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Tourism is an indispensabale part in service industry in the United States. Itreflects the nation’s lifestyle of majority of people. With the development of theglobal economy, the growth of recreational awareness, and the rapid advancementof transportation after World War II, American tourism moved into a period ofpopular tourism and its economic and social impact became increasingly obvious.
     California, occupying the largest population in the United States, itsgovernmental and corporate leaders, seeking to promote tourist industry,embarked upon an ambitious program of physical renewal of tourism in the yearsafter World War II. This dissertation examines the growth of tourism as a strategyfor downtown renewal in California by employing a great deal of raredeclassified documents and some second-handed book for reference. Thepurpose is to trace the development and changing of tourism in California, toreveal how tourism influences the california’s economy, and as a result, tohighlight the role of tourism in economy and provides reference for thedevelopment of some tourist districts in China.
     Arrangement of Contents is as the following:The preface lays out theorigins and make up of the materials and analyzed the related study and data; theopening section introduces the early development of California’s tourism, itcontains the regional natural geographical features, its early history, its initialprominence and its establishment and development as a national state; the secondsection highlights the principal components of California's high road todevelopment in tourism after world war II. It details the objective opportunitiesfor the rise of tourism, the active promotion and strategic positioning forcalifornia’s economy by federal or state’s elites, and the primary channels oftourism; The third part provides the tourism’s progress and periodic features; thefourth section sums up the significant impact of tourism upon the overalleconomy and development in California; the concluding section reviews andsummarize the viewpoints of the dissertation.
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    ②Valene L. Smith, Arlene Hetherington and Martha D.D. Brumbaugh,“California’s Highway89: A RegionalTourism Model”, Annals of Tourism Research, Vol.13,1986, pp.415-433.
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    ①Jason Philip Gruen, Manifest Destinations: Tourist Encounters in the Urban American West,1869-1893,Berkeley: University of California Press,2004.
    ②Catherine Cocks, Doing the Town: The Rise of Urban Tourism in the United States,1850-1915, Berkeley:University of California Press,2001.
    ③Martha K. Norkunas, The Politics of Public Memory: Tourism, History and Ethnicity in Monterey, California,Albany, New York: State University of New York Press,1993, pp.2-3.
    ①Los Angeles, Community Analysis Bureau, The Economic Development of Southern California,1920-1976,Voume II, The Growth of the Tourist Industry in Southern California, City of Los Angeles, Office of the Mayor,1976, p.viii.
    ②James D. Houston,“From El Dorado to the Pacific Rim: The Place Called California”; Source: CaliforniaHistory, Vol.68, No.4, Envisioning California (Winter,1989/1990), p.173; http://www.jstor.org/stable/25158534
    ①Clifford M. Zierer,“Tourism and Recreation in the West”, Geographical Review, Vol.42, No.3, Published by:American Geographical Society Stable,1952, p.470, http://www.jstor.org/stable/212100(2009年11月18日下载)
    ②James D. Houston,“From El Dorado to the Pacific Rim: The Place Called California”; Source: CaliforniaHistory, Vol.68, No.4, Envisioning California (Winter,1989/1990), p.175; http://www.jstor.org/stable/25158534
    ③James D. Houston,“From El Dorado to the Pacific Rim: The Place Called California”; Source: CaliforniaHistory, Vol.68, No.4, Envisioning California (Winter,1989/1990), p.175; http://www.jstor.org/stable/25158534
    ①James D. Houston,“From El Dorado to the Pacific Rim: The Place Called California”; Source: CaliforniaHistory, Vol.68, No.4, Envisioning California (Winter,1989/1990), p.75; http://www.jstor.org/stable/25158534
    ②James D. Houston,“From El Dorado to the Pacific Rim: The Place Called California”; Source: CaliforniaHistory, Vol.68, No.4, Envisioning California (Winter,1989/1990), p.175; http://www.jstor.org/stable/25158534
    ③James D. Houston,“From El Dorado to the Pacific Rim: The Place Called California”; Source: CaliforniaHistory, Vol.68, No.4, Envisioning California (Winter,1989/1990), p.175; http://www.jstor.org/stable/25158534
    ④James D. Houston,“From El Dorado to the Pacific Rim: The Place Called California”; Source: CaliforniaHistory, Vol.68, No.4, Envisioning California (Winter,1989/1990), p.174; http://www.jstor.org/stable/25158534
    ①Kevin Starr,“The Gold Rush and the California Dream”, California History, Vol.77, No.1, National Gold RushSymposium(Spring,1998), p.56, http://www.jstor.org/stable/25158549(:2010年1月13日下载)
    ②U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, Historical Statistics of the United States,Colonial Timesto1970, Washington D.C.: Government Printing Office,1975, p.22.
    ③Kevin Starr,“The Gold Rush and the California Dream”, California History, Vol.77, No.1, National Gold RushSymposium(Spring,1998), p.56, http://www.jstor.org/stable/25158549(:2010年1月13日下载)
    ④U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, Historical Statistics of the United States,Colonial Timesto1970, Washington D.C.: Government Printing Office,1975, p.22.
    ⑤Kevin Starr,“The Gold Rush and the California Dream”, California History, Vol.77, No.1, National GoldRush Symposium(Spring,1998), p.61, http://www.jstor.org/stable/25158549(:2010年1月13日下载)
    ⑥U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, Historical Statistics of the United States, Colonial Timesto1970, Washington D.C.: Government Printing Office,1975, p.25.
    ①U.S. Census Bureau, Distribution of the100Largest Urban Places, by Region, Division, and State1790-1990,p.table26; http://www.census.gov/population/www/documentation/twps0027(2012年3月20日下载)
    ②Kevin Starr,“The Gold Rush and the California Dream”, California History, Vol.77, No.1, National Gold RushSymposium(Spring,1998),pp.56-61, http://www.jstor.org/stable/25158549(2010年1月13日下载)
    ①Raymond W. Rast, Tourist Town: Tourism and the Emergence of Modern San Francisco,1869-1915.University of Washington,2002, p.24.
    ②Raymond W. Rast, Tourist Town: Tourism and the Emergence of Modern San Francisco,1869-1915.University of Washington,2002, p.25.
    ③Raymond W. Rast, Tourist Town: Tourism and the Emergence of Modern San Francisco,1869-1915.University of Washington,2002, p.26.
    ④U.S. Census Bureau, Population of the100Largest Cities and Other Urban Places in the United States,1790to1990, pp. table09,tables11,13,15,17; http://www.census.gov/population/www/documentation/twps0027(2012年
    ①Los Angeles, Community Analysis Bureau, The Economic Development of Southern California,1920-1976,Voume II, The Growth of the Tourist Industry in Southern California, City of Los Angeles, Office of the Mayor,1976, pp.viii-ix.
    ③Los Angeles, Community Analysis Bureau, The Economic Development of Southern California,1920-1976,Voume II, The Growth of the Tourist Industry in Southern California, City of Los Angeles, Office of the Mayor,1976, pp.viii-ix.
    ④U.S. Census Bureau, Population of the100Largest Cities and Other Urban Places in the United States,1790to1990, pp.11,13,15,17; http://www.census.gov/population/www/documentation/twps0027(2012年3月20日下载)
    ②Raymond W. Rast, Tourist Town: Tourism and the Emergence of Modern San Francisco,1869-1915.University of Washington,2002, pp.236-237.
    ①Los Angeles, Community Analysis Bureau, The Economic Development of Southern California,1920-1976,Voume II, The Growth of the Tourist Industry in Southern California, City of Los Angeles, Office of the Mayor,1976, p.viii.
    ①Alfred Runte,“Promoting the Golden West: Advertising and the Railroad”, California History, Vol.70, No.1,Railroads in California and the Far West (Spring,1991), p.67, http://www.jstor.org/stable/25158553(2009年11月16日下载)
    ②Alfred Runte,“Promoting the Golden West: Advertising and the Railroad”, California History, Vol.70, No.1,Railroads in California and the Far West (Spring,1991), p.72, http://www.jstor.org/stable/25158553(2009年11月16日下载)
    ③Alfred Runte,“Promoting the Golden West: Advertising and the Railroad”, California History, Vol.70, No.1,Railroads in California and the Far West (Spring,1991), p.65, http://www.jstor.org/stable/25158553(2009年11月16日下载)
    ④Alfred Runte,“Promoting the Golden West: Advertising and the Railroad”, California History, Vol.70, No.1,Railroads in California and the Far West (Spring,1991), p.68, http://www.jstor.org/stable/25158553(2009年11月16日下载)
    ⑤Marguerite S. Shaffer,“See America First: Re-Envisioning Nation and Region through Western Tourism”, ThePacific Historical Review, Vol.65, No.4, Tourism and the American West (Nov.,1996), p.564,http://www.jstor.org/stable/3640296(2009年11月16日下载)
    ⑥Raymond W. Rast, Tourist Town: Tourism and the Emergence of Modern San Francisco,1869-1915.University of Washington,2002, pp.42-43.
