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With economic globalization, civil aviation industry is playing more important role in world economy. At present, large-scale and multi-function has become a main trend of the main airports in metropolitan areas. Under this background, it is necessary to do some research about the functions of these "mega-airports" , and how to deal with the relationship between mega-airports and metropolis/regions, as well as how to provide more convenient service chains for passengers by providing ground access service.
     In the process of economic development, some metropolitan areas have emerged usually with one or more central cities and the catchments cities. Thus, the airports in central cities have some obvious characteristics, such as high patronage, strong regional radiation ability, and more urban functions, etc. Based on these new development trends and changes, the paper makes a detailed analysis on mega-airport functions, discusses the consequent new problems and impacts on the traditional planning. Then, the paper focuses on the analysis of the ground-access network of mega-airports, and makes a deep study from two aspects: the first is the ground-access mode choice and basic network, the second is the airport Ground Transportation Center (GTC).
     Firstly, according to some relevant case studies, this paper analyses and summarizes the development modes, characteristics and reasons of the mega-airport ground-access networks in Europe, US and Asia by using the method of comparative analysis, and proposes some basic network modes of the ground accesses, including the network connecting the city centers, radiating to the regional area and linking to the catchments areas. Then the paper proposes the development mode of the mega-airport ground-access network suitable to our country.
     Secondly, the paper discusses the features and functions of GTC as a specific terminal, and lists several layout mode options of GTC and applicable conditions. Furthermore, the paper brings up guidelines and related countermeasures as well as supporting basis for the planning of the specific GTC.
     Finally, considering the conditions of Pudong Airport, the paper has made some empirical researches on the ground-access network and Ground Transportation Center of Pudong Airport, and analyses the planning concept and development strategy of the ground access and the GTC to verify relevant concepts and methods applied in the planning of Pudong Airport.
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