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The paper makes an approach to the contemporary Taiwan novelists and their creation from the perspective of their historical development, the orientation of their values as well as their literary creation in comparison with that of the Mainland women novelists. According to their literary creation, Taiwan novelists can be classified as School of Looking for the Roots, Taiwan Local School, Neo-Realistic School, and they are different in creative style. Among the novelists in question are Su Xuelin, Xie Binying, Lin Haiyin, who came to Taiwan from Mainland and began to be recognized in the 1950's and who carried forward the "Spirit of the May 4th" and wrote about women's enlightenment and struggle against the conventions; Yu Lihua, Nie Hualin, Qiong Yao and San Mao, who were influenced by the ideological trends of modern western literature and the philosophy of Existence as well as Freud's theory of pansexualism and combined Chinese value with that of the West during 1960's, a time of rebellion; Li Ang, Zhu Xiuquan and Zeng Xinyi, who fell into the school of neo-realism of 1970's , a time a of awakening when Taiwan underwent a social change with the rapid development of economy and active women's liberation; Zhang Man Juan, Lu Xiulian, who broke away from the conventions and advocated feminism during 1980's, a time of booming. These novelists as a whole, with "love and marriage" and "women's liberation" as their subject matter, depicted women's strong awareness of individual values. With the variety of the expressions and the expansion of the subject matter they created "Feminine images" and classified the women's awareness. The paper also gives a brief introduction of the works of these novelists of different schools so as to approach the sources of the literary creation and the aesthetic value.
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