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     去势7天后,进行动物处理,即分别灌以不同剂量浓度的鹿皮胶、丙酸睾丸酮、生理盐水,处理十天。处死大鼠,剪取其睾丸、阴茎、精液囊-前列腺称重并计算器官指数;采用全自动微粒子化学发光检测血清睾酮(T,testosterone)、促黄体生成素(LH,luteinizing hormone)和雌二醇( E2,estradiol )含量;分离阴茎海绵体,检测其中一氧化氮合酶(eNOS,endothelial nitric oxide synthase)和磷酸二酯酶( PDE-5,phosphodiesterase-5 )含量变化。实验所测数据以平均数±标准差的形式表示,运用SPSS18.0分析数据,以T检测比较实验组和对照组参数。结果:1.血清激素含量变化:
     大鼠经去势后,血清睾酮、促黄体生成素含量显著降低,而雌二醇含量升高。去势组服用鹿皮胶后,血清睾酮(0.6±0.24mg/ml)、促黄体生成素(0.23±0.13mIU/ml)相对于去势对照组(0.3±0.22 mg/ml;0.14±0.13 mIU/ml)均有极显著提高(P>0.01)。正常大鼠各组中,低剂量组血清睾酮(2.26±1.08 mg/ml)、促黄体生成素含量(0.31±0.19 mIU/ml)与对照组(2.53±0.4 mg/ml; 0.14±0.01mIU/ml)差异不显著,而中剂量组(4.03±0.43 mg/ml;0.53±0.13 mIU/ml)、高剂量(4.97±1.87 mg/ml;0.53±0.13 mIU/ml)组相对于对照组则有极显著提高(P>0.01)。2.器官指数变化:
     去势模型建立后大鼠的阴茎指数、精液囊-前列腺指数均显著下降。去势组服用鹿皮胶后,附性器官指数相对于去势对照组有所上升,但是不具有显著性差异。正常大鼠服用鹿皮胶后,与空白对照组相比,附性器官指数也有所提高,但是仅仅高剂量组精液囊-前列腺指数(6.99±0.86(mg/g))相对于空白对照组(5.85±1.12(mg/g))有显著差异( P < 0.01),其他均无统计学差异性。3.一氧化氮合酶、磷酸二酯酶含量表达变化:
     Deer skin glue was prepared as described previously in the patent, and theninvestigated effects of deer skin glue on sexual hormones, sexual organ index andendothelial nitric oxide synthase and phosphodiesterase-5 expressions in castrated andnormal rats.Methods:
     Deer skin glue was prepared. Forty-two male Wistar rats were randomized intoseven groups, two castrated groups (C2,L0) and five normal groups (C1,L1,L2,L3andA). The rats from castrated groups were underwent bilateral orchiectomy. One weekafter surgery, the rats were treated with normal water (groups C1and C2), oral deerskin glue (0.1g/[kg·day] for L1 group, 0.2 g/[kg·day] for L2 and L0 groups and 0.4g/[kg·day] for L3group) and intramuscular injection of Testosterone Propinas (5mg/[kg·day] for A group) for ten days. 24hours after the treatment, the weight of testis,penis, seminal vesicle-prostate, sexual hormones including serum testosterone(T) andluteinizing hormone (LH),the expressions of eNOS and PDE5 were evaluated.
     SPSS18.0 was used for the statistical assay. T-test was used to compare theexperimental and control groups. All the data were expressed as a mean±standarddeviation (SD) .Results:
     1) Sexual Hormones Assay
     The mean levels of testosterone and luteinizing hormone descreaced significantly incastrated rats,while fed with deer skin glue, the mean level of testosterone(0.6±0.24mg/ml) and the level of LH (0.23±0.13mIU/ml) increased significantly(P>0.01) coparing with the level of rats (0.3±0.22 mg/ml;0.14±0.13 mIU/ml) fromgroup C2.
     In group L1, the levels of testosterone and luteinizing hormone were0.6±0.24mg/ml and 0.23±0.13mIU/ml. There was no significance with control group(0.3±0.22 mg/ml;0.14±0.13 mIU/ml). However, it was of statistical significances ingroup L2(4.03±0.43 mg/ml;0.53±0.13 mIU/ml) and L3 (4.97±1.87 mg/ml;0.53±0.13 mIU/ml)(P>0.01).
     2) Sexual Organ Index Assay
     The penis index, seminal vesicle and prostate index decreased after the bilateralorchiectomy, The index increased when the rat given deer skin glue, though there wasnot statistical significance. At the same time, the sexual organ index of the normal ratsgiven deer skin glue increased too, but it was of statistical significance only inseminal vesicle and prostate index (the mean value was 6.99±0.86(mg/g) in rats fromL3,comparing with the mean value was 5.85±1.12(mg/g) in rats from C1; P < 0.01).
     3) Effects of Deer Skin Glue on eNOS and PDE5 Expressions
     The expressions of eNOS and PDE5 in the rats uderwent bilateral orchiectomydecreased a lot , while fed with deer skin glue, the expression of eNOS (0.29±0.09)and PDE5 (0.24±0.04) recovered markedly (P>0.05) compared with that in C2 (0.21±0.04; 0.2±0.03).
     In normal groups, the eNOS expression increased significantly compared withcontrol group ( 0.58±0.16) (0.76±0.09 in group L1, P>0.05; 0.79±0.17, in groupL2 and 0.86±0.18 in L3, P>0.01). While the PDE5 expressions increased remarkably(P>0.01) in all groups fed with deer skin glue(0.63±0.11 in group L1; 0.9±0.26 ingroup L2; 1.04±0.05 in group L3) compared with control group (0.4±0.01).Discussions:
     The levels of sexual hormones could be increased, the expressions of eNOS andPDE5 could be enhanced, and the sexual organ index could be enhanced in bothnormal rats and castrated rats fed with deer skin glue. It implyed that deer skin gluemay have aphrodisiac function.
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