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投资组合选择和期权定价是现代数理金融理论的两大研究主题,经典投资组合选择问题的研究通常建立在Markowitz均值-方差或von Neumann-Morgenstern期望效用框架下,探讨风险厌恶投资者的理性最优投资行为;而经典期权定价问题的研究则是利用无套利定价原理,探讨合理的期权价格.
     本文将利用鞅方法和随机控制理论从不同的角度对这两个问题展开讨论,一方面在非von Neumann-Morgenstern期望效用理论框架下,研究“非理性”投资者的最优投资行为;另一方面将投资问题与期权定价问题建立在一个模型框架下.同时分析投资者的最优股票、期权投资以及期权定价问题.
Portfolio selection and option pricing are the main research topics in mod-ern mathematical finance. The classical portfolio selection theories are generally established in the framework of Markowitz's mean-variance or von Neumann-Morgenstern's expected utility where the rational optimal investment behaviors for risk averse investors are investigated. Then, the classical option pricing the-ory is mainly focused on obtaining reasonable option price by applying the no-arbitrage principle.
     This dissertation is devoted to the further development of them from different aspects. On the one hand, the optimal investment for "irrational" investors is investigated for non-expected utility via the martingale approaches. On the other hand, by employing the stochastic dynamic programming techniques, we study the pricing of options written on non-traded assets and dynamic trading strategies for stocks and options.
     Firstly, we consider the optimal portfolio selection models for loss averse investors. In section2.1, we study a general dynamic portfolio selection model for loss-averse investors with wealth constraints in a complete market. By applying the martingale methods, we derive the optimal terminal wealth of the investors with or without the benchmark floor constraints. Simultaneously, the existence and uniqueness of the corresponding Lagrange multiplier are proved. We analyze the properties of these solutions, and compare them to that of the general risk averse investors. In section2.2and2.3, the similar problems are analyzed subtly in the incomplete market and jump-diffusion market, respectively.
     Secondly, we investigate the optimal portfolio selection model with VaR con-straint in the framework of RDEU. Via the quantile formulation approach, the optimal terminal wealth is obtained. An example is presented to obtain the opti- mal wealth processes and the investment strategies.
     Lastly, we construct a model for pricing of options written on non-traded assets and trading strategies. Suppose the stock and option can be continuously traded without friction. Under the exponential utility maximization criterion, a relation between the optimal positions for the stock and option is derived by using the stochastic dynamic programming techniques. The dynamic option pricing-equations are also established. In particular, the properties of the associated solutions are discussed and their explicit representations are demonstrated using the Feynman-Kac formula. We further compares the equilibrium price to the existing price notions, such as the marginal price and indifference price.
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