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    ②Raymond W. Rast, Tourist Town: Tourism and the Emergence of Modern San Francisco,1869-1915.University of Washington,2002, p.55.
    ③Raymond W. Rast, Tourist Town: Tourism and the Emergence of Modern San Francisco,1869-1915.University of Washington,2002, p.56.
    ④Raymond W. Rast, Tourist Town: Tourism and the Emergence of Modern San Francisco,1869-1915.University of Washington,2002, pp.271-272.
    ①Peter J. Blodgett and Sara S. Hodson,“Worlds of Leisure, Worlds of Grace: Recreation, Entertainment, and theArts in the California Experience”, California History, Vol.75, No.1, Archives in California (Spring,1996), p.73,http://www.jstor.org/stable/25177561(2009年11月18日下载)
    ②[英]史蒂芬.威廉姆斯著,杜靖川曾萍等译:《旅游休闲(Tourism and Recreation)》,云南大学出版社2006,第69页。
    ③Blaine P. Lamb,“Highways and Waterways: Two Episodes in California’s Transportation History”, CaliforniaHistory, Vol.75, No.1, Archives in California (Spring,1996), p.12, http://www.jstor.org/stable/25177553(2010年1月14日下载)
    ①Blaine P. Lamb,“Highways and Waterways: Two Episodes in California’s Transportation History”, CaliforniaHistory, Vol.75, No.1, Archives in California (Spring,1996),p.12, http://www.jstor.org/stable/25177553(:2010年1月14日下载)
    ②Blaine P. Lamb,“Highways and Waterways: Two Episodes in California’s Transportation History”, CaliforniaHistory, Vol.75, No.1, Archives in California (Spring,1996), p.13, http://www.jstor.org/stable/25177553(:2010年1月14日下载)
    ③Blaine P. Lamb,“Highways and Waterways: Two Episodes in California’s Transportation History”, CaliforniaHistory, Vol.75, No.1, Archives in California (Spring,1996), p.12, http://www.jstor.org/stable/25177553(2010年1月14日下载)
    ①Blaine P. Lamb,“Highways and Waterways: Two Episodes in California’s Transportation History”, CaliforniaHistory, Vol.75, No.1, Archives in California (Spring,1996), pp.14-15, http://www.jstor.org/stable/25177553
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    ③Catherine Cocks, Doing the Town---The Rise of Urban Tourism in the United States,1850-1915, University ofCalifornia Press2001. pp.24-25,
    ③Raymond W. Rast, Tourist Town: Tourism and the Emergence of Modern San Francisco,1869-1915.University of Washington,2002, p.133.
    ④Raymond W. Rast, Tourist Town: Tourism and the Emergence of Modern San Francisco,1869-1915.University of Washington,2002, p.104.
    ①Raymond W. Rast, Tourist Town: Tourism and the Emergence of Modern San Francisco,1869-1915.University of Washington,2002, pp.107-108; pp.111-115; p.119.
    ③[英]史蒂芬.威廉姆斯著,杜靖川曾萍等译:《旅游休闲(Tourism and Recreation)》,云南大学出版社2006,第77页。
    ②Catherine Cocks, Doing the Town---The Rise of Urban Tourism in the United States,1850-1915, University ofCalifornia Press2001. pp.1-2.
    ③Raymond W. Rast, Tourist Town: Tourism and the Emergence of Modern San Francisco,1869-1915.University of Washington,2002, p.64.
    ①Raymond W. Rast, Tourist Town: Tourism and the Emergence of Modern San Francisco,1869-1915.University of Washington,2002, p.137; pp.139-140.
    ②Raymond W. Rast, Tourist Town: Tourism and the Emergence of Modern San Francisco,1869-1915.University of Washington,2002, p.143.
    ③Raymond W. Rast, Tourist Town: Tourism and the Emergence of Modern San Francisco,1869-1915.University of Washington,2002, p.202.
    ④Raymond W. Rast, Tourist Town: Tourism and the Emergence of Modern San Francisco,1869-1915.University of Washington,2002, pp.233-234.
    ①Raymond W. Rast, Tourist Town: Tourism and the Emergence of Modern San Francisco,1869-1915.University of Washington,2002, pp.264-265.
    ②Raymond W. Rast, Tourist Town: Tourism and the Emergence of Modern San Francisco,1869-1915.University of Washington,2002, p.276.
    ③Raymond W. Rast, Tourist Town: Tourism and the Emergence of Modern San Francisco,1869-1915.University of Washington,2002, p.31.
    ④Raymond W. Rast, Tourist Town: Tourism and the Emergence of Modern San Francisco,1869-1915.University of Washington,2002, pp.28-29.
    ①Raymond W. Rast, Tourist Town: Tourism and the Emergence of Modern San Francisco,1869-1915.University of Washington,2002, p.326; p.328.
    ②Raymond W. Rast, Tourist Town: Tourism and the Emergence of Modern San Francisco,1869-1915.University of Washington,2002, pp.21-22.
    ③Raymond W. Rast, Tourist Town: Tourism and the Emergence of Modern San Francisco,1869-1915.University of Washington,2002, p.273.
    ①Assembly Interim Committee on Ways and Means, California Tourist Trade: A Report of the Assembly InterimCommittee on Ways and Means1962, Sacramento, CA: January7,1963, p.10.
    ②Catherine Cocks, Doing the Town---The Rise of Urban Tourism in the United States,1850-1915, University ofCalifornia Press2001. pp.7-8.
    ①Los Angeles, Community Analysis Bureau,“The Economic Development of Southern California,1920-1976”,Voume II, The Growth of the Tourist Industry in Southern California, City of Los Angeles, Office of the Mayor,1976, pp.viii-ix.
    ②Los Angeles, Community Analysis Bureau,“The Economic Development of Southern California,1920-1976”,Voume II, The Growth of the Tourist Industry in Southern California, City of Los Angeles, Office of the Mayor,1976, p.2.
    ③Edited by Dennis R. Judd and Susan S. Fainstein, The Tourist City, Yale University Press,2000. pp.5-6.
    ①Peter J. Blodgett and Sara S. Hodson,“Worlds of Leisure, Worlds of Grace: Recreation, Entertainment, and theArts in the California Experience”, California History, Vol.75, No.1, Archives in California (Spring,1996), p.68,http://www.jstor.org/stable/25177561(2009年11月18日下载)
    ②Peter J. Blodgett and Sara S. Hodson,“Worlds of Leisure, Worlds of Grace: Recreation, Entertainment, and theArts in the California Experience”, California History, Vol.75, No.1, Archives in California (Spring,1996), p.69,http://www.jstor.org/stable/25177561(2009年11月18日下载)
    ①Anne F. Hyde,“From Stagecoach to Packard Twin Six: Yosemite and the Changing Face of Tourism,1880-1930”, California History, Vol.69, No.2, Yosemite and Sequoia: A Century of California National Parks
    (Summer,1990), p.158, http://www.jstor.org/stable/25462421(2009年11月18日下载)
    ②Anne F. Hyde,“From Stagecoach to Packard Twin Six: Yosemite and the Changing Face of Tourism,1880-1930”, California History, Vol.69, No.2, Yosemite and Sequoia: A Century of California National Parks
    (Summer,1990), p.165, http://www.jstor.org/stable/25462421(2009年11月18日下载)
    ①Anne F. Hyde,“From Stagecoach to Packard Twin Six: Yosemite and the Changing Face of Tourism,1880-1930”, California History, Vol.69, No.2, Yosemite and Sequoia: A Century of California National Parks
    (Summer,1990), p.168, http://www.jstor.org/stable/25462421(2009年11月18日下载)
    ②Anne F. Hyde,“From Stagecoach to Packard Twin Six: Yosemite and the Changing Face of Tourism,1880-1930”, California History, Vol.69, No.2, Yosemite and Sequoia: A Century of California National Parks
    (Summer,1990), pp.163-164, http://www.jstor.org/stable/25462421(2009年11月18日下载)
    ③Hal K. Rothman,“Selling the Meaning of Place: Entrepreneurship, Tourism, and Community Transformation inthe Twentieth-Century American West”, The Pacific Historical Review, Vol.65, No.4, Tourism and theAmerican West (Nov.,1996), p.539, http://www.jstor.org/stable/3640295(2009年11月18日下载)
    ①Hal K. Rothman,“Selling the Meaning of Place: Entrepreneurship, Tourism, and Community Transformation inthe Twentieth-Century American West”, The Pacific Historical Review, Vol.65, No.4, Tourism and theAmerican West (Nov.,1996), p.538, http://www.jstor.org/stable/3640295(2009年11月18日下载)
    ②Martha K. Norkunas, The Politics of Public Memory: Tourism, History and Ethnicity in Monterey, California,Albany, New York: State University of New York Press,1993,pp.18-19.
