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原发性胆汁性肝硬化(primary biliary cirrhosis, PBC)是一种以肝内胆管上皮细胞损伤为主要特征的慢性、自身免疫性、胆汁淤积性肝病。该病以中老年女性多发,病因和发病机制尚不完全清楚。大量证据表明,PBC是以遗传为基础,由遗传和环境相互作用而产生的。一些临床和流行病学研究提示,泌尿道感染等因素可能与PBC的发病密切相关,是PBC发病的危险因素,但现有的研究结果并不完全一致,甚至个别研究的结果截然相反。因此,关于泌尿道感染与PBC的关系有待进一步确认。
     如果能够证实泌尿道感染是PBC的一个病因,而PBC又是发生肝癌的高危因素,那么感染在PBC向肝硬化、肝癌发展过程中的具体作用机制就是一个急需解决的问题。有研究提示,PBC患者肝内胆管上皮细胞(intrahepatic biliary epithelialcells,IBECs)TLR4表达明显上调,可能参与PBC的发病。泌尿道感染主要是革兰阴性细菌,其主要成分为脂多糖(LPS)。因此,我们有理由推测,LPS-TLR4通路在PBC向肝硬化、肝癌发展过程中具有重要作用。
     经过筛查鉴定,我们纳入5篇相关的文献进行系统评价和荟萃分析。5篇文献均为英文文献,包含1913例PBC患者和4697例健康对照。5项研究均涉及吸烟与PBC的相关性,4项研究涉及泌尿道感染与PBC的相关性,3项研究涉及家族史和甲状腺疾病与PBC的相关性,2项研究涉及饮酒、染发、扁桃体切除手术、怀孕年龄、激素治疗、银屑病、类风湿性关节炎和湿疹与PBC的相关性。荟萃分析结果显示,泌尿道感染、吸烟和家族史与PBC的发生密切相关,泌尿道感染患者患PBC的危险度OR=2.02(95%CI:1.4-2.65);吸烟患PBC的危险度OR=1.67(95%CI:1.41-1.92);具有PBC家族史人群患PBC的危险度OR=7.56(95%CI:1.9-13.22)。而甲状腺疾病与PBC的发病没有显著相关性OR=3.08(95%CI:0.84-5.32)。为进一步确认研究结果的稳定性,我们对纳入的研究进行了出版偏倚评价。Egger检验和Begger s funnel图分析结果均表明,纳入的研究不存在出版偏倚,提示研究结果还是比较稳定的。这部分研究结果提示,泌尿道感染是PBC的一个重要病因。
     为进一步阐明TLR4通路异常活化在PBC进展过程中作用机制,我们拟在本部分研究中体外培养肝内胆管上皮细胞,利用刮痕实验、趋化实验、细胞免疫化学、实时荧光定量PCR、MyD88及Snail小干扰RNA、抑制剂阻断、Western blot、萤光素酶报告等实验方法深入探讨LPS-TLR4信号通路活化对肝内胆管上皮细胞EMT的诱导作用及其具体分子机制。结果显示10ug/ml LPS刺激肝内胆管上皮细胞24小时后,细胞迁移明显高于对照组,经过Transwell小室迁移的细胞数为110.4±9.17,明显高于对照组(75.8±7.78),差异均有统计学意义(P<0.01)。RT-PCR结果显示,10ug/ml,50ug/ml及100ug/ml LPS作用24小时,与对照组比较,E-钙粘蛋白基因表达明显降低,S100A4基因表达明显升高,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01),细胞免疫化学结果显示10ug/ml LPS作用24小时,E-钙粘蛋白表达明显降低,S100A4蛋白表达明显升高。转染MyD88SiRNA后,经10ug/ml LPS刺激24h,刮痕实验显示细胞迁移相对距离明显低于单独LPS刺激组,Transwell小室实验结果显示迁移细胞数为85.6±8.97,明显低于LPS刺激组,且转染MyD88SiRNA组与单独加入LPS组比较,E-钙粘蛋白基因和蛋白表达明显升高,S100A4基因和蛋白表达明显降低,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)。
     应用抑制剂PDTC、SB203580及SP600125预刺激后加入10ug/ml LPS刺激24小时,与单独加入LPS组比较,E-钙粘蛋白基因表达明显增高,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01);抑制剂SB203580预刺激后,S100A4及Snail基因表达比单独加LPS组明显降低,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01),各组Slug基因表达无明显变化。
     经10ug/ml LPS刺激24小时后,转染Snail SiRNA组E-钙粘蛋白基因表达比未转染组明显增高,S100A4基因表达比未转染组明显降低,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)。萤光素酶报告实验结果显示10ug/ml LPS刺激转染野生型载体的肝内胆管上皮细胞,相对萤光值比对照组显著升高,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01),加入AP-1抑制剂100uM6-姜酚后,相对萤光值明显降低,而转染突变型载体组差异无明显变化。
Primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC) is a chronic progressive, autoimmune, cholestatic liverdisease of unknown etiology and pathogenesis, characterized by inflammatory destructionof intrahepatic bile ducts, which predominantly affects middle aged women. A large ofevidence indicated that urinary tract infection (UTI), as a risk factor, may be associatedwith PBC development. However, so far, the results have remained inconclusive.Therefore, the association between them needs to be further confirmed.
