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With the rapid development and the wide application of the BPM and information technologies, the theories of the BPM and its application research have become hot problems in the field of management science. Based on a large number of research references and the background of provincial telecom enterprise application of the BPM, the development of the BPM, the conforming BPM for customer service, the process modeling, the process optimizing, the management mechanism, and various BPM application systems were deeply researched. The main contents of this thesis are as follows.
     1. The business process attributes of customer service relativity and resource carrier relativity were defined. And the relationship between business process time-effect and customer-service was explained. By using theories of BSC, CRM, BPM, and ITLE, we analyzed multiple factors such as customer, strategy, service, business process, project, performance, resource, information technology, etc. The COSPRI model was constructed oriented customer-service, life-cycle management and the conforming BPM. The business process life-cycle included seven processes such as strategy, design, disposition, execution, controlling, optimization, and termination. Based on the COSPRI model, an evaluation algorithm of supporting degree on realizing strategy objectives was presented.
     2. A business process modeling method was put forward, which was based on customer-service and multi-dimensional objects associated. The three-unification and three-separation principle for process modeling basic management was reviewed, including uniform process system frame, uniform modeling standard, uniform IT supporting, hierarchizing management, grouping management and zoning management. The Y2SOA model which supported the standard and flexible business process was established. It could increase the business agility though combining the process customer service and IT system application service.
     3. The business process knowledge service concept and service framework were presented. A business process knowledge warehouse was defined. And Several Service applications were discussed, such as the process issuing and querying service for various users, process management file compiling service, and associated resource analysis service with process and IT system.
     4. From the view of customer service, the process model of process analysis, mining and optimizing based on ODS was formulated. The process performance optimizing method based on COSPRI model was put forward, and the process service innovating method based on process mining was advanced as well. The applications of the two methods were conducted.
     5. The six-level BPM maturity model and four policies of the BPM were presented. To maintain the BPM durative progress, the proposals of organization and position roles for the BPM are put forward.
     6. The application project of the BPM in provincial telecom enterprise was carried out, and the proposed models and methods were verified. Good practical effects were obtained.
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