    ③Anne F. Hyde,“From Stagecoach to Packard Twin Six: Yosemite and the Changing Face of Tourism,1880-1930”, California History, Vol.69, No.2, Yosemite and Sequoia: A Century of California National Parks
    (Summer,1990), pp.163-164, http://www.jstor.org/stable/25462421(2009年11月18日下载)
    ④Anne F. Hyde,“From Stagecoach to Packard Twin Six: Yosemite and the Changing Face of Tourism,1880-1930”, California History, Vol.69, No.2, Yosemite and Sequoia: A Century of California National Parks
    (Summer,1990), p.162, http://www.jstor.org/stable/25462421(2009年11月18日下载)
    ①Anne F. Hyde,“From Stagecoach to Packard Twin Six: Yosemite and the Changing Face of Tourism,1880-1930”, California History, Vol.69, No.2, Yosemite and Sequoia: A Century of California National Parks
    (Summer,1990), p.169, http://www.jstor.org/stable/25462421(2009年11月18日下载)
    ②[英]史蒂芬.威廉姆斯著,杜靖川,曾萍等译:《旅游休闲(Tourism and Recreation)》,云南大学出版社2006,第38页。
    ③Carolyn Peter, California Welcomes the World: International Expositions,1894-1940and the Selling of aState.p.69, University of California Press,2000.
    ④Anne F. Hyde,“From Stagecoach to Packard Twin Six: Yosemite and the Changing Face of Tourism,1880-1930”, California History, Vol.69, No.2, Yosemite and Sequoia: A Century of California National Parks
    (Summer,1990), p.164, http://www.jstor.org/stable/25462421(2009年11月18日下载)
    ①Carolyn Peter, California Welcomes the World: International Expositions,1894-1940and the Selling of a State.University of California Press,2000. p.70.
    ②Carolyn Peter, California Welcomes the World: International Expositions,1894-1940and the Selling of a State.University of California Press,2000. pp.71-72.
    ①Carolyn Peter, California Welcomes the World: International Expositions,1894-1940and the Selling of a State.,University of California Press,2000. p.73.
    ②Carolyn Peter, California Welcomes the World: International Expositions,1894-1940and the Selling of a State.University of California Press,2000. p.77.
    ③Carolyn Peter, California Welcomes the World: International Expositions,1894-1940and the Selling of a State.University of California Press,2000. pp.78-79.
    ④Carolyn Peter, California Welcomes the World: International Expositions,1894-1940and the Selling of a State.University of California Press,2000. p.79.
    ①Carolyn Peter, California Welcomes the World: International Expositions,1894-1940and the Selling of a State.University of California Press,2000. p.79.
    ②Carolyn Peter, California Welcomes the World: International Expositions,1894-1940and the Selling of a State.University of California Press,2000. p.80.
    ③Carolyn Peter, California Welcomes the World: International Expositions,1894-1940and the Selling of a State.University of California Press,2000. p.81.
    ①Carolyn Peter, California Welcomes the World: International Expositions,1894-1940and the Selling of a State.University of California Press,2000. p.81.
    ①Carlton S. Van Doren, Sam A.Lollar,“The Consequences of Forty Years of Tourism Growth”, Annals ofTourism Research, Vol.12,1985. p.467.
    ②Carlton S. Van Doren, Sam A.Lollar,“The Consequences of Forty Years of Tourism Growth”, Annals ofTourism Research, Vol.12,1985. p.467.
    ①Marguerite S. Shaffer,"See America First": Re-Envisioning Nation and Region through Western Tourism, ThePacific Historical Review, Vol.65, No.4, Tourism and the American West (Nov.,1996), p.571,http://www.jstor.org/stable/3640296(2009年11月16日下载)
    ①Blaine P. Lamb,“Highways and Waterways: Two Episodes in California’s Transportation History”, CaliforniaHistory, Vol.75, No.1, Archives in California (Spring,1996), p.12, http://www.jstor.org/stable/25177553(:2010年1月14日下载)
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    ①Carlton S. Van Doren, Sam A. Lollar,“The Consequences of Forty Years of Tourism Growth”, Annals of tourismresearch, Vol.12,1985, p.479.
    ②Clare Gunn, Tourism Planning: Basics, Concepts, Cases, New York10001,2002, p.3.
    ①Carlton S. Van Doren, Sam A. Lollar,“The Consequences of Forty Years of Tourism Growth”, Annals of tourismresearch, Vol.12,1985, p.479.
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    ②Clifford M. Zierer,“Tourism and Recreation in the West”, Geographical Review, Vol.42, No.3,1952,p.474,http://www.jstor.org/stable/212100(2009年11月18日下载)
    ③Jerritt James Frank, Marketing the Mountains: an Environmental History of Tourism in Rocky MountainNational Park, History and the Graduate Faculty of the University of Kansas in partial fulfillment of therequirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, p.xi.
    ①Clifford M. Zierer,“Tourism and Recreation in the West”, Geographical Review, Vol.42, No.3,1952,p.474,http://www.jstor.org/stable/212100(2009年11月18日下载)
    ②Clifford M. Zierer,“Tourism and Recreation in the West”, Geographical Review, Vol.42, No.3,1952,p.474.http://www.jstor.org/stable/212100(2009年11月18日下载)
    ①[英]史蒂芬.威廉姆斯著,杜靖川曾萍等译:《旅游休闲(Tourism and Recreation)》,云南大学出版社2006,第158-159页。
    ④Clifford M. Zierer,“Tourism and Recreation in the West”, Geographical Review, Vol.42, No.3,1952,p.475.http://www.jstor.org/stable/212100(2009年11月18日下载)
    ①John Ott, Landscapes of Consumption: Auto Tourism and Visual Culture in California,1920-1940, Universityof California Press,2000. pp.59-60.
    ②John Ott, Landscapes of Consumption: Auto Tourism and Visual Culture in California,1920-1940, Universityof California Press,2000. p.59.
    ③Carlton S. Van Doren, Sam A.Lollar,“The Consequences of Forty Years of Tourism Growth”, Annals oftourism research, Vol.121985. p.478.
    ①Assembly Interim Committee on Ways and Means, California Tourist Trade: A Report of the Assembly InterimCommittee on Ways and Means1962, Sacramento, CA: January7,1963, p.15.
    ②Carlton S. Van Doren, Sam A.Lollar,“The Consequences of Forty Years of Tourism Growth”, Annals of tourismresearch, Vol.12,1985. p.478.
    ②Carlton S. Van Doren, Sam A.Lollar,“The Consequences of Forty Years of Tourism Growth”, Annals oftourism research, Vol.12,1985. p.471.
    ⑤Carlton S. Van Doren, Sam A.Lollar,“The Consequences of Forty Years of Tourism Growth”, Annals oftourism research, Vol.12,1985. p.471.
    ①[英]史蒂芬.威廉姆斯著,杜靖川,曾萍等译,《旅游休闲(Tourism and Recreation)》,云南大学出版社,2006,第71页。
    ②Travel Weekly, May3,1984,p.63.
    ③U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, Historical Statistics of the United States, Colonial timesto1970, Washington D.C.:U.S. Government Printing Office,1975,p.707.
    ④Richard J. Orsi,“Railroads in the History of California and the Far West: An Introduction”, California History,Vol.70, No.1, Railroads in California and the Far West (Spring,1991), p.2. http://www.jstor.org/stable/25158549
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    ②Alfred Runte,“Promoting the Golden West: Advertising and the Railroad”, California History, Vol.70, No.1,Railroads in California and the Far West (Spring,1991), p.75. http://www.jstor.org/stable/25158553(:2009年11月16日下载)
    ①U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, Historical Statistics of the United States, Colonial timesto1970, Washington D.C.:U.S. Government Printing Office,1975,p.716.
    ②Travel Weekly, May3,1984, p.63.
    ③Carlton S. Van Doren, Sam A.Lollar,“The Consequences of Forty Years of Tourism Growth”, Annals oftourism research, Vol.12,1985. p.471.
    ④Carlton S. Van Doren, Sam A.Lollar,“The Consequences of Forty Years of Tourism Growth”, Annals oftourism research, Vol.12,1985. p.471.
    ①U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, Historical Statistics of the United States, Colonial timesto1970, Washington D.C.:U.S. Government Printing Office,1975,p.716.
    ②Clifford M. Zierer,“Tourism and Recreation in the West”, Geographical Review, Vol.42, No.3,1952,p.476,http://www.jstor.org/stable/212100(2009年11月18日下载)
    ③U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, Historical Statistics of the United States, Colonial timesto1970, Washington D.C.:U.S. Government Printing Office,1975,p.707.
    ④John Ott, Landscapes of Consumption: Auto Tourism and Visual Culture in California,1920-1940. Universityof California Press,2000. pp.51-52.
    ⑤John Ott, Landscapes of Consumption: Auto Tourism and Visual Culture in California,1920-1940. Universityof California Press,2000. pp.51-52.
