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本文以水稻上的主要害虫白背飞虱Sogatella furcifera(Horvath)为研究对象,以田间常用的有机磷类、氨基甲酸酯类、拟除虫菊酯类、新烟碱类、苯基吡唑类等杀虫剂为主要的研究药剂,监测了白背飞虱的田间抗药性情况,利用室内饲养品系建立了白背飞虱对多种药剂的敏感基线,同时在测定各种单剂对白背飞虱毒力的基础上,进行了大量的药剂混配试验,筛选出了一些具有显著增效作用的混配组合。为进一步实施白背飞虱的抗药性监测和治理奠定了基础。
     本文利用2007年7月采自南京江浦农场的白背飞虱,在室内不接触任何药剂的情况下连续饲养,进行敏感品系的培育。饲养13代后,测定其敏感性发现,白背飞虱对吡虫啉、呋虫胺、吡蚜酮和啶虫脒等新型杀虫剂均表现出较高的敏感性,但对乙酰甲胺磷和毒死蜱等有机磷杀虫剂的敏感性则不高。通过与已报道的杀虫剂敏感资料进行对比分析,发现本研究培育的白背飞虱室内饲养品系已经达到敏感品系水平,在研究白背飞虱对新型杀虫剂抗药性时,可以作为相对敏感品系使用,所测定的吡虫啉(0.05ng/头)、溴氰菊酯(1.90 ng/头)、丁硫克百威(1.32 ng/头)和氟虫腈(0.13 ng/头)等杀虫剂的LD50值可以作为敏感基线资料使用。
In this paper, the white backed planthopper (WBPH), Sogatella furcifera (Horvath), was studied for its resistance to different insecticides. A susceptible strain was cultured and baseline data for several insecticides were tested. Then, the resistance of WBPH was monitored with three field populations, efficient insecticides and synergistic mixtures were screened. Some interesting results were obtained and founded the bases for further researches of the resistance in WBPH.
     1 Setup on susceptible strain of S. furcifera
     S. furcifera collected from a paddy field in Nanjing city in China in 2007 was reared in the laboratory condition without contacting any insecticide for 13 generations. Then the susceptibility of S. furcifera to different insecticides was tested. The results showed that S. furcifera was very sensitive to the newly introduced insecticides, such as imidacloprid, dinotefuran, pymetrozine and acetamiprid, while less sensitive to the organophosphates, such as acephate and chlopyrifos. Comparison with the susceptible strains previously reported, it was found that the laboratory strain had recovered its susceptibility to different insecticides and could be used as relatively susceptible strain in resistance researches. The obtained LD50 value of imidacloprid (0.05ng/pest), deltamethrin (1.90 ng/pest), carbosulfan (1.32 ng/pest) and fipronil (0.13 ng/pest) could be used as baseline data.
     2 Resistance in field populations of S. furcifera
     Resistance to 9 insecticides in 3 field populations of S.furcifera was evaluated. The results determind by topical application showed that all the populations exhibited moderate level of resistance to fipronil (RR ranged from 10.31 to 20.54). Otherwise, no obvious resistance was found among the populations and the insecticides tested, except that the hoppers collected from Nanjing city showed moderate resistance to carbosulfan (RR:23.26 folds). Further comparison of the resistance of different populations to various insecticides found that different geographic populations did not show obvious difference in resistance to various insecticides, except for Nanjing population exhibited a little higher resistance to carbosulfan and susceptibility to chlorpyrifos. These could be well explained by the migration characteristics of the pest.
     3 Synergistic effect of imidacloprid mixed with other insecticides
     Imidacloprid was one of the most effective inseciticides for control of S. furcifera at present. In order to delay the resistance and extend the use life of imidacloprid with mixtures, synergistic effect of imidacloprid mixed with other insecticides were studied. The results showed that no antagonism effects existed in the mixtures of imidacloprid and other insecticides tested. And synergistic couples could be selected through changing the ratio of the ingredients. Imidacloprid and carbosulfan with the ratio of 1:10, ihlopyrifos with the ratio of 1:200, deltamethrin with the ratio of 1:10 and buprofezin with the ratio of 1:5 all showed highly synergism with 278.28,225.09,224.26 and 230.18 of co-toxicity coeffeciency, respectively. After more studies of the formulations, these synergistic mixtures should be developed to the mixture insecticides with good market potential.
     4 Synergistic effect of buprofezin or chlopyrifos mixed with other insecticides
     Buprofezin was an insect growth regulator with high toxicity to S. furcifera, but lower acute toxicity. Chlopyrifos was an organophosphorus insecticide with low toxicity to S. furcifera and low resistance in field populations. For enhancement of their efficiency, buprofezin mixed with other insecticides and chlopyrifos mixed with abamectin or fipronil were studied in this work. The resulted showed that the mixtures of buprofezin and AChE inhibitors not only showed good synergistic effect, but also enhanced acute toxicity. The mixture of chlopyrifos and fipronil also showed synergistic effect. The co-toxicity coeffeciency of the mixture couples of buprofezin with chlopyrifos (1:10), with acephate (1:10), with carbosulfan (1:3 and 1:5) was 200.33,250.32,211.57and 274.77 respectively. The mixture of fipronil and chlopyrifos with the ratio of 1:5 and 1:10 showed also higher synergistic effect (251.51 and 248.05, respectively).
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