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The agricultural economy is the basic sectors of the national economy, and agriculture listedcompanies lead the development of agricultural economy.Agricultural listed companies play a leadingrole in transforming China's agricultural economic development mode and promoting optimizationand upgrade of agricultural industrial structure. However, a series of problems are appeared when theagricultural listed companies grow and develop rapidly,which have a serious impact on marketcompetitiveness and sustainable development capacity of China's agricultural listed companies. At thesame time, China's agricultural listed companies have been getting the strong support of nationalpolicy and are leading social trend. Also, with the development and maturity of the new generation ofcommunications technology, agricultural listed companies soon will undergo a new revolution.Therefore, a systematic analysis of the competitiveness of China's agricultural listed companies has avery important role in giving full play to the leading role of agricultural listed companies.
     The study with reasonable structure is divided into four parts. The first part is an introduction.The Significance the purpose and content of the study about the competitiveness of the agriculturallisted companies are described in part1; The second part is the basic theory.
     In part2, the research literature and theory is combed. For the study literature, the previousliterature is teased out and methods of studying the competitiveness of enterprises are listed out,including comprehensive index evaluation, analytic hierarchy process, data envelopment analysis,fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method. The deficiencies of the existing research are discussed, aswell as areas for improvement; For the study theory, the theories about analyzing the competitivenessof enterprises are summarized, including the division of labor theory, elements Advantage Theory,Potter competition theory and learning management theory. The revelation of each theory to the studyof the competitiveness of China's agricultural listed companies is elucidated too; The third part is theempirical analysis, the competitiveness of the agricultural listed companies in China is analyzedsystematically from the five aspects. On the structural analysis of company, from the governancestructure, financial structure, shareholding structure,the current situation of China agricultural listedcompanies is analyzed;On total factor productivity analysis,from the point of view of the internalfactors that affect the competitiveness of enterprises, DEA analysis method is used to study totalfactor productivity of agricultural listed companies and a macro understanding of productionefficiency of agricultural listed companies is gotten in the basis of2007-2011five-year data;Indomestic competitive analysis,from the perspective of agricultural listed company's main businessoperating costs performance and growth, the domestic market competitiveness of China's agriculturallisted companies is researched; In terms of international competitiveness analysis, from the fouraspects of the political and legal environment, economic environment, social environment andtechnology environment, PEST analysis method is used to analyze systematically the externalenvironment of China's agricultural listed companies; On econometric analysis, from the three anglesof the profitability of the business, enterprises operating capacity, corporate solvency,a index system is established to judge the competitiveness of the agricultural listed companies. And PCA method isused to study the competitiveness of the agricultural listed companies; the cluster analysis is used toidentify the classification and division of agricultural listed companies. The fourth part is theconclusions and recommendations. On the basis of the foregoing analysis, combined with China'snational conditions and agricultural situation, policy recommendations are pointed out to promotesustainable development of agricultural listed companies in China.
     After a systematic study, many conclusions are found. The equity structure of China’sagricultural listed companies is relatively concentrated and the financial structure is different.Hugegap between industries is existed. Animal husbandry and fisheries have a potential development.However, the level of technology and operations management conditions urgently needs to beimproved in forestry. Agricultural listed companies in China are still in its infancy,with a highcompetitiveness in the seed industry animal husbandry aquatic products processing industry and a lesscompetitiveness in forestry. Therefore, in order to improve the competitiveness of China's agriculturallisted companies, a smooth and good development environment needs to be created for agriculturallisted companies.At the same time, the modern enterprise management system needs to be introduced,“Going out” strategy needs to be followed to enhance the international competitiveness of agriculturallisted companies, Personnel building needs to be strengthened, Innovation capability needs to beenhanced, Innovation mechanism needs to be improved.
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