    ②Carlton S. Van Doren, Sam A.Lollar,“The Consequences of Forty Years of Tourism Growth”, Annals oftourism research, Vol.12,1985. p.471.
    ①Travel Weekly, May3,1983, p.63.
    ②Carlton S. Van Doren, Sam A.Lollar,“The Consequences of Forty Years of Tourism Growth”, Annals oftourism research, Vol.12,1985. p.471.
    ③Carlton S. Van Doren, Sam A.Lollar,“The Consequences of Forty Years of Tourism Growth”, Annals oftourism research, Vol.12,1985. p.473.
    ④Carlton S. Van Doren, Sam A.Lollar,“The Consequences of Forty Years of Tourism Growth”, Annals oftourism research, Vol.12,1985. p.487.
    ①Hal K. Rothman,“Stumbling toward the Millennium: Tourism, the Postindustrial World, and theTransformation of the American West”, California History, Vol.77, No.3(Fall,1998), p.145.http://www.jstor.org/stable/25462489(2009年10月24日)
    ②Clifford M. Zierer,“Tourism and Recreation in the West”, Geographical Review, Vol.42, No.3,1952,p.481.http://www.jstor.org/stable/212100(2009年11月18日下载)
    ①Clifford M. Zierer,“Tourism and Recreation in the West”, Geographical Review, Vol.42, No.3,1952,p.481.http://www.jstor.org/stable/212100(2009年11月18日下载)
    ②Clifford M. Zierer,“Tourism and Recreation in the West”, Geographical Review, Vol.42, No.3,1952,p.465,http://www.jstor.org/stable/212100(2009年11月18日下载)
    ①John Ott, Landscapes of Consumption: Auto Tourism and Visual Culture in California,1920-1940. Universityof California Press,2000. pp.62-63.
    ②Clifford M. Zierer,“Tourism and Recreation in the West”, Geographical Review, Vol.42, No.3,1952,p.467,http://www.jstor.org/stable/212100(2009年11月18日下载)
    ③Hal K. Rothman,“Selling the Meaning of Place: Entrepreneurship, Tourism, and Community Transformation inthe Twentieth-Century American West”, The Pacific Historical Review, Vol.65, No.4, Tourism and theAmerican West (Nov.,1996), p.546., http://www.jstor.org/stable/3640295(2009年11月18日下载
    ④Clifford M. Zierer,“Tourism and Recreation in the West”, Geographical Review, Vol.42, No.3,1952,p.467.,http://www.jstor.org/stable/212100(2009年11月18日下载)
    ①Hal K. Rothman,“Selling the Meaning of Place: Entrepreneurship, Tourism, and Community Transformation inthe Twentieth-Century American West”, The Pacific Historical Review, Vol.65, No.4, Tourism and theAmerican West (Nov.,1996), p.547., http://www.jstor.org/stable/3640295(2009年11月18日下载)
    ②Clifford M. Zierer,“Tourism and Recreation in the West”, Geographical Review, Vol.42, No.3,1952,p.472.,http://www.jstor.org/stable/212100(2009年11月18日下载)
    ①Clifford M. Zierer,“Tourism and Recreation in the West”, Geographical Review, Vol.42, No.3,1952,p.469.,http://www.jstor.org/stable/212100(2009年11月18日下载)
    ②Clifford M. Zierer,“Tourism and Recreation in the West”, Geographical Review, Vol.42, No.3,1952,p.470.,http://www.jstor.org/stable/212100(2009年11月18日下载)
    ③Clifford M. Zierer,“Tourism and Recreation in the West”, Geographical Review, Vol.42, No.3,1952,p.472.,http://www.jstor.org/stable/212100(2009年11月18日下载)
    ④Clifford M. Zierer,“Tourism and Recreation in the West”, Geographical Review, Vol.42, No.3,1952,p.471.,http://www.jstor.org/stable/212100(2009年11月18日下载)
    ①Clifford M. Zierer,“Tourism and Recreation in the West”, Geographical Review, Vol.42, No.3,1952,p.472.,http://www.jstor.org/stable/212100(2009年11月18日下载)
    ②M. Gottdiener, Claudia C. Collins&David R. Dickens, Las Vegas---The Social Production of an All-AmericanCity, Blackwell publishers,1999, pp.9-11.
    ③Clifford M. Zierer,“Tourism and Recreation in the West”, Geographical Review, Vol.42, No.3,1952,p.474.,http://www.jstor.org/stable/212100(2009年11月18日下载)
    ①Susan G. Davis,“Landscapes of Imagination: Tourism in South California”, The Pacific History Review,Vol.68, Orange Empires (May,1999), p.176. http://www.jstor.org/stable/3641983,(2009年10月24日下载)
    ①Susan G. Davis,“Landscapes of Imagination: Tourism in South California”, The Pacific History Review,Vol.68, Orange Empires (May,1999), pp.179-180, http://www.jstor.org/stable/3641983,(2009年10月24日下载)
    ②Carlton S. Van Doren, Sam A.Lollar,“The Consequences of Forty Years of Tourism Growth”,Annals of tourism research, Vol.12,1985. p.479.
    ③Susan G. Davis,“Landscapes of Imagination: Tourism in South California”, The Pacific History Review,Vol.68, Orange Empires (May,1999), p.174, http://www.jstor.org/stable/3641983,(2009年10月24日下载)
    ①Susan G. Davis,“Landscapes of Imagination: Tourism in South California”, The Pacific History Review,Vol.68, Orange Empires (May,1999), p.175. http://www.jstor.org/stable/3641983,(2009年10月24日下载)
    ②Susan G. Davis,“Landscapes of Imagination: Tourism in South California”, The Pacific History Review,Vol.68, Orange Empires (May,1999), p.176. http://www.jstor.org/stable/3641983,(2009年10月24日下载)
    ③Susan G. Davis,“Landscapes of Imagination: Tourism in South California”, The Pacific History Review, Vol.68,Orange Empires (May,1999), p.177. http://www.jstor.org/stable/3641983,(2009年10月24日下载)
    ①Susan G. Davis,“Landscapes of Imagination: Tourism in South California”, The Pacific History Review, Vol.68,Orange Empires (May,1999), p.178. http://www.jstor.org/stable/3641983,(2009年10月24日下载)
    ②Valene L. Smith; Arlene Hetherington; Martha D.D. Brumbaugh,“California’s Highway89A RegionalTourism Model”, Annals of Tourism Research, Vol.13,1986. p.417.
    ①Valene L. Smith; Arlene Hetherington; Martha D.D. Brumbaugh,“California’s Highway89A RegionalTourism Model”, Annals of Tourism Research, Vol.13,1986. p.421.
    ②Valene L. Smith; Arlene Hetherington; Martha D.D. Brumbaugh,“California’s Highway89A RegionalTourism Model”, Annals of Tourism Research, Vol.13,1986. p.423.
    ③Valene L. Smith; Arlene Hetherington; Martha D.D. Brumbaugh,“California’s Highway89A RegionalTourism Model”, Annals of Tourism Research, Vol.13,1986. p.424.
    ①Valene L. Smith; Arlene Hetherington; Martha D.D. Brumbaugh,“California’s Highway89A RegionalTourism Model”, Annals of Tourism Research, Vol.13,1986. p.425.
    ②Valene L. Smith; Arlene Hetherington; Martha D.D. Brumbaugh,“California’s Highway89A RegionalTourism Model”, Annals of Tourism Research, Vol.13,1986. p.428.
    ③Valene L. Smith; Arlene Hetherington; Martha D.D. Brumbaugh,“California’s Highway89A RegionalTourism Model”, Annals of Tourism Research,Vol.13,1986. p.429.
    ①Valene L. Smith; Arlene Hetherington; Martha D.D. Brumbaugh,“California’s Highway89A RegionalTourism Model”, Annals of Tourism Research, Vol.13,1986. p.430.
    ②Valene L. Smith; Arlene Hetherington; Martha D.D. Brumbaugh,“California’s Highway89A RegionalTourism Model”, Annals of Tourism Research, Vol.13,1986. p.430.
    ③Valene L. Smith; Arlene Hetherington; Martha D.D. Brumbaugh,“California’s Highway89A RegionalTourism Model”, Annals of Tourism Research, Vol.13,1986. p.418.
    ①Carlton S. Van Doren, Sam A. Lollar,“The consequences of forty years of tourism growth”, Annals of tourismresearch, Vol.12, p.468,1985.
    ②Carlton S. Van Doren, Sam A. Lollar,“The consequences of forty years of tourism growth”, Annals of tourismresearch, Vol.12, p.486,1985.
    ①Carlton S. Van Doren, Sam A.Lollar,“The Consequences of Forty Years of Tourism Growth”, Annals of tourismresearch, Vol.12,1985. p.479.
    ①Carlton S. Van Doren, Sam A.Lollar,“The Consequences of Forty Years of Tourism Growth”, Annals of tourismresearch, Vol.12,1985. p.480.
