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苯并咪唑类杀菌剂作为一类高效、广谱内吸性杀菌剂在生产上应用,解决了保护性杀菌剂的环境毒性问题,同时也降低了对用药技术和用药时间的要求,提高了病害的防效。由于这类药剂的高度专化性,作用位点单一,加上施用频率高,使用2~3年后许多植物病原真菌很快会出现抗药性问题。苯并咪唑类杀菌剂是通过与病原菌β-微管蛋白结合,抑制微管的功能,阻止细胞的有丝分裂,抑制病原菌生长。病原菌抗药性的产生是因为细胞中β-微管蛋白由于控制该蛋白的基因发生突变,使蛋白三维构象改变,从而失去了与药剂分子的亲和性。近年来大量研究证明,除引起马铃薯储藏期干腐病的Gibberella pulicaris外,β-微管蛋白基因的198或200位氨基酸密码子的点突变是导致大多数病原菌产生抗药性的主要原因。
     核盘菌(Sclerotinia sclerotiorum)、禾谷镰孢霉(Fusarium graminearum)、炭疽菌(Colletotrichum gloeosporiodies)和葡萄孢霉(Botrytis cinerea)引起的多种作物炭疽病和灰霉病是中国常见的重要农作物和蔬菜病害。长期以来对这4种病害的防治主要采用苯并咪唑类或与不同作用机制药剂复配的杀菌剂。1987、1992和1996年在田间分别检测到B.cinerea、F.graminearum和S.sclerotiorum对多菌灵的抗药性菌株。
    蛋白全基因,通过其中的1对兼并性引物Bl和B3获得了c gloeosPoriodiesp-
    微管蛋白基因的部分序列。其中F graminearum的口一微管蛋白基因全长163lbp,
    白基因全长1 685bp,包含4个内元,相应的编码447个氨基酸,氛基酸序列同源
    相应的编码447个氛基酸,与s.:clerotio~和F graminearump一微管蛋白基因
    的氨基酸序列同源性分别为97.76%和%20%.c sloeosPoriodies已撒管蛋白基
    (Ne urosPora crassa)的内元6一致.与Hsl(MBCs黑色炭疽)相比,炭疽菌中
     F graminearum的MBc”和MBc“菌株核普酸序列分析表明,MBC“菌株未
    发生任何位点的突变,说明F graminearum对多菌灵的抗药性机制并非像其他丝
    C sloeosPortodies的p一微管蛋白基因编码的 198位氛基酸残基的GAG谷孰酸
    在明显负交互杭性.c sloeosPor勿die:的MBc咖Pc“菌株198位氛基酸未发生
    异性寡核普酸引物(ASO)用于“nested" PCR或直接从菌丝基因组DNA扩增.
Benzimidazole fungicides, as a group of systemic fungicides with broad sprectrum of fungicidal activity, were widely used to control diseases caused by plant pathogenic fungi. The benzimidazoles envoid the harmless in the enviroment with protective fungicides, and reduce the requirment of application technique and time, further increase the control effect.
    Because benzimidazoles are characterized by high specificy, single action position, and high application frequency, many plant pathogenic fungi occurred resistance to these fungicides after 2-3 years' application. Benzimidazole fungicides bind to β -tubulin, inhibiting microtubulin function or disassembling microtubulin, further prevent cell's mitosis of fungi for growth. Mutations of pathogen's β-tubulin gene make three-dimensional configuration of P -tubulin protein change and lose affinity with fungicides, leading to resistance to carbendazim.
    Many benzimidazole-resistant mutations in a variety of fungi have been mapped to the structural P -tubulin gene and the mutant genes were cloned and sequenced. Although single base-pair point mutations leading to the substitution of the amino acid by another occurred at least 10 different sites within the P -tubulin gene, these mutations are confined to amino acid codons 198 and 200 in resistant field strains of plant pathogens. Except for the pathogen Gibberella pulicaris causing potato dry rot, in recent years resistance to benzimidazoles in fungal pathogens has been attributed to single amino acid changes in the P -tubulin subunit. The majority of these changes in field benzimidazoles-resistant isolates were located in amino acids 198 or/and 200.
    Wheat head blight(caused by Fusarium graminearuni), Rape sclerotiniose (caused by Sclerotinia sclerotiorum), Tomato Grey(caused by Botrytis cinerea) and Pepper anthracnose(caused by Colletotrichum gloeosporiodies) are important crop and invegetable diseases in China. These diseases have been controlled by benzimidazole fungicides or its mixture with other fungicides with different mechnisms for 30 years.
    Carbendazim-resistant B. cinerea, F. graminearum and S.sclerotiorum isolates were detected out in the field populations in 1987,1992 and 1996, respectively.
    Sensitivity of the four plant pathogenic fungi to carbendazim(MBC) and diethofencarb(NPC) was tested with mycelial growth test. The result showed EC50 of carbendazim-sensitive isolates(MBCs) from F.graminearum was less than 1μg/mL. EC50 of field and induced carbendazim-resistant isolates(MBCR) was about 10μg/mL. There didn't exist negative cross-resistance between carbendazim and diethofencarb in F. graminearum .
    223 S.sclerotiorum isolates were isolated from Tongzhou of Jiangsu Province in 2002. Two phenotypes were identified when these isolates were tested for sensitivity to carbendazim and diethofencarb. 143 of these isolates showed phenotype of carbendazim-sensitivity and diethofencarb-high-resistance (MBCsNPCHR and other 80 isolates showed carbendazim-high-resistance and diethofencarb-sensitivity (MBCHRNPCS). The MBCHRNPCS isolates were not sensitive to temperature Variation between 7℃ and 28℃. 14 isolates of Botrytis cinerea were isolated from Jiangyin of Jiangsu Province in 2002. Two phenotypes were identified when the isolates were tested for sensitivity to carbendazim and diethofencarb. 2 of the isolates showed phenotype of MBCSNPCHRand other 12 isolates showed MBCHRNPCS. 17 C.gloeosporiodies isolates were isolated from Yancheng of Jiangsu Province in 2001. Three phenotypes were identified when tested for sensitivity to carbendazim and
    diethofencarb. One of these isolates showed MBC NPC , another showed carbendazim-low-resistance and diethofencarb-resistance (MBCLRNPCR) and other 80 isolates showed MBCSNPCHR.
    In this study, the whole β-tubulin genes were amplified from F.graminearum, S.sclerotiorum and B.cinerea using three pairs of chemic primers synthesized to conserved sequences of the P -tubulin gene derived from related fungi. Partical sequence of P -tubulin gene from C. gloeosporiod
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