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The music education and its value are the unique genes of objective existence in human society.
    However, the so-called value orientation of music education reflects the understanding and view of music education under a certain social and historical condition. According to people's own requirement and profit, the music education is a kind of synthesis that includes subjective judge, choice, emotion experience and will for the music education value.
    In accordance with the principle of asking for extent agreement while keeping minor inconsistency, there always some kinds of value orientations of music education, which dominate the music value in a society, regardless of what kinds of social historic conditions. Meanwhile these value orientations of music education synthetically affect the people's consciousness and thought. Gradually these orientations become some kinds of stable psychological tendency or the psychology that decides the prevailing of value orientation of music education. Hence this is people's value of music education. The value of music education is an overall understanding and a judgment related to music education. It also is a constituent part of world view. It cannot be separated from society to exist alone. It is the historical product that belongs to a certain social such that it is restricted and influenced by society.
    The creation and existence of any thing has its reason and base, at the same time the creation of this reason and base often has its more original reason and base. Keeping on tracing its reason and base in an up manner will result in the appearance of the most original reason and base, which is called as the historical and most radical reason and base for the thing, namely the historical source of this thing. Similarly the value orientation of music education also has its historical source. The activity of music education has been a way for conquering nature and a proof of humanity in the primitive society. This is most original value of music education, also is the historical source of the value orientation of music education.
    A series of evolution and changes happened during pre-Qin Dynasty in the area of the value of music education. The value of music education
    was developed from the idea of "proof of humanity" in primitive society into the concept of "refinement of courteous by music" during the period of Xia, Shang, and Western Zhou Dynasties. Again the concept later was replaced by the notion of "music for living or entertainment" in the early stage of the Spring and Autumn period and the Warring States period. This replacement hereafter had a profound and significant influence to the duel views of "Humanist versus Skill" in the value of the Chinese tradition music education. However its "secret factor" and "driving force", which caused and impelled these successive evolutions in music education, are the product of the social economy as well as the change of social system.
    Now this is the period of the social reforming and transformation. The prosperous music education and colorful progress in music education urge us to think the construction and development of the value of music education in our country.
    Now there are two prevalent conceptions about the value of music education in the practice of the construction and the development of music education in our country. Based on the belief of "humanist", one believes that the music education should pursue the goal of "the education for all-around development". On the contrary, based on the belief of "skill", the other believes that the music education is for the purpose of "professional skill education". Therefore a contradiction is created because of the conflict of the two conceptions in music education. Accordingly this contradiction creates two erroneous zones: extreme idealization and excessive reality.
    It is necessary for us to learn lessons from historic experiences and stories because extremeness means instable. We should have the attitude of appropriateness, humanist, and progressive for the purpose of the c
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