    ③Carlton S. Van Doren, Sam A.Lollar,“The Consequences of Forty Years of Tourism Growth”, Annals of tourismresearch, Vol.12,1985. p.481.
    ①Carlton S. Van Doren, Sam A.Lollar,“The Consequences of Forty Years of Tourism Growth”, Annals of tourismresearch, Vol.12,1985. p.482.
    ②C.R.Goeldner, Gerald L. Allen and Karen Dicke, Travel Trends in the United States and Canada, Boulder: theUniversity of Colorado,1971, pp.11-12.
    ①Assembly Interim Committee on Ways and Means, California Tourist Trade: A Report of the Assembly InterimCommittee on Ways and Means1962, Sacramento, CA: January7,1963, p.12.
    ②U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, Statistical Abstract of the United States, WashingtonD.C.:U.S.Government Printing Office,1963, p.206.
    ③1950-1962年的数据来自于U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, Statistical Abstract of theUnited States, Washington D.C.:U.S.Government Printing Office,1963, p.206.
    ④U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, Statistical Abstract of the United States, WashingtonD.C.:U.S.Government Printing Office,1977, p.232.
    ①U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, Statistical Abstract of the United States,WashingtonD.C.:U.S.Government Printing Office,1977, p.241.
    ②Assembly Interim Committee on Ways and Means, California Tourist Trade: A Report of the Assembly InterimCommittee on Ways and Means1962, Sacramento, CA: January7,1963, p.10.
    ③U.S. Department of Commerce, Economic Development Administration, California Tourism Industry-Trendsand Investment Opportunities, Prepared for the Economic Development Administration, U.S. Department ofCommerce, and California Office of Tourism and Visitor Office. Washington D.C., November,1967, p.16.
    ④U.S. Department of Commerce, Economic Development Administration, California Tourism Industry-Trendsand Investment Opportunities, Prepared for the Economic Development Administration, U.S. Department ofCommerce, and California Office of Tourism and Visitor Office. Washington D.C., November,1967, p.13.
    ⑤表格中的增长率为笔者自己统计所得,数据来源参见C.R.Geoldner, Gerald L. Allen,Karen Dick, TravelTrends in the U.S. and Canada, Boulder,Colorado:University of Colorado,1971, pp.7-10.
    ⑥表格中的增长率为笔者自己统计所得,数据来源参见C.R. Geoldner, Gerald L. Allen, Karen Dick, TravelTrends in the U.S. and Canada, Boulder, Colorado: University of Colorado,1971, pp.15-18.
    ①Assembly Interim Committee on Ways and Means, California Tourist Trade: A Report of the Assembly InterimCommittee on Ways and Means1962, Sacramento, CA: January7,1963, p.10.
    ①U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, Statistical Abstract of the United States,WashingtonD.C.:U.S.Government Printing Office,1963, p.10.
    ②U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, Statistical Abstract of the United States,WashingtonD.C.:U.S.Government Printing Office,1963, pp.782-783.
    ③C.R.Goeldner, Gerald L. Allen and Karen Dicke, Travel Trends in the United States and Canada,Boulder: theUniversity of Colorado,1971, p.4.
    ④C.R.Goeldner, Gerald L. Allen and Karen Dicke, Travel Trends in the United States and Canada,Boulder: theUniversity of Colorado,1971, p.2.
    ①C.R.Goeldner, Gerald L. Allen and Karen Dicke, Travel Trends in the United States and Canada,Boulder: theUniversity of Colorado,1971, p.4.
    ②表格中的增长率为笔者自己统计所得,数据来源参见C.R.Geoldner, Gerald L. Allen,Karen Dick, TravelTrends in the U.S. and Canada, Boulder,Colorado:University of Colorado,1971, pp.7-10.
    ①C.R.Goeldner, Gerald L. Allen and Karen Dicke, Travel Trends in the United States and Canada,Boulder: theUniversity of Colorado,1971, p.3.
    ②C.R.Goeldner, Gerald L. Allen and Karen Dicke, Travel Trends in the United States and Canada,Boulder: theUniversity of Colorado,1971, p.3.
    ①表格中的增长率为笔者自己统计所得,数据来源参见C.R. Geoldner, Gerald L. Allen, Karen Dick, TravelTrends in the U.S. and Canada, Boulder, Colorado: University of Colorado,1971, pp.15-18.
    ②C.R.Goeldner, Gerald L. Allen and Karen Dicke, Travel Trends in the United States and Canada, Boulder: theUniversity of Colorado,1971, pp.11-12.
    ①C.R.Goeldner, Gerald L. Allen and Karen Dicke, Travel Trends in the United States and Canada, Boulder: theUniversity of Colorado,1971, p.3.
    ②C.R.Goeldner, Gerald L. Allen and Karen Dicke, Travel Trends in the United States and Canada, Boulder: theUniversity of Colorado,1971, p.2.
    ③C.R.Goeldner, Gerald L. Allen and Karen Dicke, Travel Trends in the United States and Canada, Boulder: theUniversity of Colorado,1971, p.4.
    ④表格中的增长率为笔者自己统计所得,数据来源参见C.R. Geoldner, Gerald L. Allen, Karen Dick, TravelTrends in the U.S. and Canada, Boulder, Colorado: University of Colorado,1971, p.40.
    ①表格中的增长率为笔者自己统计所得,数据来源参见C.R. Geoldner, Gerald L. Allen, Karen Dick, TravelTrends in the U.S. and Canada, Boulder, Colorado: University of Colorado,1971, pp.42-43.
    ②State of California Department of Economic and Business Development, Office of Tourism, The EconomicImpact of Travel on California Counties1982, U.S. Travel Data Center, Executive Summary, p.1,1984.
    ①U.S. National Trust for Historic Preservation, Preservation Policy Research, Measuring Historical PreservationImpact on Tourism:A Study of California and Other States, Sacramento, CA: National Trust for HistoricalPreservation in the United States,1984, p.12.
    ②Assembly Interim Committee on Ways and Means, California Tourist Trade: A Report of the Assembly InterimCommittee on Ways and Means1962, Sacramento, CA: January7,1963, p.31.
    ③Assembly Interim Committee on Ways and Means, California Tourist Trade: A Report of the Assembly InterimCommittee on Ways and Means1962, Sacramento, CA: January7,1963, p.25.
    ④Assembly Interim Committee on Ways and Means, California Tourist Trade: A Report of the Assembly InterimCommittee on Ways and Means1962, Sacramento, CA: January7,1963, p.20.
    ①Assembly Interim Committee on Ways and Means, California Tourist Trade: A Report of the Assembly InterimCommittee on Ways and Means1962, Sacramento, CA: January7,1963, p.21.
    ②Assembly Interim Committee on Ways and Means, California Tourist Trade: A Report of the Assembly InterimCommittee on Ways and Means1962, Sacramento, CA: January7,1963, p.21.
    ③Assembly Interim Committee on Ways and Means, California Tourist Trade: A Report of the Assembly InterimCommittee on Ways and Means1962, Sacramento, CA: January7,1963, p.21.
    ①Assembly Interim Committee on Ways and Means, California Tourist Trade: A Report of the Assembly InterimCommittee on Ways and Means1962, Sacramento, CA: January7,1963, p.19.
    ②Assembly Interim Committee on Ways and Means, California Tourist Trade: A Report of the Assembly InterimCommittee on Ways and Means1962, Sacramento, CA: January7,1963, p.19.
    ③Assembly Interim Committee on Ways and Means, California Tourist Trade: A Report of the Assembly InterimCommittee on Ways and Means1962, Sacramento, CA: January7,1963, p.24.
    ④U.S. National Trust for Historic Preservation, Preservation Policy Research, Measuring Historical PreservationImpact on Tourism:A Study of California and Other States, Sacramento, CA: National Trust for HistoricalPreservation in the United States,1984, p.5.
    ①U.S. National Trust for Historic Preservation, Preservation Policy Research, Measuring Historical PreservationImpact on Tourism:A Study of California and Other States, Sacramento, CA: National Trust for HistoricalPreservation in the United States,1984, pp.7-8.
    ②U.S. National Trust for Historic Preservation, Preservation Policy Research, Measuring Historical PreservationImpact on Tourism:A Study of California and Other States, Sacramento, CA: National Trust for HistoricalPreservation in the United States,1984, p.11.
    ①U.S. Department of Commerce, Economic Development Administration, California Tourism Industry-Trendsand Investment Opportunities, Prepared for the Economic Development Administration, U.S. Department ofCommerce, and California Office of Tourism and Visitor Office. Washington D.C., November,1967, p.83.
    ②U.S. Department of Commerce, Economic Development Administration, California Tourism Industry-Trendsand Investment Opportunities, Prepared for the Economic Development Administration, U.S. Department ofCommerce, and California Office of Tourism and Visitor Office. Washington D.C., November,1967, pp.33-34.
