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     本文的研究结果对孵化器这种社会型创业支持,孵化企业的社会资本、企业动态能力、及孵化企业的创业绩效相关理论有重要的意义。本文开创性地探知社会型创业的支持特征的四个维度,这个是理论上比较少涉及的,目前理论上对于社会型创业支持维度等研究主要还是停留在定性分析的基础上,本文通过设计和开发量表,进行探索性和验证性分析,最终得出一些有意义的结论。本文验证了国外成熟的企业社会资本三维度模型,这个理论上的意义虽然不大,但是它足以说明社会资本理论在中国背景下与孵化企业的适配性。本文还开创性地进行企业动态能力的实证性研究,将Catherine L. Wang和Pervaiz K. Ahmed(2007)的企业动态能力定性理论向前推进了一步,进行了中国背景下的实证验证。本文将研究从简单的社会资本和企业绩效的直接关系模型转到更为复杂和重要的发挥动态能力的中介效用过程模型和缓冲效用模型的研究上来,意义深远。
The concept of social entrepreneurship has been estabilished in the research field of business and management. Popular as well as monographs and articles are written about the characteristics of organization thought to engage in social entrepreneurship.“Innovative activities and services that are motivated by the goal of satisfying social need which are predominantly developed and diffused through organizations whose primary purposes are social”——Mulgan(2007). The thesis pays much attention to the incubator’s social entrepreneurship supporting characteristics on the background of China, then it will expatiate on the trend of chinese social entrepreneurship from another point of view. From the perspective of social capital, the key for firms' technological innovation lies in acquiring and exploiting knowledge through external and internal social capital. Thus, it is valuable to find out how corporate social capital improves entrepreneurial performance. Based on the past literature in the field of social capital, a conceptual model is developed to deduce the relationship among corporate social capital, corporate dynamic capacity and entrepreneurial performance. Considering the role of dynamic capacity, the thesis analyzes the relationship between corporate’s social capital (the structural, relational and cognitive dimension) and entrepreneurial performance through the data of incubatees in China.
     In this thesis, we interviewed 10 incubators, received 54 valid incubators’and 270 valid incubatees’questionnaires. In the data processing aspect, some methods such as confirmatory factor analysis(CFA), multiple linear regression and structural equation modeling (SEM) were used to theoretical exploration and quantitative analysis,then it verified hypotheses of the model.
     Chapter1 expatiates on the thesis’s research background, why the thesis focuses on this issue, what’s the meaning of the research and its benefits to the theoretical development. In the end, it also concludes the whole conlusion of the thesis.
     Chapter2 expatiates on the following contents: Firstly, we give a review about the social entrepreneurship literature, including the classical concepts about the social entrepreneurship,the essence of the social entrepreneurship and its development; the recent development of social entrepreneurship; and the problems that social entrepreneurship can solve. Secondly, we give a review on the social capital, it includes the classical concept of the social capital,the essence of the social capital and its development, the classical expatiation of the social capital theory; the content and characteristics of the social capital and its development;the recent development of the theory; and the problems that social capital can resolve. In the end of the chapter, it gives out the whole research structure which including the academic basis, research purposes, research focus and the whole research structure of the thesis.
     Chapter3 mainly expatiates on the social entrepreneurship supporting characteristics. Firstly, it expatiates on the research purposes, the research procedure including the research method, the sample’s collection and the last debates. It also takes an example for case analysis to support the conclusion, namely, Shanghai Caohejing technology entrepreneurial center. Secondly, we collect 54 incubators’data and interview 10 incubators simultaneously, we carry through the exploratory and confirmatory analysis to social entrepreneurial characteristic dimensions by the factor analysis and SEM (Structural Equation Model). We get four dimensions: internal cooperation, external support, relational support and non-profit support. Because it is an original work, it can be meaningful to the theoretical development.
     Chapter4 mainly expatiates on incubatees’social capital and their dynamic capability, we carry through the confirmatory analysis to the classical three dimensions of social capital through 270 incubatees’data, it finds that the classical social capital’s three dimensions model can fit with the Chinese incubatees’data(structural dimension, relational dimension and cognitive dimension). According to the corporates’dynamic capability, we design and select the measurement items through many literatures, and carry through the exploratory and confirmatory analysis, we find that the incubatees’dynamic capability including two dimensions: absorptive&adaptive capability and innovative capability, it’s also a confirmatory innovation in the theory of dynamic capability.
     Chapter5 analyzes the relationship between corporate’s dynamic capability and entrepreneurial performance on the basis of Chapter 4. According to the incubatee’s entrepreneurial performance, it finds out the conclusion on the background of China. With the conclusion of literature, we carry through the exploratory and confirmatory analysis to entrepreneurial performance from following three dimensions: financial performance, development performance, innovative performance. The reason why we adding an innovative dimension mainly because the innovative performance is crucial to incubatees’survival and development. Then, we carry through a regressive analysis to corporate’s dynamic capability: absorptive&adaptive capability and innovative capability, we get some valuable conclusions.
     Chapter6 mainly expatitates on the procedural effect between incubatee’s social capital and entrepreneurial performance. We analyze the mediate effect of corporate dynamic capability, the moderate effect of corporate entrepreneurial cluture. We get some meaningful conclusions in the end.
     Chapter7 mainly expatiates on the whole research model, we can get some meaningful conclusions by using method of path analysis.
     In the end, it reaches the main thesis conclusions, analyzes the academic progress and practical development, we also give out the research shortcomings and some future research suggestions.
     The conclusions of the thesis are valuable to the academic development such as corporates’social capital, corporates’dynamic capability and entrepreneurial performance. It finds that the supporting characteristics include four dimensions. In theoretical field, it has been less mentioned, the thesis designs and develops questionnaires to carry through exploratory and confirmatory analysis, then it also gets some meaningful conclusions. The thesis verifies the three-dimensional model of social capital on the background of China. It also carries through the empirical study on the corporates’dynamic capability, it puts the Catherine L. Wang&Pervaiz K.Ahmed’s theory forward. It also changes the research point of view from the simple relationship between corporates’s social capital with entrepreneurial performance to their complex mediate and moderate effect analysis.
5 本部分研究发表在《中国人力资源开发》2007 年第 1 期。
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