     Without question, the majority of PBC patients may develop to liver fibrosis andcirrhosis in final. However, it remained controversial whether PBC can increase the risk ofliver cancer. The differences noted between the studies may be explained partially by themethodology, sample sizes, statistical power, and so on. Evidence-based study can be usedto assess all the published studies by the systematic review and meta-analysis, which canprovide high-level and believable evidence for the clinics. However, by far, there has beenno evidence-based study on the association between PBC and the risk of liver cancer.
     If UTI was proved to be a risk factor of PBC development, which can increase the riskof liver cancer, the detailed mechanism of UTI in progression of PBC to liver cirrhosis orcancer should be explored as soon as possible. It has been revealed that the TLR4expression is significantly upregulated on the intrahepatic biliary epithelial cells (IBECs)from PBC patients, which suggested that TLR4may play a role in the pathogenesis of PBC.UTI was mainly caused by Gram-negative bacteria, the most components of which is LPS.Accordingly, we can propose that LPS-TLR4signaling pathway man play an importantrole in the progression of PBC to liver cirrhosis and cancer.
     To confirm the above speculation, we have conducted studies as follows:1) to confirmthe association between UTI and PBC development by evidence-based method;2) toconfirm if PBC is a high risk factor for liver cancer by evidence-based method;3). toexplore the association between the expression of TLR4and EMT and the clinicalsignificance in PBC;4) to explore the detailed mechanism by which LPS-TLR4inducedIBEC EMT, which is a critical step of PBC to liver fibrosis and cirrhosis.
     Part1Evidence-based study on the risk factors for primary biliarycirrhosis
     We performed the published work search using PubMed, EMBASE, the CochraneLibrary and China National Knowledge Infrastructure. Reports fulfilling the followinginclusion criteria were included in the meta-analysis:(1) Observational studies that reported the relative risk (RR) or odds ratio (OR) with95%confidence interval;(2)case-control and cohort studies published as original articles;(3) independent studieswithout repeat reports on the same population or subpopulation. Based on fixed-orrandom-effects model, the meta-analysis was carried out to explore the associationbetween various risk factors and PBC development.
     After screening and identification, a total of5studies were included in the finalsystematic review and meta-analysis. All of the included studies were in English, involving1913PBC cases and4697controls. The association of PBC with smoking was reported inall of these five publications, with UTI in four, with family history of PBC and thyroiddisease in three, and with alcohol intake, hair dye, tonsillectomy, age of pregnancy,hormone therapy, psoriasis, eczema and rheumatoid arthritis in only two. The results ofmeta-analysis showed UTI, smoking, and family history of PBC may be risk factors for thedevelopment of PBC, with a pooled OR of2.02(95%CI=1.40–2.65),1.67(95%CI=1.41–1.92) and7.56(95%CI=1.90–13.22) respectively. The pooled OR for thyroiddisease was3.08(95%CI=0.84–5.32). To further confirm the stability of the results, weperformed the evaluation on publication bias of included studies. No evidence forpublication bias was found for any of these four factors by means of Begger and Eggertests, which indicated that the results were stable.