    ③U.S. Department of Commerce, Economic Development Administration, California Tourism Industry-Trendsand Investment Opportunities, Prepared for the Economic Development Administration, U.S. Department ofCommerce, and California Office of Tourism and Visitor Office. Washington D.C., November,1967, p.35.
    ①U.S. Department of Commerce, Economic Development Administration, California Tourism Industry-Trendsand Investment Opportunities, Prepared for the Economic Development Administration, U.S. Department ofCommerce, and California Office of Tourism and Visitor Office. Washington D.C., November,1967, p.37.
    ②U.S. Department of Commerce, Economic Development Administration, California Tourism Industry-Trendsand Investment Opportunities, Prepared for the Economic Development Administration, U.S. Department ofCommerce, and California Office of Tourism and Visitor Office. Washington D.C., November,1967,pp.46-47,49.
    ③U.S. Department of Commerce, Economic Development Administration, California Tourism Industry-Trendsand Investment Opportunities, Prepared for the Economic Development Administration, U.S. Department ofCommerce, and California Office of Tourism and Visitor Office. Washington D.C., November,1967,pp.46-47,49.
    ④U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, Historical Statistics of the United States,WashingtonD.C.:U.S.Government Printing Office,1978, pp.17,19-21.
    ①U.S. Department of Commerce, Economic Development Administration, California Tourism Industry-Trendsand Investment Opportunities, Prepared for the Economic Development Administration, U.S. Department ofCommerce, and California Office of Tourism and Visitor Office. Washington D.C., November,1967, p.65.
    ②U.S. Department of Commerce, Economic Development Administration, California Tourism Industry-Trendsand Investment Opportunities, Prepared for the Economic Development Administration, U.S. Department ofCommerce, and California Office of Tourism and Visitor Office. Washington D.C., November,1967,pp.46-47,49.
    ③Los Angeles, Community Analysis Bureau, The Economic Development of Southern California,1920-1976,Voume II, The Growth of the Tourist Industry in Southern California, City of Los Angeles, Office of the Mayor,1976, p.2.
    ①Los Angeles, Community Analysis Bureau, The Economic Development of Southern California,1920-1976,Voume II, The Growth of the Tourist Industry in Southern California, City of Los Angeles, Office of the Mayor,1976, p.1.
    ②Hal K. Rothman,“Selling the Meaning of Place: Entrepreneurship, Tourism, and Community Transformation inthe Twentieth-Century American West”, The Pacific Historical Review, Vol.65, No.4, Tourism and theAmerican West (Nov.,1996), p.550. http://www.jstor.org/stable/3640295(2009年11月18日下载)
    ①Hal K. Rothman,“Selling the Meaning of Place: Entrepreneurship, Tourism, and Community Transformation inthe Twentieth-Century American West”, The Pacific Historical Review, Vol.65, No.4, Tourism and theAmerican West (Nov.,1996), pp.553-554. http://www.jstor.org/stable/3640295(2009年11月18日下载)
    ②U.S. Department of Commerce, Economic Development Administration, California Tourism Industry-Trendsand Investment Opportunities, Prepared for the Economic Development Administration, U.S. Department ofCommerce, and California Office of Tourism and Visitor Office. Washington D.C., November,1967, p.112.
    ①U.S. Department of Commerce, Economic Development Administration, California Tourism Industry-Trendsand Investment Opportunities, Prepared for the Economic Development Administration, U.S. Department ofCommerce, and California Office of Tourism and Visitor Office. Washington D.C., November,1967, p.117.
    ②U.S. Department of Commerce, Economic Development Administration, California Tourism Industry-Trendsand Investment Opportunities, Prepared for the Economic Development Administration, U.S. Department ofCommerce, and California Office of Tourism and Visitor Office. Washington D.C., November,1967, pp.118.
    ③U.S. Department of Commerce, Economic Development Administration, California Tourism Industry-Trendsand Investment Opportunities, Prepared for the Economic Development Administration, U.S. Department ofCommerce, and California Office of Tourism and Visitor Office. Washington D.C., November,1967, p.60.
    50年代开始,广告促销活动也扩展到南方那些天气闷热、潮湿的州。这类活动也取得了较大的成功。参见Los Angeles, Community Analysis Bureau, The Economic Development of Southern California,1920-1976,VoumeII, The Growth of the Tourist Industry in Southern California, City of Los Angeles, Office of the Mayor,1976, p.2.
    ②Shulman Research, Number and Charactertistics of Travelers to Caliornia in1986: A Report Prepared for theCalifornia Department of Commerce, Sacramento, CA: Department of Commerce,1988, p.15.
    ③U.S. Department of Commerce, Economic Development Administration, California Tourism Industry-Trendsand Investment Opportunities, Prepared for the Economic Development Administration, U.S. Department ofCommerce, and California Office of Tourism and Visitor Office. Washington D.C., November,1967, p.59.
    ①U.S. Department of Commerce, Economic Development Administration, California Tourism Industry-Trendsand Investment Opportunities, Prepared for the Economic Development Administration, U.S. Department ofCommerce, and California Office of Tourism and Visitor Office. Washington D.C., November,1967, p.60.
    ②U.S. Department of Commerce, Economic Development Administration, California Tourism Industry-Trendsand Investment Opportunities, Prepared for the Economic Development Administration, U.S. Department ofCommerce, and California Office of Tourism and Visitor Office. Washington D.C., November,1967, p.61.
    ③Los Angeles, Community Analysis Bureau, The Economic Development of Southern California,1920-1976,Voume II, The Growth of the Tourist Industry in Southern California, City of Los Angeles, Office of the Mayor,1976,p.5.
    ④Assembly Interim Committee on Ways and Means, California Tourist Trade: A Report of the Assembly InterimCommittee on Ways and Means1962, Sacramento, CA: January7,1963, p.34.
    ⑤Los Angeles, Community Analysis Bureau, The Economic Development of Southern California,1920-1976,Voume II, The Growth of the Tourist Industry in Southern California, City of Los Angeles, Office of the Mayor,1976, p.5.
    ①U.S. Department of Commerce, Economic Development Administration, California Tourism Industry-Trendsand Investment Opportunities, Prepared for the Economic Development Administration, U.S. Department ofCommerce, and California Office of Tourism and Visitor Office. Washington D.C., November,1967, p.63.
    ②Shulman Research, Number and Charactertistics of Travelers to Caliornia in1986: A Report Prepared for theCalifornia Department of Commerce,Sacramento,CA: Department of Commerce,1988,p.19.
    ①U.S. Department of Commerce, Economic Development Administration, California Tourism Industry-Trendsand Investment Opportunities, Prepared for the Economic Development Administration, U.S. Department ofCommerce, and California Office of Tourism and Visitor Office. Washington D.C., November,1967, p.43.
    ②U.S. Department of Commerce, Economic Development Administration, California Tourism Industry-Trendsand Investment Opportunities, Prepared for the Economic Development Administration, U.S. Department ofCommerce, and California Office of Tourism and Visitor Office. Washington D.C., November,1967, p.43.
    ①Martha K. Norkunas, The Politics of Public Memory: Tourism, History and Ethnicity in Monterey, California,Albany, New York: State University of New York Press,1993, p.8.
    ②Martha K. Norkunas, The Politics of Public Memory: Tourism, History and Ethnicity in Monterey, California,Albany, New York: State University of New York Press,1993, p.11.
    ③Martha K. Norkunas, The Politics of Public Memory: Tourism, History and Ethnicity in Monterey, California,Albany, New York: State University of New York Press,1993, pp.12-13.
    ④Nathan Dianiel Gonzales, Visit Yesterday, Today: Ethno-Tourism and Southern California,1884-1955, ADissertation Submitted in Partial Satisfaction of the Requirement for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in History,University of California-Riverside,2006, p.4.
    ①Nathan Dianiel Gonzales, Visit Yesterday, Today: Ethno-Tourism and Southern California,1884-1955, ADissertation Submitted in Partial Satisfaction of the Requirement for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in History,University of California-Riverside,2006,p.15.更多的详细论述参见16-19页。
    ②California Heritage Task Force, A Report to the Legislature and the People of California, Sacramento, CA:August1984(unpublished report),p.6.
    ③U.S. National Trust for Historic Preservation, Preservation Policy Research, Measuring Historical PreservationImpact on Tourism:A Study of California and Other States, Sacramento, CA: National Trust for HistoricalPreservation in the United States,1984, pp.20-21.
    ①U.S. National Trust for Historic Preservation, Preservation Policy Research, Measuring Historical PreservationImpact on Tourism:A Study of California and Other States, Sacramento, CA: National Trust for HistoricalPreservation in the United States,1984, p.4.
    ②Shulman Research, Number and Charactertistics of Travelers to Caliornia in1986: A Report Prepared for theCalifornia Department of Commerce, Sacramento, CA: Department of Commerce,1988, p.17.
