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Business valuation is the important and necessary way for capital marketparticipants to realize the true corporate value in various economic activities, such asfirms' initial public offering, investing, mergers and acquisitions, value-basedmanagement and so on. The business valuation method system, which mainlyincludes the market approach, income approach and cost approach, has been graduallyfounded in the long-term valuation practice. However, in 1980s-1990s, the structureof social productivity began to transfer from industry-driven economy to informationor knowledge-driven economy. Knowledge is viewed as the fourth factor ofproduction besides land, labor and financial capital, and plays a more and moreessential and vital role. For firms, intellectual capital, which is the aggregation ofintangible and knowledgeable items, has already become not only the core factor inbusiness operation, but also the driver in corporate value creation. But current mainbusiness valuation methods were developed in the industry era and designed based onthe understanding about the value creating activities of physical capital, e.g. land,labor and money capital, and ignore the value creating role of intellectual capital,can't meet the great change of value driver from traditional physical capital tointellectual capital. Although some recent studies attempted to reflect the valuecreating contribution of intellectual capital in business valuation models, the researchis still in fancy and has severe limitations: not only incapable of truly and reasonablyreflecting the contribution of intellectual capital to corporate value, but also short ofpracticability. So the research on how to incorporate intellectual capital in thebusiness valuation framework to develop a practical valuation approach which cansystematically and fully reflect the contribution of intellectual capital in value creationhas both the theoretical and realistic significances. It can not only cover the shortageof the valuation method which can reflect the value-creating role of intellectual capital,enrich and extend current business valuation method system, but also help firmmanagers, investors and appraisers to thoroughly realize the true value creating abilityand contribution of intellectual capital in valuation practice.
     This dissertation firstly reviews the basic concept, elements and principalmeasurement methods of intellectual capital, the theoretical basis of value creation ofintellectual capital and recent research about the value creating mechanism ofintellectual capital. Then the author analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of thetraditional valuation approaches, i.e. cost approach, market approach and incomeapproach, and the studies that tried to incorporate intellectual capital in the businessvaluation model in detail. The author finds that disability of fully and accuratelyreflecting the value creating contribution of intellectual capital in the former researchresults from the shortage of in-depth understanding about the micro value creatingmechanism of intellectual capital and its characteristics. Starting with the commondrawback of former research, this dissertation systematically discusses the valuecreating mechanism of intellectual capital and its characteristics in the view ofcorporate intrinsic value, and further explores the factors that would hinder the regularworking of the mechanism. Based on the understanding of value creating mechanismof intellectual capital and its characteristics, the author introduces the concept of valuecreation function and the gentle idea of valuing firms using value creation function.Further more, the dissertation proposes a detailed valuation process framework: basedon the hypotheses of efficient capital market and similar value creating mode ofcomparable companies, one can derive the value creation function by estimating andcomparing several econometric models and then substitute the actual factor input dataof the target company into the estimated value creating function to get the valueestimate of target company. Finally, the dissertation empirically investigates thefeasibility of the proposed valuation idea and process using a sample of listedcompanies in Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Exchanges, and finally finds theconvincing and supporting evidence.
     There are four main innovations in the view of theory. 1. The dissertation findsthat the shortage of fully understanding about the micro value creating mechanism ofintellectual capital and the mismatching of valuation model specification and valuecreating mechanism result in disability of reasonably reflecting the value creatingcontribution of intellectual capital in the valuation models proposed by former research. 2. In comparison with the former research, the dissertation systematicallyanalyzes and concludes the micro value creating mechanism of intellectual capital andits characteristics in the view of corporate intrinsic value. 3. The author introduces theconcept of value creation function, and discusses the possible function forms. 4. Theauthor proposes the gentle idea of valuing business using value creation function andthe detailed valuation process. The dissertation also uses the newly developed clusteranalysis technique and econometric methods as empirical tools: 1. The author adoptsthe modern cluster analysis technique, e.g. self-organizing tree algorithm,model-based agglomerative hierarchical clustering and self-organizing feature map,and cluster validity indicators to derive the best clustering result. This conquers therough application of cluster analysis technique in valuation before. 2. The dissertationestimates the value creation function by using the multivariate adaptive regressionspline model and median regression model which haven't been applied in businessvaluation.
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