     Part2Evidence-based study on the association between PBC and livercancer
     To confirm whether PBC is a vital risk factor for the development of liver cancer, wecarried out a systematic review and meta-analysis to explore the association between PBCand the development of liver cancer. A literature search of the Pubmed, EMBASE and theCochrane Library was conducted and studies fulfilling the following inclusion criteria wereincluded in the meta-analysis:1) a cohort or case-control design;2) PBC as one of theexposure interests;3) cancer as one of the outcome of interests;4) rate ratio, hazard ratioor standardized incidence rate (SIR) with their95%CIs (or data to calculate them)available;5) independent studies. In case of multiple reports on the same population orsubpopulation, we included only data from the recent or the most complete studies with thelargest numbers of cases and controls.
     Of3510publications identified,16publications involving17studies which met theinclusion criteria were included in the systematic review and meta-analysis. Notably, therewas one publication which involved two cohort studies, one for Spanish patients and the other for Italian. The17studies involved a total of16368PBC patients. Nine studies wereconducted for relative risk of overall malignancy,12for hepatocellular carcinoma,9forbreast cancer,5for kidney cancer, and5for colon cancer. The results of overallmalignancy showed that the pooled RR with95%CI was1.55(95%CI,1.28-1.83) in arandom-effect model for PBC patients compared with general population, indicating thatPBC patients have a55%increased risk for overall cancer. The pooled RR of liver cancerwith95%CI was18.80(95%CI,10.81-26.79) for PBC patients compared with generalpopulation. When conducting subgroup meta-analyses by these factors, PBC still remainedsignificantly associated with an increased risk of HCC in various subgroup-analyses withthe exception of two, one for the studies in the USA population (pooled RR23.88,95%CI,-9.14-56.89), and the other for the population-based studies (pooled RR8.61,95%CI,-4.18-21.40), which might result from too small number of studies (only three studies foreach subgroup) with significant heterogeneity. In addition, the results of meta-analysisabout the association of PBC with risks of other cancers indicated that PBC was not withincreased risk of breast cancer, kidney cancer, etc. For breast cancer, we also conductedsubgroup-analyses by region, case ascertainment, type of effect size and age. The resultsshowing no significant association with increased risk of breast cancer did not change invarious subgroups.
     The results in this part indicated that PBC, as a high risk factor, is significantlyassociated with increased risk of liver cancer. Since EMT plays a key role in liver fibrosiswhich is an important cause for liver cancer, we will explore, in Part3and4, the detailedmechanisms by which EMT of IBEC is induced by LPS-TLR4signaling pathway.Part3Expression of TLR4and EMT-related proteins and their clinicalsignificance in PBC patients
     To further explore the role of TLR4and IBEC EMT with the progression of PBC toliver fibrosis, as well as correlation between TLR4and EMT in PBC progression,immunohistochemical method was used to detect the expression of TLR4and EMT-relatedproteins in portal IBECs from PBC liver specimens in this part. A total of11samples fromliver biopsy of PBC patients were collected, of whom2patients were in histological stage1,3in stage2,2in stage3and4in stage4. Additionally,5specimens, as normal controls,were collected from liver biopsy of donors.
     Immunohistochemistry was used to detect the expression of CK19, TLR4, E-cadherinand vimentin in IBECs. The results showed that CK19was detected in IBECs of both PBC patients and normal controls. The level of CK19in IBECs was significantly decreased withthe progression of PBC histological stages. TLR4and vimentin were hardly detected inIBECs of normal controls. In contrast, TLR4and vimentin were detected respectively in28.6%and30.0%of IBECs of PBC patients with histological stage1, in41.6%and40.1%with stage2,64.0%and73.7%with stage3and73.1%and77.0%with stage4.Furthermore, the results showed significant differences of TLR4and vimentin expressionin IBECs between any two groups of PBC patients with different stages (P=0.001), exceptbetween PBC patients with stage1and stage2as well as stage3and stage4. E-cadherinwas detected in almost all of IBECs of normal individuals. However, its expression wassignificantly decreased in PBC patients. It was detected in84%of IBECs of PBC patientswith histological stage1, in48.1%with stage2, in23%with stage3and19%with stage4.The results showed significant differences of E-cadherin expression in IBECs between anytwo groups of PBC patients with different stages(P=0.001), except between PBC patientswith stage1and normal controls as well as stage3and stage4. Furthermore, PBC patientsshowed significantly inverse correlation between TLR4and E-cadherin(rs=-0.927,P<0.01), positive correlation between TLR4and vimentin (rs=0.918,P<0.01) and inversecorrelation between E-cadherin and vimentin (rs=-0.918,P<0.01).
