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It is a thorny question to find the desired news quickly in the sea of Internet. Based on the project for the information service system of high-speed train, the present paper has designed a practical news search engine by means of the latest relevant key technology. And this engine not only enables the passengers traveling with the high-speed train to receive the dynamic real-time news but also substantially improve the quality of service on the train.
    Taking the general search engine, the special search engine and the news search engine as the mainline, the paper has introduced the news search engine in detail. First, the paper ushers in the search engine, then the news search engine and puts forward an extracting algorithm for the news search engine. By offering the flow chart of this algorithm, the paper clearly outlines the algorithm for the extracting process in the news search engine. This algorithm is the kernel of the present paper. Furthermore, the paper has proven the feasibility of the algorithm through the realization of the program. Then the algorithm is tied up with the program through dynamic link library technology. In order to realize the personalized service for the users, the software adopts a method that is able to update the news regularly and present the real-time news to customers. The software has realized the active service function for information.
    On the basis of the relevant theory of search engine, the paper has designed and realized the news search engine that has passed the test and achieved the anticipated design effect.
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