotion sensitivity and emotion control.
    Our study is applied in ZhuZhou city-kindergarten. we choose two classes of every age level (3-year-olds, 4-year-olds and 5-year-olds ) as experimental group and control group. The experimental group received 4 months' emotional model's social skill training and the control group got the normal schooling's teaching. We use Social Skill Inventory for Preschool Children which is revised on the grounds of social skill's molecular model to evaluate the effects. The results of this study indicate:
    1. Emotional training model of social skill can enhance children's social skill markedly, but the verbal social skill's training effect is relatively more striking than emotional social skill.
    2.There is age difference in the effect of social skill training, but children's gender is not an important factor which may affect the training's effects. The best effect of children's social skill training may come out with 4-year-olds.
    3.There is a "construction imbalance" phenomenon in children's social skill development. That is, children's emotional social skill is much more lower than their verbal social skill, and our training cannot solve this problem.
    We can take dozens of other studies aimed for the insufficiency and problems turned up in this study, stich as prolong the training time or take long time come after study , or to train the emotional social skill and vertml social skill at the same time by take some integral methods, or to investgate the "construction imbalance" phenomena of children's social skill development in theory and practice area.
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