    ①Robert C. Schmitt “Travel, Tourism and Migration”; Demography, Vol.5, No.1(1968), pp.308-309.http://www.jstor.org/stable/2060210/,(2009年10月24日下载)
    ②Shulman Research, Number and Charactertistics of Travelers to Caliornia in1986: A Report Prepared for theCalifornia Department of Commerce,Sacramento,CA: Department of Commerce,1988, p.31.
    ①Los Angeles, Community Analysis Bureau, The Economic Development of Southern California,1920-1976,Voume II, The Growth of the Tourist Industry in Southern California, City of Los Angeles, Office of the Mayor,1976, p.xi.
    ①Los Angeles, Community Analysis Bureau, The Economic Development of Southern California,1920-1976,Voume II, The Growth of the Tourist Industry in Southern California, City of Los Angeles, Office of the Mayor,1976, p.3.
    ①Los Angeles, Community Analysis Bureau, The Economic Development of Southern California,1920-1976,Voume II, The Growth of the Tourist Industry in Southern California, City of Los Angeles, Office of the Mayor,1976, p.2.
    ②Carlton S. Van Doren, Sam A.Lollar,“The Consequences of Forty Years of Tourism Growth”, Annals oftourism research, Vol.12,1985, p.477.
    ③U.S. Department of Commerce, Office of Economic Research, California Travel and Tourism by the Numbers,Prepared for the office of tourism, Department of Commerce, December,1985, p.12.
    ①Los Angeles, Community Analysis Bureau, The Economic Development of Southern California,1920-1976,Voume II, The Growth of the Tourist Industry in Southern California, City of Los Angeles, Office of the Mayor,1976, p.5.
    ②Los Angeles, Community Analysis Bureau, The Economic Development of Southern California,1920-1976,Voume II, The Growth of the Tourist Industry in Southern California, City of Los Angeles, Office of the Mayor,1976, p.7.
    ①Los Angeles, Community Analysis Bureau, The Economic Development of Southern California,1920-1976,Voume II, The Growth of the Tourist Industry in Southern California, City of Los Angeles, Office of the Mayor,1976, p.2.
    ②U.S. Department of Commerce, Economic Development Administration, California Tourism Industry-Trendsand Investment Opportunities, Prepared for the Economic Development Administration, U.S. Department ofCommerce, and California Office of Tourism and Visitor Office. Washington D.C., November,1967, p.75.
    ③U.S. Department of Commerce, Economic Development Administration, California Tourism Industry-Trendsand Investment Opportunities, Prepared for the Economic Development Administration, U.S. Department ofCommerce, and California Office of Tourism and Visitor Office. Washington D.C., November,1967, p.75.
    ①U.S. Department of Commerce, Economic Development Administration, California Tourism Industry-Trendsand Investment Opportunities, Prepared for the Economic Development Administration, U.S. Department ofCommerce, and California Office of Tourism and Visitor Office. Washington D.C., November,1967, p.77.
    ②关于引文参见U.S. Department of Commerce, Economic Development Administration, California TourismIndustry-Trends and Investment Opportunities, Prepared for the Economic Development Administration, U.S.Department of Commerce, and California Office of Tourism and Visitor Office. Washington D.C., November,1967, p.77.
    ③在报告中,“travel”是被界定为:从居住地旅行到至少100英里以上的地方,它既可以是在美国之内,也可以是在从美国到国外,并且在异地自费居住一个晚上以上。【旅行支出】“travel expenditure”是在旅行中用货币交换服务和商品的行为,按照这种界定,即使是旅行者尚未出门就发生支出(例如,购买飞机票和旅行途中使用的必要物品),也可以算作是旅行支出。Dean Runyan Associates,Regional Economic Impactsof California Travel1985and1986: A Report Prepared for the California Department of Commerce,Sacramento,CA: Department of Commerce,1988, p.17.
    ④Dean Runyan Associates,Regional Economic Impacts of California Travel1985and1986: A Report Preparedfor the California Department of Commerce,Sacramento,CA: Department of Commerce,1988, p.2.
    ①California Trade and Commerce, Division of Tourism, Travel and Hospitality: Working for California,1994,p.3.
    ①Los Angeles, Community Analysis Bureau, The Economic Development of Southern California,1920-1976,Voume II, The Growth of the Tourist Industry in Southern California, City of Los Angeles, Office of the Mayor,1976, p.1.
    ②Los Angeles, Community Analysis Bureau, The Economic Development of Southern California,1920-1976,Voume II, The Growth of the Tourist Industry in Southern California, City of Los Angeles, Office of the Mayor,1976,p.xi.
    ①U.S. Department of Commerce, Office of Economic Research, California Travel and Tourism by the Numbers,Prepared for the office of tourism, Department of Commerce, December,1985, p.9.
    ②U.S. Department of Commerce, Office of Economic Research, California Travel and Tourism by the Numbers,Prepared for the office of tourism, Department of Commerce, December,1985, p.10.
    ①U.S. Department of Commerce, Office of Economic Research, California Travel and Tourism by the Numbers,Prepared for the office of tourism, Department of Commerce, December,1985, p.11.
    ②Assembly Interim Committee on Ways and Means, California Tourist Trade: A Report of the Assembly InterimCommittee on Ways and Means1962, Sacramento, CA: January7,1963, p.11.
    ③U.S. National Trust for Historic Preservation, Preservation Policy Research, Measuring Historical PreservationImpact on Tourism:A Study of California and Other States, Sacramento, CA: National Trust for HistoricalPreservation in the United States,1984, p.4.
    ①Peter J. Blodgett and Sara S. Hodson,“Worlds of Leisure, Worlds of Grace: Recreation, Entertainment, and theArts in the California Experience”, California History, Vol.75, No.1, Archives in California (Spring,1996), pp.69-70. http://www.jstor.org/stable/25177561(2009年11月18日下载)
    ②Peter J. Blodgett and Sara S. Hodson,“Worlds of Leisure, Worlds of Grace: Recreation, Entertainment, and theArts in the California Experience”, California History, Vol.75, No.1, Archives in California (Spring,1996), p.71.http://www.jstor.org/stable/25177561(2009年11月18日下载)
    ①Peter J. Blodgett and Sara S. Hodson,“Worlds of Leisure, Worlds of Grace: Recreation, Entertainment, and theArts in the California Experience”, California History, Vol.75, No.1, Archives in California (Spring,1996), p.71.http://www.jstor.org/stable/25177561(2009年11月18日下载)
    ②California Trade and Commerce, Division of Tourism, Travel and Hospitality: Working for California,1994.Executive Summary. p.26.
    ③California Trade and Commerce, Division of Tourism, Travel and Hospitality: Working for California,1994,p.27.
    ①U.S. National Trust for Historic Preservation, Preservation Policy Research, Measuring Historical PreservationImpact on Tourism:A Study of California and Other States, Sacramento, CA: National Trust for HistoricalPreservation in the United States,1984, p.5.
    ①U.S. National Trust for Historic Preservation, Preservation Policy Research, Measuring Historical PreservationImpact on Tourism:A Study of California and Other States, Sacramento, CA: National Trust for HistoricalPreservation in the United States,1984, pp.7-8.
    ②California Heritage Preservation Commission, The Preservation, Organization and Display of California’sHistoric Documents: Report to the California State Legislature, Sacramento, CA: May30.1975, pp.3,5-6,7-8.
    ③California Heritage Task Force, A Report to the Legislature and the People of California, Sacramento, CA:August1984(unpublished report), p.6.
    ①U.S. National Trust for Historic Preservation, Preservation Policy Research, Measuring Historical PreservationImpact on Tourism:A Study of California and Other States, Sacramento, CA: National Trust for HistoricalPreservation in the United States,1984, p.30.
    ②U.S. National Trust for Historic Preservation, Preservation Policy Research, Measuring Historical PreservationImpact on Tourism:A Study of California and Other States, Sacramento, CA: National Trust for HistoricalPreservation in the United States,1984, pp.20-21.
    ③California Heritage Preservation Commission, The Preservation, Organization and Display of California’sHistoric Documents: Report to the California State Legislature, Sacramento, CA: May30.1975, pp.3,5-6,7-8.
    ①California Heritage Task Force, A Report to the Legislature and the People of California, Sacramento, CA:August1984(unpublished report), p.6.
    ②U.S. National Trust for Historic Preservation, Preservation Policy Research, Measuring Historical PreservationImpact on Tourism:A Study of California and Other States, Sacramento, CA: National Trust for HistoricalPreservation in the United States,1984, p.13.
    ③California Trade and Commerce, Division of Tourism, Travel and Hospitality: Working for California,,1994.p20; U.S. Department of Commerce, Office of Economic Research, California Travel and Tourism by theNumbers, Prepared for the office of tourism, Department of Commerce, December,1985, p.4.
