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The Effects of BaDuanJin Exercise on Immune Function of The Aging People
    It is well estabilished that immune function declined with advancing age .Associated with this immunosenescence is an increased risk of infectious diseases,incidence of tumorgenesis and autoimmune disorders.Given that a number of age-related changes occur in the wrinkly and elderly ,it would be of value to learn moderate exercise influence these people's immune system.
    BaDuanJin as a kind of moderate exercise has been proved to be an excellent Chinese traditional sport event for old people in the history and attracts lots of people to participate in it. In order to explore the effects of BaDuanJin Exercise on untrained people with modern measure, 44 middle age and old people were devided into 4 groups based on sex and age. serum Ig,complement system and interleukin-2 were observed before and after 10 weeks' training (one hour /day).
    The results showed that: Before training IgG were higher in elderly than in wrinkly, compared with 10 weeks before ,IL-2 and IgG was significantly improved after training. IgA, IgM ., C3, C4 change a little,still in normal levels.There were no significant sexual differences between male and fomale people . It indicated that BaDuabJin Exercise can improve T , B cell functions and suppress immunosenescence.
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