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Most of this paper is divided into five. The first part is the introduction, mainly on the global and China's energy situation and energy on the importance of international legal mechanism and significance. The second part is the energy of the international legal mechanism outlined in the energy of the international legal mechanism for defining the concept, and to analyze its characteristics and significance. Part III to Part V is the main part of papers. In the third part of the global and regional energy definition of international legal mechanisms, on the basis of the characteristics of the major global and regional energy organizations one by one specific analysis. Part IV of the world's major countries of foreign energy under international legal mechanisms defined analysis features, and the United States, Russia, and Japan for a specific analysis. Part V of the International Energy detailed in the legal mechanism of the impact of China on the basis of China's energy-related legal system and put forward their own proposals.
     I first described in the first part of the international energy status quo. Believe that the international energy production and consumption centres separation characteristics, global energy demand growth, and China should not be optimistic about the current situation of energy in today's world's energy problems, it has made on the energy of the international legal mechanism has an important significance. After the main part of this paper is a general introduction.
     In the second part, first expounded on other scholars of international legal mechanisms of energy awareness and, based on this author believes that the international legal mechanism energy mainly refers to international organizations and countries to restructure deal with the issue of energy international legal norms, and policies sum. Given the length of this paper, the authors of this paper used by the energy of the concept of international legal mechanisms for national and international organizations for the development of oil and gas resources, and cooperation in the use of legal norms and the sum of policies to facilitate in-depth analysis of the content of this paper. Energy of the international legal mechanism has its own characteristics, including: legal norms characteristics of soft law, the legal system and other characteristics of the close integration with the national policy and the close integration of the special features. In this part of the final, detailed energy of the international legal mechanism for economic development, political development, the development of military significance.
     The third part of the international and regional energy international legal mechanism for a detailed analysis. First of all I believe that international and regional energy international legal mechanism, it is that international or regional international organizations, within the region and between the two countries on energy laws and policies combined. He had a global, regional and state-to-state energy of the legal system of international coexistence, mainly to the characteristics of soft law. The International Energy Agency, the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, the G-8 and the International Energy Forum is a major global legal mechanisms of the International Energy makers. The International Energy Agency International Energy Agency is the world's most important source of energy in one of the international organizations, economic development and cooperation within the Organization, an independent intergovernmental organization. Is the most unique "emergency oil sharing mechanisms," and Practice has proved that the system is very effective. Yiming OPEC Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries has its own relatively well organized, in the Cold War period have considerable influence, but now its influence is declining. Since the oil crisis of reason, the energy issue is the focus of the G-8 issues. The integrity of its organization and coordination mechanisms and the influence of the members of the Group of Eight energy policy makes the world has an important influence. International Energy Forum is the role of oil producers and consumers in a positive dialogue between the mechanism, and the economic integration of energy, energy of the international legal mechanism for the development of great positive role in promoting.
     International Energy regional organizations are also major energy the formulation of international legal mechanisms, both in the regional organizations to play a role. These include: Energy Charter, the European Union, ASEAN and the Northeast Asian region. Northeast Asia is not an international organization, but in view of the northeast Asian region importance of the issue of energy, the possibility of energy cooperation between Northeast Asian nations of China's energy supply and may have significant impact, and therefore the area of energy between states legal mechanisms to analyze. Energy Charter energy cooperation is the specialized international organizations, and its main purpose is to develop a task force of international law, as far as possible to consider energy exporting, importing and transit of energy interests, and the development of the Eurasian region multilateral cooperation in the various energy implementation mechanism. The European Union's energy policy is the energy law and international legal institutions to study one of the key points. Far in the 1952 "Treaty of Paris" in the 21st century a "European Green Paper on energy security," the EU in the energy before and after the establishment of a legal mechanism, and the Basic Law can be divided into two broad categories of subordination, but generally speaking, EU's common energy policy has not really legal form. ASEAN geographic situation, the legal framework and energy resources, the decision of the ASEAN energy formed the basis of legal mechanisms. ASEAN has initially formed a relatively complete set of energy security strategy, and set up the "East Asia Prospect Group" devoted to the study of energy cooperation. In the Northeast Asian region energy cooperation between the two countries very closely. Russia, China, Japan, South Korea, China and Russia have cooperation, and improve the international legal mechanisms of energy factors the pros and cons of both. Some scholars have made and the Northeast Asian region, in accordance with the EU to promote its energy international legal mechanism.
     In the fourth part, the author believes that the so-called world's major international energy international legal mechanism, it is that the world's energy (this mainly refers to oil and natural gas) production and consumption, and other international areas can have a significant impact on the international legal system, the treaty or policies. Its characteristics are: national policies and laws and in close connection with the characteristics of energy and economic situation of legal policy decision energy characteristics. For example, the United States, energy and natural conditions decide that the United States is not energy shortage, but America's superpower status decide that the United States must develop, implement energy-related laws, policies to achieve control of the international energy purposes. Russian international energy law and the formation and development of the system, with its abundant natural resources and geo-political situation inseparable, Russia and the United States, the European Union, the Caspian Sea and the Far East, and other regions have signed international agreements to develop its own energy economy. Phase, Japan, as a very scarce national resources, both internal and external to strengthen the energy in the establishment of legal mechanisms. Take all the external energy policy, and the Middle East, the Pacific region, both Russian energy cooperation.
     Part V is the last part of the energy on the international legal mechanisms, as well as the impact of China on China's energy legislative proposal. The world's major energy and the major international organizations, energy production and consumption in China and both countries have varying degrees of close ties. China signed the legal documents with the considerable, and in the very active participation in the activities of energy for our country to seek overseas energy supply. China's national conditions and the author of the above part of the exposition of the legal system for China's energy building put forward three proposals: First, the promulgation of the Basic Law of China's energy, the energy pyramid building the legal system; Second, the energy between states cooperation based, and thus promote China's participation in regional and global energy international organizations. Third, deeply involved in the importance of international energy organizations
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