    ④Regional Economic Impacts of California Travel1986-1988, Prepared by Dean Runyan Associates for theCalifornia Department of Commerce, February1990, George Deukmejian, Governor, p.11
    ①Paul Lorah and Rob Southwick,“Environmental Protection, Population Change, and Economic Development inthe Rural Western United States”, Population and Environment, Vol.24, No.3(Jan.,2003), p.265.http://www.jstor.org/stable/27503837,(2010年3月16日下载)
    ②Clifford M. Zierer,“Tourism and Recreation in the West”, Geographical Review, Vol.42, No.3,1952, p.463.http://www.jstor.org/stable/212100(2009年11月18日下载)
    ①Power, T.M.(editor),“Economic Well-Being and Environmental Protection in the Pacific Northwest”. Universityof Montana: Economics Department.1995. p.212.
    ②Paul Lorah and Rob Southwick,“Environmental Protection, Population Change, and Economic Development inthe Rural Western United States”, Population and Environment, Vol.24,No.3,(Jan.2003), p.259. http://www.jstor.org/stable/27503837(2010-03-16下载)
    ①Paul Lorah and Rob Southwick,“Environmental Protection, Population Change, and Economic Development inthe Rural Western United States”, Population and Environment, Vol.24, No.3(Jan.,2003), pp.
    ②David L. Barkley,“The Economics of Change in Rural America”, American Journal of AgriculturalEconomics,Vol.77,No.5(Dec.1995), p.1253. http://www.jstor.org/stable1243357(2010-03-12下载)
    ③Paul Lorah and Rob Southwick,“Environmental Protection, Population Change, and Economic Development inthe Rural Western United States”, Population and Environment, Vol.24, No.3(Jan.,2003), p.255.http://www.jstor.org/stable/27503837,(2010年3月16日下载)
    ④Bryan H. Farrel and Dean Runyan,“Ecology and Tourism”, Annals of Tourism Research,Vol.18,1990, p.34.
    ①Bryan H. Farrel and Dean Runyan,“Ecology and Torism”, Annals of Torism Research,Vol.18,1990,p.27.
    ②Frieda Knobloch,“Creating the Cowboy State: Culture and Underdevelopment in Wyoming since1867” TheWestern Historical Quarterly, Vol.32, No.2(Summer,2001), pp.201-221.; http://www.jstor.org/stable/3650773
    ①Frieda Knobloch,“Creating the Cowboy State: Culture and Underdevelopment in Wyoming since1867” TheWestern Historical Quarterly, Vol.32, No.2(Summer,2001), pp.201-221., http://www.jstor.org/stable/3650773
    ②Assembly Interim Committee on Ways and Means, California Tourist Trade: A Report of the Assembly InterimCommittee on Ways and Means1962, Sacramento, CA: January7,1963, p.13.
    ①Assembly Interim Committee on Ways and Means, California Tourist Trade: A Report of the Assembly InterimCommittee on Ways and Means1962, Sacramento, CA: January7,1963, p.10.
    ②Assembly Interim Committee on Ways and Means, California Tourist Trade: A Report of the Assembly InterimCommittee on Ways and Means1962, Sacramento, CA: January7,1963, p.11.
    ③Assembly Interim Committee on Ways and Means, California Tourist Trade: A Report of the Assembly InterimCommittee on Ways and Means1962, Sacramento, CA: January7,1963, p.15.
    ①Dean Runyan Associates,Regional Economic Impacts of California Travel1985and1986: A Report Preparedfor the California Department of Commerce,Sacramento, CA: Department of Commerce,1988, p.2.
    ②Dean Runyan Associates,Regional Economic Impacts of California Travel1985and1986: A Report Preparedfor the California Department of Commerce,Sacramento, CA: Department of Commerce,1988, p.4.
    ①U.S. Department of Commerce, Economic Development Administration, California Tourism Industry-Trendsand Investment Opportunities, Prepared for the Economic Development Administration, U.S. Department ofCommerce, and California Office of Tourism and Visitor Office. Washington D.C., November,1967, pp.77-81.
    ②Carlton S. Van Doren, Sam A.Lollar,“The Consequences of Forty Years of Tourism Growth”, Annals of TourismResearch, Vol.12,1985, p.475.
    ①Carlton S. Van Doren, Sam A.Lollar,“The Consequences of Forty Years of Tourism Growth”, Annals ofTourism Research, Vol.12,1985, p.476.
    ②Carlton S. Van Doren, Sam A.Lollar,“The Consequences of Forty Years of Tourism Growth”, Annals ofTourism Research, Vol.12,1985, p.474.
    ①Susan G. Davis,“Landscapes of Imagination: Tourism in South California”, The Pacific History Review, Vol.68,Orange Empires (May,1999), p.188. http://www.jstor.org/stable/3641983,(2009年10月24日下载)
    ②Susan G. Davis,“Landscapes of Imagination: Tourism in South California”, The Pacific History Review,Vol.68, Orange Empires (May,1999), p.189. http://www.jstor.org/stable/3641983,(2009年10月24日下载)
    ③在50年代,汽车已经成为美国人旅游活动中的重要工具。特别是美国人在前往邻国加拿大和墨西哥旅游的时候,越来越多的人也是自驾旅游的。1950年,有大约600多万游客乘坐200万辆旅游车驶进加拿大,旅游花销250万美元,占美国国际旅游花销的40%。在去加拿大的游客中,前往蒙特利尔和魁北克的人最多,其乘坐的旅游团队车达150万辆,而不列颠哥伦比亚仅为25万辆;大量加拿大人也移居南部的美加边境,在美国宽阔的公路网上畅游。1950年大概有2.5万人驾车游览了阿拉斯加,还有几千人乘船或飞机前往阿拉斯加;墨西哥也吸引了大量美国游客,1950年达40万,其中有一半人是驾车沿着通往墨西哥城的主干高速路前往的。Clifford M. Zierer,“Tourism and Recreation in the West”, Geographical Review, Vol.
    42, No.3,1952,p465. http://www.jstor.org/stable/212100(2009年11月18日下载)
    ①Clifford M. Zierer,“Tourism and Recreation in the West”, Geographical Review, Vol.42, No.3,1952,p.464.http://www.jstor.org/stable/212100(2009年11月18日下载)
    ②California Trade and Commerce, Division of Tourism, Travel and Hospitality: Working for California,Executive Summary,1994, p.11.
    ③California Trade and Commerce, Division of Tourism, Travel and Hospitality: Working for California,1994,p.20.
    ①California Trade and Commerce, Division of Tourism, Travel and Hospitality: Working for California,1994,p.25.
    ②California Trade and Commerce, Division of Tourism, Travel and Hospitality: Working for California,1994.Executive Summary.
    ③California Trade and Commerce, Division of Tourism, Travel and Hospitality: Working for California,1994,p.25.
    ④California Trade and Commerce, Division of Tourism, Travel and Hospitality: Working for California,1994.Preface.
    ⑤California Trade and Commerce, Division of Tourism, Travel and Hospitality: Working for California,1994.Preface.
    ①California Trade and Commerce, Division of Tourism, Travel and Hospitality: Working for California,1994.preface.
    ②California Trade and Commerce, Division of Tourism, Travel and Hospitality: Working for California,1994,p.19.
    [1] National Trust for Historic Preservation in the United States, Preservation Policy ResearchMeasuring Historic Preservation’s impact on Tourism: A Study of California and other States,edited by Paula Huntley and Hisashi B. Sugaya, Sacramento, CA: National Trust for HistoricPreservation in the United States,1984
    [2] National Trust for Historic Preservation in the United States, Preservation Policy ResearchMeasuring Historic Preservation’s impact on States: A Study of California’s Historic andCultural Resources, edited by J. Laurence Mintler, Preservation Policy Research Series: No.PPR-COL, Order No.5049, Sacramento, CA: National Trust for Historic Preservation in theUnited States,1984
    [3] California Heritage Task Force, A Report to the Legislature and People of CaliforniaSacramento, August1984.
    [4] California Heritage Preservation Commission, The Preservation, Organization and Displayof California’s Historic Documents: Sixth Report to the California State Legislature,Sacramento, Senate of the State of California, May,1975.
    [5] California Heritage Preservation Commission, The Preservation, Organization and Displayof California’s Historic Documents: First Report to the California State Legislature,Sacramento, Senate of the State of California, January,1965.
    [6] California Development of Commerce, Office of Economic Research, Regional EconomicImpacts of California Travel: Description of the California Regional Travel Model,1985and1986, Travel Impact Estimates, and Suggested Procedures for Additional Travel DataCollection, Sacramento CA,1988
    [7] California Development of Commerce, Office of Economic Research, Number andCharacteristics of Travelers to California in1986, Sacramento CA:1988
    [8] California Development of Commerce, Office of Economic Research, Number andCharacteristics of Travelers to California in1987, Sacramento CA:1988
    [9] California Development of Commerce, Office of Economic Research&Office of Tourism,The Economic Impact of Domestic Travelers on California Counties1980-1985, U.S. TravelData Center, Executive Summary,1987.
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