     Collectively, the expression of IBEC TLR4is significantly upregulated in PBCpatients. Furthermore, the expression is increased significantly with advanced fibrosis ofPBC. Also, the downregulation of E-cadherin and upregulation of vimentin in PBCpatients is significantly associated with fibrosis severity of PBC. These results suggestedthat EMT of IBEC may occur in the progression of PBC to liver fibrosis and may haveclose association with TLR4.
     Then, can TLR4signaling pathway induce EMT of IBEC in the progression of PBC?What are detailed mechanisms? These questions will be explored in vitro in Part4.
     Part4Mechanisms of the role of TLR4signaling pathway in EMT ofIBEC
     To further clarify the detailed mechanisms of abnormal activation of TLR4signalingpathway in PBC progression, IBEC culture, scratching assay, motility assay, cellularimmunochemistry, real-time RT-PCR, siRNA, inhibitors, western blot, luciferase reportassay, etc. were used to explore the role of TLR4signaling pathway in IBEC EMT as wellas its detailed mechanisms. The results indicated that cell motility was significantly fasterand the numbers of migrating cells through Transwell chamber were significantly more (110.4±9.17)24hours after stimulation by LPS, compared with controls (P<0.01). TheRT-PCR results showed that the expression of E-cadherin gene was significantly decreased24hours after stimulation respectively by10ug/ml,50ug/ml and100ug/ml of LPS, butS100A4increased (P<0.01).Cellular immunochemistry showed the same results.
     The motility of IBECs with MyD88SiRNA silence was significantly slower than thatwithout MyD88SiRNA silence24hours after stimulation by10ug/ml of LPS. The numberof migrating cells through Transwell chamber was significantly smaller in IBECs withMyD88SiRNA silence than those without MyD88SiRNA silence24hours afterstimulation by10ug/ml of LPS. Also, E-cadherin level was significantly increased, butS100A4decreased, in IBECs with MyD88SiRNA silence than those without MyD88SiRNA silence24hours after stimulation by10ug/ml of LPS.
     The expression of E-cadherin gene was significantly increased in IBECs withpretreatment by PDTC, SB203580and SP600125compared with those withoutpretreatment24hours after stimulation by10ug/ml of LPS (P<0.01). In contrast, theexpression levels of S100A4gene and Snail gene were significantly decreased in IBECspretreated by SB203580than not24hours after stimulation by10ug/ml of LPS (P<0.01).
     The expression of E-cadherin gene was significantly increased in IBECs with SnailSiRNA silence than in those without, but S100A4decreased,24hours after stimulation by10ug/ml of LPS (P<0.01).The luciferase report assay showed that RLU value wassignificantly increased in IBECs transfected by wild-type vector after stimulation by10ug/ml of LPS (P<0.01). However, the RLU value became decreased after addition of100uM6-Gingerol which is the inhibitor of AP-1. In contrast, the change of RLU valuewas not significant when IBECs were transfected by mutant vector.
     This part demonstrated that LPS can induce IBEC EMT byTLR4-MyD88-P38-AP1-Snail pathway. The present study provided a possible explanationfor the mechanisms of the progression of PBC to liver fibrosis and cirrhosis and a potentialtarget for further exploring how the process of PBC to liver fibrosis can be inversed.
     In summary, the above four parts of study demonstrated a possible mechanism of PBCdevelopment and progression as follows: urinary tract infection-LPS-abnormal activationof TLR4signaling pathway-IBEC EMT-liver fibrosis and cirrhosis-liver cancer.
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