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肝脏是人体的重要器官,其强大的再生能力亦为学者重视。通常,人们用Higgins和Anderson建立的大鼠2/3肝切除模型(partial hepatectomy,PH)和肝组织材料研究肝再生(liver regeneration,LR)机理,但肝脏由多种细胞组成,若将再生肝的各种细胞分离出来分别进行研究,将会使研究更加明晰、简化和易行。肝星形细胞(hepatic stellate cells,HSCs)是肝脏特有的间充质细胞,位于肝索与肝窦壁之间的Disse间隙中,表面突起附于窦内皮细胞外表面及肝细胞表面,内含粗面内质网、Golgi复合体及许多大小不一的脂滴,具有维生素A储存和运输功能;脂肪吸收功能;参与肝细胞、肝脏损伤应答和修复;是一种专职抗原递呈细胞,能吞噬凋亡小体,参与肝免疫炎症调节;是肝内胞外基质和趋化因子等细胞因子主要的分泌细胞。大量证据表明星形细胞在肝再生中起关键作用。近来尽管有关星形细胞的研究报道越来越多,但在基因组范围内研究肝再生中星形细胞生理活动变化的并不多。另外,在基因组范围内研究星形细胞的新技术虽然不断涌现,但目前对星形细胞在肝再生中作用的认识主要来自传统的研究方法。因此若能检测它们在肝再生的动态表达谱,就有可能揭示星形细胞在肝再生中的作用机制。
     本文按Higgins等方法制作大鼠2/3肝切除模型,用两步灌流法分散肝脏细胞,用60%的Percoll密度梯度离心和免疫磁珠分离肝星形细胞,用结蛋白(desmin,DES)和波形蛋白(vimentin,VIM)的免疫组织化学方法定位、定性再生肝(regenerating liver,RL)和分散肝脏细胞中的肝星形细胞及分离的肝星形细胞,用RT-PCR定量肝星形细胞的DES和VIM mRNA,用蛋白免疫印迹方法定量肝星形细胞的DES和VIM蛋白。初步证实,分离的肝星形细胞中DES和VIM阳性细胞占95%以上,从PH后各时间点分离的肝星形细胞的DES和VIM mRNA量稳定,相应的蛋白量亦稳定。
     用Rat Genome 230 2.0芯片检测大鼠2/3肝切除后恢复0、2、6、12、24、30、36、72、120、168h等10个时间点的大鼠再生肝星形细胞的基因表达谱,用RT-PCR和免疫印迹方法检验了芯片检测结果的可靠性,用生物信息学和系统生物学等方法分析它们在大鼠肝再生中的表达变化。结果表明2609个基因与肝再生相关,包括1186个表达上调、1212个表达下调和211个表达上/下调基因。PCA分析它们在PH后不同时点星形细胞的基因转录谱特征表明,9个时间点的基因表达谱明显的聚集均为三组,即6、24和30h,2、12和36h,72、120和168h,且主要在2、12和36h组表达上调。
     为探讨1183个新基因在肝再生中作用,本研究首先通过电子克隆和ORF finder序列分析工具预测它们编码的氨基酸序列,发现其中的936个新基因有相应的蛋白。将它们与本实验室建立的大鼠蛋白质亚细胞定位数据集中的蛋白序列比对,以预测它们的亚细胞位置。结果发现,大部分基因编码产物定位在细胞基质、细胞核、细胞质膜和线粒体中。
     本研究证实Rat Genome 230 2.0表达谱芯片的检测结果是可靠的;再生肝星形细胞的增殖主要在PH后36h开始,主要通过跨膜受体蛋白酪氨酸激酶信号通路和细胞因子介导的信号通路的调控完成;胰岛素样生长因子及其结合蛋白含量的增加,对星形细胞的生长有明显的促进作用;星形细胞会在生长激素的刺激下马上展现分化的特征,但是随着肝再生的进程,Notch信号通路会抑制星形细胞的分化。
The liver is the vital body's organs, and its powerful regenerative capacity is also a hotpot to scholars. The mechanism of liver regeneration (LR) was studied with 2/3 rat hepatectomy model which established by Higgins and Anderson and liver tissue generally, but the liver is composed of a variety of cells. If various cells of regenerating liver were isolated, it will make the researches more clear, simplified and easy. Hepatic stellate cells (HSCs) are liver-specific mesenchymal cells, locates in the Disse space between hepatic cord and sinusoidal walls. The protrusions on their surface attached to the outer surface of liver sinusoidal endothelial cells and hepatocytes. HSCs contained rough endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi complex and many different sizes of lipid droplets, and had many functions such as vitamin A storage and transport, fat absorption; damage response and repair in liver and hepatocytes. It is a professional antigen presenting cells, which can devour apoptotic bodies and regulating immune and inflammatory in liver. It is also major secreting cells of liver extracellular matrix and chemokines and other cytokines. A mass of evidences showed that HSCs play the key role in liver regeneration. Although more and more researches on HSCs has reported recently, there are no much studies on the changes of physical activity in HSCs during liver regeneration in genome-wide. In addition, new technology of genome-wide studied on hepatic stellate cells are emerging, but the understanding to the role of HSCs in liver regeneration was mainly from traditional research methods. Therefore, if we could detect the dynamic expression profile of HSCs in liver regeneration, it is possible to reveal the role of stellate cells in rat liver regeneration.
