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     在不确定时间序列的情况下,两条序列之间的距离也是不确定的,所以无法直接利用确定性时间序列的相似性匹配方法。为了解决不确定时间序列相似性匹配问题,我们建立了一种描述不确定时间序列的数据模型,在该模型下,不确定时间序列在每一时刻的数据点均由一个取样点(sample observations)的集合组成,并且每个取样点出现的概率相等,即服从离散型均匀分布;并且,时间序列中不同时刻的点相对独立。在此模型下,两条不确定时间序列之间的真实距离是由大量的可能距离(以一定的概率值出现)组成的,并且这些可能距离的数量为指数大小。所以,直接计算所有的可能距离的效率将非常低。因此,在所提出模型的基础上,本文提出了两种不确定时间序列相似性匹配算法:α-PRQ(均值法)和k-PRQ(聚类法)。
     根据查询序列和数据库中所存储的时序数据是否为确定性数据,将不确定时间序列相似性查询分为三种不同的类型;然后,对于每种类型,通过均值法(averaging method)从不确定序列中提取出一条确定性序列来代表原序列,然后,采取确定性时间序列相似性匹配方法进行查询。
     1)通过聚类减小取样大小(sample size),以聚类后的每一个簇为单位计算距离,从而大大降低了计算复杂度。
A time series is a sequence records according with the chronological order. Similarity matching is one of the underlying operations for time series clustering, outlier detection and pattern discovery tasks.
     Currently, study of time series similarity matching mainly focuses on deterministic data. With the development of the Internet of things and privacy protection technology, uncertain time series will be in large numbers and time series similarity matching technology is facing new challenges.
     In the case of uncertain time series, the distance between the two sequences is uncertain, so the way of similarity matching on deterministic time series cannot use directly.
     In order to solve the problem of uncertain time series similarity matching, we have established a data model to describe the uncertain time-series. Under this model, the data point at each time slot was built up by the set of one sample observations. Each sampling point has the same probability of occurrence, that is uniformly distributed and different time points of the time series is relatively independent. In this model, the true distance between two uncertain time series are consisting of a large number of possible distance (with a certain probability value). Therefore, on the basis of the model proposed by this paper, two algorithms have be proposed for uncertain time series similarity matching:a-PRQ (mean method) and k-PRQ (cluster method).
     (1) a-PRQ
     According to the query sequence and time series data stored in database are whether deterministic, The uncertain timing sequence similarity query is divided into three different types; Then, for each type, by the means method (averaging method) extracted from the sequence of uncertainty out of a deterministic sequence to represent the original sequence take the deterministic time series similarity matching the query.
     This algorithm is mainly through a two-step pruning to reduce the computational complexity:
     1) Through the cluster to reduce the sample size (sample size) to calculate the distance to each cluster after clustering as a unit, thereby greatly reducing the computational complexity.
     2) Pre-calculated a given thresholdε, from the number of upper and lower bounds, we can get the distance to the probability of the upper and lower bounds through probability of the upper and lower bounds, it filters out unnecessary calculations and thus reduce the computational complexity.
     The experiments show that the two uncertain time series similarity matching algorithm has better performance and accuracy.
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