     Rat 2/3 hepatectomy (PH) model was made following Higgins et a1., hepatic cells were scattered by two-step perfusion and hepatic stellate cells were isolated and purified by density gradient centrifugation with 60% percol1 and immunomagnetic beads. Immunocytochemistry method was used to qualitify and localize desmin (DES) and vimentin (VIM) in liver tissue, isolated hepatic cells, and purified hepatic stellate cells. The expressions of DES and VIM were quantified using RT-PCR. The results showed that DES and VIM positive hepatic stellate cells account up more than 95% of the total hepatic stellate cells; mRNA levels of DES and VIM were stable in the purified hepatic stellate cells in rat regenerating liver (RL), and also was the content of the corresponding proteins.
     The gene expression profiling of hepatic stellate cells in rat regenerating liver at 10 recovery time points including 0, 2, 6, 12, 24, 30, 36, 72, 120 and 168 h after PH were checked employing Rat Genome 230 2.0 microarray. The reliability of chip results was evaluated by RT-PCR and Western blot methods. There expression patterns and functions in rat liver regeneration were analyzed using bioinformatics and system biology, and it was found that 2609 genes were related to liver regeneration, including 1186 up-regulated genes, 1212 down-regulated genes, and 211 up-/down-regulated genes. The gene expression profiles at different time points was analyzed by PCA indicated that gene expression profiles of 9 point times are distincted to the three groups, which is 6, 24 and 30 h; 2, 12 and 36 h; 72, 120 and 168 h; and mainly up-regulated in the group of 2, 12 and 36h.
     To investigate the role of above 1183 novel genes in LR, we firstly obtained the putative full-length cDNA of novel genes using in silico cloning method, then searched the amino acid sequences encoded by cDNA sequences by open reading frame analysis based on ORF finder program. Following above procedure, we finally obtained 936 predicted protein products of novel genes. Then we predicted the subcellular localization of 936 predicted amino acid sequence by API-SVM method using the dataset of rat protein subcellular localization developed by our lab. The results showed that a majority of novel genes were predictedly localized in cytoplasm, nucleus, plasma membrane and mitochondria.
     The synergies changes of 1426 known genes which involved 60 classes physiological activities in hepatic stellate cells of regenerating liver showed that transmembrane receptor protein tyrosine kinase signaling pathway, cellular component organization, cell growth, cell differentiation, apoptosis, carbohydrate catabolismm and so on were enhanced in the priming phase of liver regeneration; SMO signaling pathway, nucleic acid catabolism, carbohydrate biosynthesis, protein degradation, collagen biosynthesis, neurotransmitter transport, organic acid transport, ion transport and so on were enhanced in the progress phase; protein kinase signaling pathways, cell proliferation, cofactor metabolism and so on were enchanced in the termination phase; lipid transport, vesicle-mediated transport were enhanced in the priming and progress phase. However, cell adhesion and cytokine biosynthesis were weakened in the progress phase of liver regeneration; immune response-activating signal transduction, nitric oxide mediated signal pathway, amino acids and their derivatives biosynthesis, lipid transport, neurotransmitter transport and oxygen transport were decreased in the termination phase; nitric oxide mediated signal transduction and small GTP mediated signaling pathway were weakened in the priming and progress phase of liver regeneration.
     This study demonstrates that the detection results of Rat Genome 230 2.0 microarray are reliablie; hepatic stellate cells in regenerating liver mainly begin to proliferate at 36 h after PH, and regulates by transmembrane receptor protein tyrosine kinase signaling pathways and cytokine-mediated the signaling pathway; the increase of insulin-like growth factor binding protein will promote the growth of HSCs significantly; HSCs was stimulated by growth hormone will immediately display differentiation characteristics, but Notch signaling pathway can inhibit the differentiation of HSCs along with the process of liver regeneration.
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